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The Administration Thread


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20 minutes ago, Crewton said:

£82,000 isn't an excessive salary for a job based in central London which doesn't pay overtime, may involve allot of travelling, and which carries the risk of daily abuse, threats to life and limb, and even the occasional assassination, even if there are generous living expenses thrown in.

Where do I sign?

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4 minutes ago, Bris Vegas said:

Why aren’t Middlesbrough suing Aston Villa? The team who actually won the playoffs while failing FFP?


Because they'd actually be able to take them to court - we're in admin so that can't happen.

What do you think would happen to their claims in court? Hint  = ?

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4 minutes ago, Bald Eagle's Barmy Army said:

Because the EFL can't get involved with anything to do with a Premier League team. 

The question should be 'Why didn't Middlesbrough sue Derby in 2019'. The answer, because we didn't have a noose around our neck like we do now. 

This whole debacle is like 10 bullies at school picking on one lad and they think it's funny, until the lad shows up with Cobra Kai. 

You wouldn’t sue them via the EFL though so that wouldn’t matter. The EFL’s rule of its member clubs not suing each other is also helped by Villa being in the Prem, they’re not an EFL club.

We all know the real reason, it’s because they know they’d be laughed out of court.

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1 hour ago, Cool As Custard said:

This worries me 

The MP's won't really have a clue about the situation & will get fobbed off by Trevor Birch bulls**t

They'll come back and say they tried but we have to let the process play out

You can see it coming a mile off.....


It’s good news. The whole point is not for the MPs to get the EFL to settle today - they won’t - but to be part of the pressure ratcheting up on the EFL to get to the point of agreement.

So far the EFL have interfered in all the wrong places and not interfered when they should have done. They can’t ignore the MPs and won’t, especially when they know that an independent regulator, which they don’t want, is on the Government’s agenda. So MPs pressure on them is both uncomfortable for them and important for us.  They need to be encouraged to find solutions and that’s what the meeting will help to do.

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2 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

The admins have a legal duty to act in the interests of the creditor sand to avoid liquidation if they can.

Problems arise when different creditors disagree about what is best for them. 


Yeah, I get that.  But this new type of admin thing, that is supposedly designed to deal with cases like this where creditors don't agree, seems to have a bit of a loophole when applied to football clubs. I can't immediately think of another industry where a company could exit administration, but because of how they did it, be barred from their primary 'market'.  If a widget-maker comes out of admin, they can immediately just carry on selling widgets.  But that's clearly not the case here.  One (or more) of the creditors and/or interested parties seems to have the unilateral right to stop us playing in the Football League, thus rendering us effectively worthless as a company.

So the question is, could the admins just decide not to use this new admin tool (because it apparently doesn't work as intended in this case) without any blowback on themselves?  Is their legal duty fulfilled if they ultimately decide they cannot use this new tool and liquidate us?

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45 minutes ago, chipperram said:

We would also be able to sue EFL for the delta between what Shinnie was sold for and his true market value

Do you know if we’ve ever tried to assess values of players mid contract? A method that could somehow assign a true value. I’m surprised no-one has thought of it!

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10 minutes ago, ck- said:

Do you know if we’ve ever tried to assess values of players mid contract? A method that could somehow assign a true value. I’m surprised no-one has thought of it!

My alarm clock has just clicked to 6am and I'm hearing Sonny and Cher singing  'I Got You Babe' in my ears...

Edited by StarterForTen
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1 hour ago, duncanjwitham said:

I read that as him saying the EFL in their entirety choose to not look at the claims at all, not just that parry himself hadn't looked at them. Nobody vets them, approves them, or even checks if they're compliant with even the most basic of EFL rules.  Basically if 2 clubs have a dispute, the EFL stay neutral, say nothing and let a LAP sort it out. They're relying entirely on the cost of LAP hearings etc to deter frivolous claims.

Sounds like an alternate reality of utter stupidity 

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1 hour ago, PistoldPete said:

Not sure Rick Parry had the best of weekends answering Derby fans emails . Then opens the Daily  mail on Monday and finds Daily Mail saying several clubs could be suing the Efl.

Not going well for Efl at all.

I missed that what did it say?

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