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Is this our worst ever side ?

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Go back a long way but l cannot remember seeing so little passion, half the team look like they cannot wait to get back into the dressing room! 

The rot in our Club goes from top to bottom whoever eventually gets the unenviable task of sorting this shameful mess out has one hell of a task ahead.

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8 minutes ago, old tray boy said:

Go back a long way but l cannot remember seeing so little passion, half the team look like they cannot wait to get back into the dressing room! 

The rot in our Club goes from top to bottom whoever eventually gets the unenviable task of sorting this shameful mess out has one hell of a task ahead.

Define worst.

We have 4 players whom have received international caps so you tell me that it's down to a skill thing. 

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4 minutes ago, old tray boy said:

Go back a long way but l cannot remember seeing so little passion, half the team look like they cannot wait to get back into the dressing room! 

The rot in our Club goes from top to bottom whoever eventually gets the unenviable task of sorting this shameful mess out has one hell of a task ahead.

I've seen worse teams in 50 years supporting the club but they had courage and belief, this bunch of players have no courage, no leadership, no direction so yes in that regard. 

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8 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

Define worst.

We have 4 players whom have received international caps so you tell me that it's down to a skill thing. 

No its not lack of skill it is lack of belief and passion and with little understanding of our club and its history not grasping what it means to pull on a Rams shirt .

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In terms of individual quality, I'd say a firm no. If you were picking our worst ever eleven, none of this team would be in it (IMO). 

However, none seem to be playing anything like they're capable of and collectively, they can't seem to play together.

Confidence is obviously shot to pieces so it's a case of just hoping we can hang in for a draw against Wednesday and Rotherham pick up no more than three points. Then, go again next season. Even if Rooney is still in charge, provided we sign a couple of decent players, I don't think next year will be quite as bad but we'll still be at the wrong end of the table. 

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1 minute ago, old tray boy said:

No its not lack of skill it is lack of belief and passion and with little understanding of our club and its history not grasping what it means to pull on a Rams shirt .

No it's a lack of motivation, leadership, direction, organisation and so on.

And whose fault is that. 

You're directing your comments at the wrong people. 

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It's quite a poor squad but certainly not the worst we've had. And it shouldn't be fighting relegation, on paper they're better than that.

I don't agree that the players are not trying either. I just think confidence is rock bottom. Tactics are poor. Team selection and formation inconsistent. Zonal marking doesn't work.

Other factors have played a part, injuries, not being paid, takeovers, no crowds etc.

So not the worst team.

The circumstances the club finds itself in are not the worst either but.... they're pretty bad.

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5 minutes ago, YouRams said:

Worst for attitude and effort by far, it’s even more worrying they had to be taken away to “get to know eachother” two games before the season ends, never heard anything like it! 

I agree, just like when businesses take people to "team building" days. It's nothing more than a jolly (and an excuse to humiliate some poor souls).

What an absolute pile of steaming crap.

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It’s the worst Iv seen in 33 years 

I’m defining worst as a combination of ability, desire and organisation.

I didn’t see any of our previous stint in league 1 so i can’t comment on that 

but the only two sides that come close were the 11 pointers but as has been pointed out the baulk of that awful side were good enough to win promotion so not them

the closest I can think of were the Paul Jewell fall out of the premiership lot when he decided to try and rebuild an entire squad and brought in utter crap... the first couple of transition years under clough as he tried to salvage a side from that lot whilst operating under the American austerity at times was unbelievably bad too ... but they had fight, heart and Desire 

so for me... in my Derby county lifetime I’m struggling to think of a group of players that are worse than this current crop 

happy to hear alternatives though 

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10 minutes ago, YouRams said:

Worst for attitude and effort by far

I have to disagree, Which players aren't putting the effort in? Lawrence, but he's been like that forever. Waghorn? possibly. Every other player I'd say was trying.

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Worst team in 30 years. Worst performances poorest attacking threat. 11 point season side was terrible too but team is awful. Doesn’t matter what the players are ... international caps etc, the performances on the pitch are putting in average performances at best with lots of awful performances and everyone is to blame. 

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6 minutes ago, DCFClks said:

I have to disagree, Which players aren't putting the effort in? Lawrence, but he's been like that forever. Waghorn? possibly. Every other player I'd say was trying.

When everything’s going our way you see effort, as soon as we concede the majority go hiding, conveniently finding spaces they can’t receive the ball, I’d say the only consistent players for effort are Byrne & Shinnie. 

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1 minute ago, YouRams said:

When everything’s going our way you see effort, as soon as we concede the majority go hiding, conveniently finding spaces they can’t receive the ball, I’d say the only consistent players for effort are Byrne & Shinnie. 

Agreed, they have been consistent. Clarke as well maybe. Effort is a fine line. I saw good running and combinations yesterday first half, same with Birmingham, no real quality but not less than Swansea. But against Birmingham where was the desire to stop the cross, there was a corner we conceded from recently, everyone stationary. Yesterday, players not marking. It's not like 'cant be bothered' means just jog around. It's subtle moments not to do basics, get away with standing still, ball watching, not gambling on a run, not tracking back, not offering yourself to a teammate. If too many players do those things and play at like 90 per cent, any team will be struggling.

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Least goals scored in the championship.

Failed to come from behind to win a game all season I believe?

Must be our lowest points tally in second tier football in relative to any era? Potentially our fewest wins too? 

In a poor quality championship - then yes I think this has probably been Derby’s worst season ever. And that’s saying a lot. 



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