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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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1 hour ago, Stive Pesley said:

Eddie: I've been to the pub once in 5 weeks - a pub which is well-ventilated AND still maintains a strict social distancing policy. Haven't been to a restaurant in 2 years

Archie: Why do you keep going to places where people don't wear masks you hypocrite!!!


This thread hasn't changed much has it - still no one reads what you actually say

I’ve been on a bus once in the last ten years ??‍♂️,

eddie is in that pub because he accepts the gov regulations that pubs can be open and no masks ( handy if you like a pub/drink)

eddie looks down on people as un caring un intelligent because he doesn’t accept the gov regulations that masks are now a choice and not mandated in shops or on buses ,

pointing out the hypocrisy will never change , for balance eddie is not a special case to pick out ,that attitude has shone out from day one and is still there in lots of people 

the problem arises because people do actually read what others say , lots don’t actually read or think about what they are saying themselves 

Edited by Archied
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20 minutes ago, Gritstone Ram said:

Who wants to walk around with those stupid masks on? Given the choice not me. Wear one if you want but don’t expect everyone to wear one. 

I don't like wearing masks either, but I do recognise that there are benefits (largely to others) in doing so under certain circumstances.


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12 hours ago, QuitYourJibbaJivin said:

Aren’t the Scot’s still wearing masks? Yet they’re posting record numbers at the minute ??‍♂️

I think they have gone back to wearing them after a time when they didn't. 

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46 minutes ago, Gritstone Ram said:

Who wants to walk around with those stupid masks on? Given the choice not me. Wear one if you want but don’t expect everyone to wear one. 

I hate wearing a mask but I put up with it because I have responsibility for the health and well being of a very elderly and much loved family member who is in quite frail health. I will continue to wear one and so will she because over the last two years I think it has played a part in helping to keep our family free of infections and I know that when I take my mum out shopping or for a meal then I have done all I can do to reduce her chances of infection whilst not keeping her housebound and getting her out and about to continue life as normal.



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12 minutes ago, Eddie said:

Feel for me, people.

It's difficult being a genius in a stupid world.

It is Eddie, trust me it is. 

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3 hours ago, Gritstone Ram said:

Who wants to walk around with those stupid masks on? Given the choice not me. Wear one if you want but don’t expect everyone to wear one. 

I understand that people want to stop wearing masks and return to how they lived their lifes before the pandemic. I too try to live a normal life as much as I can. Such as visits to shops, pubs and especially Pride Park.

People call @Eddie hypocritical for his stance on masks. I would still like to see the wearing of masks more vigorously implemented. If that makes my a hypocritic, so be it. 

I still wear a mask when I go into these places and social distance as much as I can. This is some times made difficult when shopping, due to other shoppers who lean across me to reach an item because they can't wait a few seconds for me to move away from a shelf they want to get to.

I also still wear a mask when I enter a pub and go up to the bar, I will only remove it once I'm sat at a table. I'm lucky that the pubs and the times which I frequent them, means they are rarely busy. So finding a table away from others is usually easy to do.

As for PPS I'm happy to sit in close proximity to others as this is in the open air and consider any danger of catching a virus greatly reduced.

Do I wear a mask for my own safety, partly. The main reason I've carried on wearing one, is to stop me spreading any germs I may be carrying. 

When I do finally stop wearing a mask, I may follow the Japanese and other Asian countries who even before this pandemic, wore a mask when they had a cold to stop them spreading it, when going about their daily lives..

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25 minutes ago, 1of4 said:

When I do finally stop wearing a mask, I may follow the Japanese and other Asian countries who even before this pandemic, wore a mask when they had a cold to stop them spreading it, when going about their daily lives..

Carry a handkerchief and sneeze or cough into that like our parents did.

Seems fairly sensible to me.

The problem will always be selfish people who decide to cough over everyone and not give a toss who they contaminate.

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6 hours ago, 1of4 said:

The main reason I've carried on wearing one, is to stop me spreading any germs I may be carrying.

What virtue signalling nonsense, no you don’t. You wear it because your scared of the potential risk of catching Covid, which most would say is fair enough. Why people keep pouring this nonsense “it’s to protect others” it’s BS.

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Well this thread never fails to disappoint, we've now moved onto bragging about our own IQ levels and disparaging others we assume are of lower IQ.  When do we start with the 'my Dads bigger than your Dad' arguments?

Anyway, just watched this.  Some of you might find it interesting - it might help explain why there has only been one (strictly enforced) approved message throughout the pandemic and why any questions or investigations against the narrative aren't really in anyones interest.



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2 hours ago, TexasRam said:

What virtue signalling nonsense, no you don’t. You wear it because your scared of the potential risk of catching Covid, which most would say is fair enough. Why people keep pouring this nonsense “it’s to protect others” it’s BS.

Glad to know, you know better then me why I continue to wear a mask. 

I eagerly await to hear from you, on what my thoughts are about what I'll have for dinner

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17 minutes ago, 1of4 said:

Glad to know, you know better then me why I continue to wear a mask. 

I eagerly await to hear from you, on what my thoughts are about what I'll have for dinner

Beans on toast tonight. Seriously though you’re not going to admit it are you? there’s no shame in it but no need to dress it up as “saving others”. 

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Still talking about masks are we? 

Anyway had 5 friends who I see regularly test positive recently mainly from going out to different things from last Wednesday to Saturday. All symptoms are mild (they are a fully vaccinated lot!) but just say it’s pretty rife just at the minute so be careful if you don’t wanna pick it up/miss days of work (for the self employed!)

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Just now, TexasRam said:

Beans on toast tonight. Seriously though you’re not going to admit it are you? there’s no shame in it but no need to dress it up as “saving others”. 

Beans! Here was me waiting for you to show me, that you knew my thoughts better than me. Baked Beans, tried them once and never touched them again. 

So maybe you shouldn't be telling others you know why they are doing something, better than the person doing it.

Or will you just add beans to the list of things you think I'm telling lies about.

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8 hours ago, 1of4 said:

Beans! Here was me waiting for you to show me, that you knew my thoughts better than me. Baked Beans, tried them once and never touched them again. 

So maybe you shouldn't be telling others you know why they are doing something, better than the person doing it.

Or will you just add beans to the list of things you think I'm telling lies about.

i can agree to your rationale and therefor the same applies to those who choose not to wear masks, assumptions of their reasons why would also be inappropriate.

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