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Suggestions to Save Derby County


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Anyone in the right line of work able to describe to those that aren’t at what level of rent it would need to be to make sound business sense (stadium rent back) for the kind of figures we are talking?

With interest rates being so low, then if it is a better figure (ROI) than in bank (or other investment options) then it presumably should be ok for fans or non fans.


Edited by Dean (hick) Saunders
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Time for the fans to own the stadium?

C'mon someone start a crowd funder? once Jack thingymabob, George Clooney, One Direction, Robert Lindsay, Bloke off Tiswas, and all the other super rich supporters put in some cash, we can then all add in what we can afford, and we'll soon have the 20 Million quid or enough for a new strip for next season, so we all have something to wear for our summer holidays.

And the so called life long fan (biggest joke of this whole shirade) can invest his 20 Million quid or our 20 Million quid into something else that he makes out he is a life long fan of, (corruption?) and we all live happily ever after.

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3 minutes ago, Bald Eagle's Barmy Army said:

Duck the stadium, just play behind closed doors at Moor Farm until it gets sorted and leave Mel with a 30k stadium and see what use he gets. 

Id rather ground share with Alfreton Town and watch it on Rams TV 

I much rather go thankyou very much

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19 minutes ago, Inverurie Ram said:

Time for the fans to own the stadium?

C'mon someone start a crowd funder? once Jack thingymabob, George Clooney, One Direction, Robert Lindsay, Bloke off Tiswas, and all the other super rich supporters put in some cash, we can then all add in what we can afford, and we'll soon have the 20 Million quid or enough for a new strip for next season, so we all have something to wear for our summer holidays.

And the so called life long fan (biggest joke of this whole shirade) can invest his 20 Million quid or our 20 Million quid into something else that he makes out he is a life long fan of, (corruption?) and we all live happily ever after.

Few of us keep mentioning this but would need Team Derby to back and set up to give credibility for larger donations. This would be perfect

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7 minutes ago, Bald Eagle's Barmy Army said:

Duck the stadium, just play behind closed doors at Moor Farm until it gets sorted and leave Mel with a 30k stadium and see what use he gets. 

Id rather ground share with Alfreton Town and watch it on Rams TV 

And generate no income, let’s get real. If we are going to become sustainable,  20,000 plus ticket sales and all the other match day spend will be an important part of this. Playing at Burton etc is a non starter, how many more times does it have to be said…

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1 minute ago, CBRammette said:

Few of us keep mentioning this but would need Team Derby to back and set up to give credibility for larger donations. This would be perfect

How often does Toyota sweat gets used it big space plus got a bar in it surely medium to small concerts that could be used for and still be used for football.

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1 minute ago, Jimbo Ram said:

And generate no income, let’s get real. If we are going to become sustainable,  20,000 plus ticket sales and all the other match day spend will be an important part of this. Playing at Burton etc is a non starter, how many more times does it have to be said…

I think sell 20 k season tickets easley.

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50 minutes ago, Dean (hick) Saunders said:

Anyone in the right line of work able to describe to those that aren’t at what level of rent it would need to be to make sound business sense (stadium rent back) for the kind of figures we are talking?

With interest rates being so low, then if it is a better figure (ROI) than in bank (or other investment options) then it presumably should be ok for fans or non fans.


A £20 million outlay for a £1m pa rent for a tenant one day a fortnight is good investment. Securing business rates on top even better. Then you have other users.. matchday franchisees, Greggs, Frank Warren but really that is tip of the iceberg. Plus a lot of potential. A no brainer for me especially as the Council can borrow money from Government.  

It really has nothing to do with Council spending budget because this isn't Council spending. 

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2 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

A £20 million outlay for a £1m pa rent for a tenant one day a fortnight is good investment. Securing business rates on top even better. Then you have other users.. matchday franchisees, Greggs, Frank Warren but really that is tip of the iceberg. Plus a lot of potential. A no brainer for me especially as the Council can borrow money from Government.  

It really has nothing to do with Council spending budget because this isn't Council spending. 

What's the day to day running costs for the stadium? I'm sure the £1m isn't pure profit. 

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Quite happy for Derby City Council to use taxpayers money to buy the football ground seeing as I don't live in the parish I don't give a monkeys if it affected other services but those whom it did affect might have a say so.

If I was asked to subsidise my local council buying the City Ground for example then would take great exception to this.

Why are we looking at creative solutions when the answer is quite clear - Morris has to do the decent thing to solve the mess he's created. 

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1 hour ago, GboroRam said:

I can't see the council buying the ground. What with the obscene amounts of money involved in football, it potentially looks a bit tone deaf to spend 8 figure sums helping out a football team at a time everyone has to tighten their belts. Plus every non-football fan will say it's a waste of taxpayers' money. 

But there are a lot of fans in Derby, who probably do not agree with what the council spend our money,on so I reckon at the end of the day its swings and roundabouts and don't forget the rams bring a lot of business into the city.

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6 minutes ago, Kathcairns said:

But there are a lot of fans in Derby, who probably do not agree with what the council spend our money,on so I reckon at the end of the day its swings and roundabouts and don't forget the rams bring a lot of business into the city.

What about residents of Derby whom have no affinity to watching football let alone their local team

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The amount of money the council has pissed up the wall on the A52 road widening and bridge plus the relentless "consultancies" on the Assembly Rooms, probably could have paid for the stadium alone with that. 

I have no problem Derby City Council buying the ground, but they'd probably end up buying Subway next door by mistake.  

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1 hour ago, Ramos said:

Isn’t it more about what the football club means economically for the city and the businesses that rely on the football club for business etc etc? If the council bought the ground that’s essentially what they are trying to save in the long run. 

Exactly. It didn't stop Manchester City Council or whatever they are called from owning the Etihad! 

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7 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

What about residents of Derby whom have no affinity to watching football let alone their local team

Nobody will totally agree on what our money is spent on, and they will get some income plus if we get the opportunity to buy it back in the future, seems ok to me.

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