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v Brentford (H) - Matchday Thread


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God it’s like watching paint dry. 
no one wants to pass it it’s like a hot potato game its like do something as quickly as possible. The long balls aren’t working to ckr but still this is all we can do. Shinnie keeps doing these lofted passes out wide with no pace drive them across. Bird casually passes it and keeps losing it. We have no width Buchanan had it and no options. Our midfield 3 are no good on the ball 

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1 minute ago, Coconut said:

We've chosen the game against the best attacking team in the league to leave ourselves the most defensively open.

I know we all want us to be more positive but there's a time and a place.

Easy for me to say when we're 2-0 down but we said before kick off he should have played the more attacking formation against Millwall and the defensively solid one tonight.

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Rooney says 4 wins from 10 (9 after tonight) will be enough for safety.

Can anyone honestly see where they are going to come from? 

His arrogance saying we’ll be nowhere near the relegation places also doesn’t sit right with me. Going to be a very nervy end to the season.


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11 minutes ago, Bald Eagle's Barmy Army said:

Some experienced managers would be getting more from this group of players. 

I used to think so. However myself and my footy WhatsApp group to a man have all just conceded we actually have really really abject players. 

I'd argue Thomas Cwykwa in his first season showed more than the majority of these young guns, yet we hold out hope they will blossom at some point.

Its the hope that kills you. 

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Sith Happens
Just now, Sparkle said:

Bird has been poor just like the other 10 in white shirts but at least sibley shoots at the goal 

I totally and utterly disagree,  Roos doesn't have a white shirt on ?

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