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Jordon Ibe


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Just to echo the above comments really. It felt like a gamble but if it had worked then we'd have had an excellent player at this level in a position that we needed it. Shame.

Good luck for the future Jordon, hope you can find yourself a good place and I hope that whatever help you received at DCFC has put you on a better track.

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Good luck Jordan. 

Ultimately with the position we are in we cannot afford to be paying wages of players who we can’t rely to play week in week out so purely from a business point of view letting Ibe and Marriott go makes perfect sense and won’t weaken us from last season but will free up funds to reinvest. 

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5 minutes ago, Simmo’s left foot said:

He was always going to be a risk, shame for him its not worked out. I do fear for him, if he cannot cope with the privileged life of a pro footballer, what will he do when confronted with the real world we all live in?

I’d suggest watching the last interview he did a couple of months back with a podcast I can’t remember the name of. I think a large part of his issues was he became targeted because he was a professional footballer.

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I have a different take on this I'm afraid. As another poster has pointed out, it was clear from the start where the problems lay.

This whole situation smacks of a complete lack of due diligence, desperation and a finger in the wind strategy. 


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Of all the players we lost today I can't help thinking this will be the least impactful.  Not blaming him really (although maybe he could have been more honest about his ability to play at this level), but he was a non-entity last season and a drain of wages.

Props to him for leaving by mutual consent, he could have just sat and took the money. Bit of a gamble, but it could have paid off as there was definitely some talent there. Interesting to see where he goes from here, I hope he can come out on top of his issues.

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5 minutes ago, Rample said:

So that's 13 players on the books now?

Quite a few more than 13.

First Team (17+3)
Marshall, Roos, Byrne, Forsyth, Buchanan, McDonald, Ebosele, Bielik, Shinnie, Bird, Knight, Sibley, Watson, Lawrence, Jozwiak, Kazim, Stretton (plus Davies and possibly Wisdom and Waghorn)

U23s (17)
Bardell, Grewal-Pollard, JBrown, Cashin, Solomon, Dixon, LThompson, Hutchinson, Aghatise, Clarke, Matthews, Perez de Gracia, Wilson, SThompson, Plange, Duncan, Cybulski

U18s (20)
Roberts, Randle, Evans, Brailsford, Williams, Maloney, Rutt, Christie, Ibrahim, Sebagabo, Moore, Robinson, Fapetu, Aideyan, Ryan, Borkovic, Kelly, Eze, Nicholas-Davies, Dixon

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1 minute ago, Tyler Durden said:

Just couldn't see the point of getting him in the first place, we seem to career from the sublime to the ridiculous in our transfer strategy if that is indeed the correct word. 

I thought it was a desperate move by us but worth the risk but I personally think it should have been just one year pay as you play incentive contract. Never mind and move on - we need players who are fit and well enough to play as a basic requirement 

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How can he be any kind of loss when he contributed nothing ...should never have been signed hope he enjoyed being paid a decent wage for doing absolutely nothing ...as much as i have sympathy for people with problems why did DCFC think it was a good idea to sign him in the first place 

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1 minute ago, S8TY said:

How can he be any kind of loss when he contributed nothing ...should never have been signed hope he enjoyed being paid a decent wage for doing absolutely nothing ...as much as i have sympathy for people with problems why did DCFC think it was a good idea to sign him in the first place 

If indeed he was on a largely incentive based contract, it was a risk with considerable upside if it came off as he has the potential to be a very good player at this level, and so one worth taking.

As it was, it didn’t come off, but the outlay would appear to be minimal. Would imagine he now goes with everyone’s best wishes. Hopefully he can get playing again but first and foremost hopefully he is able to get himself well again.

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