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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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Has anyone seen the result of the FOI request to the ONS, the results of which I was made aware in a Youtube video by Dr. John Campbell on Thursday.

Firstly, I have watched a few of his videos and he doesn't appear to have an axe to grind and tends to present reports and research, backed up with sources, without putting a spin on it.

The FOI request was for the number of deaths in England and Wales during the pandemic (Jan 2020 - Sept 2021, q4 2021 not available yet) where Covid was the only cause of death recorded on the death certificate. No co-morbidities, no dying with rather than from it.

Staggeringly the number was 9400 (2020) and 7971 (2021 q1-q3) total 17371.

The average age of death in the UK from Covid was 82.5 years (2021) which is actually higher than the average age of death for all causes.

Incidentally later in the video he presented a report from one of the UK's leading oncologists who estimates issues with treatment and diagnosis during the pandemic period will give rise to 50000 excess deaths from cancer.


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9 hours ago, Ewetube said:

Staggeringly the number was 9400 (2020) and 7971 (2021 q1-q3) total 17371

That is quite staggering -  we've been told right from the very start that those most at risk of dying are those with existing medical conditions?

The families of those 17k people with no pre-existing medical conditions or co-morbidities who died must be furious

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28 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:


That is quite staggering -  we've been told right from the very start that those most at risk of dying are those with existing medical conditions?

The families of those 17k people with no pre-existing medical conditions or co-morbidities who died must be furious

I think you've  completely missed the point of my post and to be honest I found your reply a little snarky.

I posted it for people with an open mind and Interest in the subject for their consideration with a link to the video, should they care to watch it.

I drew no conclusions just posted the main points from the video as I saw them.

Of the 17k+ people that unfortunately died they, on average died at or around the average life expectancy for a UK citizen.

I have no axe to grind on the subject I try to follow the data from reports and research on the subject, now being in an extremely high risk group to any infection I have a vested interest in it.

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1 hour ago, Stive Pesley said:


That is quite staggering -  we've been told right from the very start that those most at risk of dying are those with existing medical conditions?

The families of those 17k people with no pre-existing medical conditions or co-morbidities who died must be furious

Average age of 82.5? In a time nursing homes and care homes and hospital wards were locked down. I’d wager the families of those were perhaps were more furious at being kept from holding hands with a dying relative than anything else. 

I’d be also interested how many people of that age died of “natural causes” (or whichever terminology was used pre-covid) for a death of old age. 

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1 hour ago, Mostyn6 said:

Average age of 82.5? In a time nursing homes and care homes and hospital wards were locked down. I’d wager the families of those were perhaps were more furious at being kept from holding hands with a dying relative than anything else. 

I’d be also interested how many people of that age died of “natural causes” (or whichever terminology was used pre-covid) for a death of old age. 

Unfortunately my Aunty and Uncle died under those circumstances.

My Aunty was 85 and my Uncle was 93, living at my cousins house when they all contracted covid (early 2021). Both my Aunty and Uncle were hospitalised.

My Uncle, stubborn bugger that he was, insisted that he was going 1st so refused treatment and died in hospital. My Aunty recovered and was released to a nursing home where she couldn't receive visitors. She hadn't fully recovered from covid, had a fall, broke her hip and ultimately died from complications, alone.

It would be interesting to know that info to  help bring a little context to the data and statistics we've been bombarded with.

Edited by Ewetube
Limited brain cells
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2 hours ago, Mostyn6 said:

I’d be also interested how many people of that age died of “natural causes” (or whichever terminology was used pre-covid) for a death of old age. 

Why though? What would you do with that information and how would it make you feel? I genuinely don't think getting obsessed with this stuff is good for people's mental health

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2 hours ago, Mostyn6 said:

Average age of 82.5? In a time nursing homes and care homes and hospital wards were locked down. I’d wager the families of those were perhaps were more furious at being kept from holding hands with a dying relative than anything else. 

I’d be also interested how many people of that age died of “natural causes” (or whichever terminology was used pre-covid) for a death of old age. 

Which is why the 'excess deaths' figure refuses to go away as an important factor. If Covid-19 didn't kill 150K+ in the UK, something else did - something unknown, and 'unknown' is scarier because you don't know what to do to prevent/cure it.

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12 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

Why though? What would you do with that information and how would it make you feel? I genuinely don't think getting obsessed with this stuff is good for people's mental health

Unless, of course, it leads to conclusions you agree with. I don't recall you greeting a single one of Albert's novels on this subject with a warning about mental health.

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40 minutes ago, Anon said:

Unless, of course, it leads to conclusions you agree with. I don't recall you greeting a single one of Albert's novels on this subject with a warning about mental health.

I didn't read any of them. Well done if you did. But yes - I'm worried for the mental health of anyone writing posts that lengthy on the subject. 


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1 hour ago, Stive Pesley said:

Why though? What would you do with that information and how would it make you feel? I genuinely don't think getting obsessed with this stuff is good for people's mental health

What you may do with that information is NOT get obsessed with dieing from covid which would be very good for a lot of peoples mental health , pretty much the opposite of what the government and media have bombarded the country to be over the last two years??‍♂️

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4 hours ago, Archied said:

What you may do with that information is NOT get obsessed with dieing from covid which would be very good for a lot of peoples mental health , pretty much the opposite of what the government and media have bombarded the country to be over the last two years??‍♂️

Never mind that archied, fancy an M&S sausage roll?

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9 hours ago, Ewetube said:

I think you've  completely missed the point of my post and to be honest I found your reply a little snarky.

I posted it for people with an open mind and Interest in the subject for their consideration with a link to the video, should they care to watch it.

I drew no conclusions just posted the main points from the video as I saw them.

Of the 17k+ people that unfortunately died they, on average died at or around the average life expectancy for a UK citizen.

I have no axe to grind on the subject I try to follow the data from reports and research on the subject, now being in an extremely high risk group to any infection I have a vested interest in it.

Welcome to the year 2022, where if you have a different opinion you'll be labelled something or mocked...and all by the people who previously would have been posting #BEKIND and calling everyone discriminatory...

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20 hours ago, Ewetube said:

Has anyone seen the result of the FOI request to the ONS, the results of which I was made aware in a Youtube video by Dr. John Campbell on Thursday.

Firstly, I have watched a few of his videos and he doesn't appear to have an axe to grind and tends to present reports and research, backed up with sources, without putting a spin on it.

The FOI request was for the number of deaths in England and Wales during the pandemic (Jan 2020 - Sept 2021, q4 2021 not available yet) where Covid was the only cause of death recorded on the death certificate. No co-morbidities, no dying with rather than from it.

Staggeringly the number was 9400 (2020) and 7971 (2021 q1-q3) total 17371.

The average age of death in the UK from Covid was 82.5 years (2021) which is actually higher than the average age of death for all causes.

Incidentally later in the video he presented a report from one of the UK's leading oncologists who estimates issues with treatment and diagnosis during the pandemic period will give rise to 50000 excess deaths from cancer.


And your point is what? 

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1 hour ago, Rev said:

Never mind that archied, fancy an M&S sausage roll?

Wouldn't bother personally. Actually that's a topic of it's own, the state of supermarket sausage rolls - it's appalling and the more 'premium' they claim to be the pooper they are.

Fancy (soggy, greasy) pastry that doesn't heat up well but tastes wrong cold, and very 'bitty' dry meat that just falls apart. Gross.

Getting some frozen name at home Greggs sausage rolls from Iceland is by far preferable, the Birds Eye ones aren't terrible either.

Edited by Coconut's Beard
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10 hours ago, Mostyn6 said:

Average age of 82.5? In a time nursing homes and care homes and hospital wards were locked down. I’d wager the families of those were perhaps were more furious at being kept from holding hands with a dying relative than anything else. 

I’d be also interested how many people of that age died of “natural causes” (or whichever terminology was used pre-covid) for a death of old age. 

An average 82 year old still has about 8 years of life expectancy, despite usually having lots of minor or even major ailments. 

Some people aged 90 may die of COVID. Some like MeatLoaf only 74, so it averages out. . Some people die much younger. So your point is what exactly? If you are old and have ever had anything wrong with you, you may as well catch covid and die?   

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