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How's everyone feeling this morning?

Sheff Ram

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10 minutes ago, Ewe Ram said:

Disgusted at some fans really. How come trashing Caroline Flack was wrong, and look what that led to, and yet it’s perfectly fine to say what they like about Mel Morris? 
He’s human, he gambled and lost. 
If I lost one of my family I’d be devastated, if it was my money all gone I’d lose sleep, but over football? Not a chance. 

He’s still got 500 million in the bank; our football club doesn’t have a pot to piss in and will be in League 1 because of his actions so duck him - he deserves all the abuse he gets.

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I was mentally preparing for this moment. Saw it coming from when after fact we had to sell the ground for tens of millions to break even for one season, covid hit on top.

It turns out I hadn’t prepared me at all. It’s still hit me like a bus. I feel worse than last night.

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I've been a die hard Derby fan for 32 years. Nothing else in football mattered to me, not even England. Never bothered watching the CL or even MOTD, Derby was football and football was Derby in my world.


However,  after the absolute rollercoaster since being touted as the worst Premier League team in history, I thought things couldn't possibly get any worse, until now.


Cristiano Ronaldo to me is the greatest footballer to ever embrace a pitch, I shall be supporting him this year and him only. People can call people like me a glory hunter but you have to support things you believe in and unfortunately, the people in charge have stolen that from me.


I used to catch trains at the age of 15 with my mate who was the same age and we'd make the 5 hour journey from Cornwall to watch the Rams, it was an absolute pleasure. But last season and now has tarnished my love for the club. Its unforgiving and absolutely disgusting. I know I'll be back because Derby is in my heart, but for now,  the whole thing can F off.

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31 minutes ago, Brammie Steve said:

Excited at the prospect of seeing a resurgence of Derby County Football Club.

So many things have been shaken in the past year and there is a need to “Awake and strengthen that which remains.”

Fifty years ago we were the top team in the country.

Forty years ago Forest ruled the roost.

Recently our manager was the most successful player in England.

Forever changes…..that’s life!

Love the Revelatory reference!

Let’s look to the future!

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It may sound strange, but the points deduction is the thing I’m least worried about. I thought we may struggle this season, as did so many, so to see us with 7 points already has been a pleasant surprise.

I’m really worried about a couple of other things, namely players going forward and future embargo.

If reading everything correctly, there is a big chance that a fair few players will be sold for cash flow reasons, leaving an already threadbare squad looking like toilet paper. The only saving grace is that many of our squad were free agents anyway who had limited options.

Whats more, we will supposedly be under a 2 year embargo. This would mean we would have gone 3 (and a bit) years under embargo by the end. I’m assuming the 23 professionals rule will still apply, but that’s small consolation.

If Rooney walks, along with other staff, I’d expect Walsall to step in. His previous stint gives me hope. It was a better squad, but he turned us round and got us playing good football. He knows the kids we would have to use. Not worried (too much) about this.

It’s the years of hurt to come that I’m most worried about. The next few weeks and months are going to be rocky and will define our future. Let’s hope for decent new owners to come in (ala Leicester) and steady this ship.

I’m also excited to get to my first match of season today. Cheer the boys on and let them know that we’re sticking with this club. COYR

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35 minutes ago, David said:

I'm not convinced we will receive the full -21 deduction. -12 is a given, but with Mel out the picture, will the EFL drop all previous charges as we secure new ownership?

Reading the EFL's recent statement on Swindon Town:

An EFL Spokesperson said: “Whilst this decision relates to a period when the Club was under different ownership, the EFL has a responsibility to treat all cases of misconduct equally and has taken the appropriate course of action in line with its Regulations. 


This does for once make sense from the EFL, and whilst I admit to not reading through the pages of regulations, it's something I am holding on to as whilst -12 will be no easy feat to survive given the state of the squad, -21 would be simply impossible.

Having been under embargo for the best part of a year and a -12 points deduction, has the club not been punished enough now.

The clubs statement last night ended with what sounded like a plea to leave us be now, Mel's going, let the club rebuild.

Thats the thing that gets me … theres talk of a 2 year embargo … have we not served 18 months of that sentence already ???

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We should have gone down last season. We were saved by Marlon Pack.We have the record lowest points total in the premier league and now we’re going for the championship record too!

But TBH I’m bored of watching us play Middlesboro and Cardiff every blooming year. Maybe it will be refreshing to watch Lincoln and Shrewsbury for a change? Maybe that’s what our youngsters need to build confidence?

As fans (and that’s if we’re real fans) we owe it to ourselves to go and watch our team. I appreciate that’s not always financially possible, but we all want our team to enjoy success. Let’s get the stadium full and shout our team back to its former glories.

Those who choose this moment to walk away are no better than Mel Morris.


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12 minutes ago, Jayram said:

He’s still got 500 million in the bank; our football club doesn’t have a pot to piss in and will be in League 1 because of his actions so duck him - he deserves all the abuse he gets.

No he doesn’t. He deserves for people to be upset or disappointed but abuse is not right. If you can’t convey your feelings without abuse then it’s a poor show for an adult really. 

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26 minutes ago, Ewe Ram said:

Disgusted at some fans really. How come trashing Caroline Flack was wrong, and look what that led to, and yet it’s perfectly fine to say what they like about Mel Morris? 

People shouldn't say just what they like and abuse is not acceptable. However just criticism is surely acceptable. The club has been Morris's plaything and sadly his model of ownership has been seriously flawed, something some of us have been saying on here for years. He has been accountable only to himself and has failed because he has made countless wrong decisions , thinking that he knew best. Perhaps he was beguiled by the chance to mix with the stars of the game rather than focussing on club finances adequately. The seeds of our financial demise we there before the covid lockdown. 

If he has ill health I hope that is resolved but he will go down as the worst owner we have ever had. 

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MM still has a role to play in all this. I would imagine that he is one of the biggest creditors to the club. If this is the case, then if he's prepared to write off this debt, it could help smooth the way for new owners, but couldn't he have done this before?

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12 minutes ago, DavesaRam said:

Strangely I felt worse on the day that Clough and Taylor walked out. We were on the verge pf besting the world at that moment, and our chairman chucked it all away for issues of pride and ego.

So this is nowhere near as bad, even though our loss as fans will he huge

But after Clough and Taylor left we did go on to win the League again quite soon!  No such phoenix-like recovery this time.

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23 minutes ago, Duracell said:

I was mentally preparing for this moment. Saw it coming from when after fact we had to sell the ground for tens of millions to break even for one season, covid hit on top.

It turns out I hadn’t prepared me at all. It’s still hit me like a bus. I feel worse than last night.

Pretty sure though, that there are still people who think it was a clever move to do that.

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