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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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3 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

If you live on a dessert island you will probably die of a heart attcak from eating too many puddings. 

You are banned from the island, @PistoldPete, as I have a feeling you would nag and wag your finger disapprovingly and spoil the whole delightful experience. ? ?

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13 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

It wasn't meant to be funny. Just emphasising that some people seem to put too high a value on their so called freedoms.

Could you imagine for second the outrage if I searched out people who had died from vaccine or got I’ll from it and laughed at their stupidity for having it , ridiculed them for having it and bringing it on themselves ? Jeez I was the devil incarnate for pointing out 98% of people survive covid ,insensitive , crass , didn’t care about deaths ,,, erm if you wait long enough you see the real measure ,

some people put too high a value on their lives ( fear of covid ) at any cost to everybody else’s life 

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2 minutes ago, Archied said:

Could you imagine for second the outrage if I searched out people who had died from vaccine or got I’ll from it and laughed at their stupidity for having it , ridiculed them for having it and bringing it on themselves ? Jeez I was the devil incarnate for pointing out 98% of people survive covid ,insensitive , crass , didn’t care about deaths ,,, erm if you wait long enough you see the real measure ,

some people put too high a value on their lives ( fear of covid ) at any cost to everybody else’s life 

But I didnt laugh? I just pointed out the irony, sad though it is, that this lady was emphasising the value of her freedoms. 

The freedom to not stick a needle in your arm is not worth dying for. It really isn't.

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6 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Cant speak for other people but Id rather die in my 40s doing the things that I enjoy than in my 80s a prisoner in my own house.

I know what you mean but I don't see it in quite such stark terms. Neither of these is satisfactory. I think most of us are aiming for a decent innings whilst having lots of fun on the way regardless of covid. We'll just try not to catch it or pass it on, same as you would with 'flu.

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1 hour ago, PistoldPete said:

But I didnt laugh? I just pointed out the irony, sad though it is, that this lady was emphasising the value of her freedoms. 

The freedom to not stick a needle in your arm is not worth dying for. It really isn't.

She died from a blood clot at home. 

Some conspiracy theorists said it was from the vaccine, at which point her husband said she was unvaccinated, making the point that if she was vaccinated, the very rare chance of this complication happening might not have. We will never know. 

She was a supporter of small government and was against vaccine mandates. 

I don't think mocking someone's death of a rare complication is particularly tasteful just because they feel it proves a point. 

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12 hours ago, Boycie said:

Get a jab, don’t get a jab.

Sup to you, why do we have to convince each other to or not too?



The reason many consider it important is because the success of any vaccine is based on how many people are vaccinated. Generally the target is over 96% vaccinated to stop breakthrough infections occuring. And that brings a whole load of benefits for everyone.


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7 hours ago, Andicis said:

Take with a big dose of salt, because it's the mail - it does ask the question, if we are enforcing masks/vaccine passports for Omicron, must we do it every winter for the flu? Is a precedent set? 

Hopefully not, a few said at the start of the “omicron” wave that If the impact  didn’t hit as predicted it would be the end of this madness. Well nearly 6 weeks later we are seeing it’s now no worse than a common cold. Time to ditch the masks, stop with the passport nonsense, stop self isolation for a sniffle, stop reporting numbers and crack on with life as it was before 2020. 

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8 minutes ago, therealhantsram said:

The reason many consider it important is because the success of any vaccine is based on how many people are vaccinated. Generally the target is over 96% vaccinated to stop breakthrough infections occuring. And that brings a whole load of benefits for everyone.


I’m happy with your decision regards having the jab.

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I listened to the this girl and her father interviewed on Radio 5 this morning. Her dad said that there are currently 117,000 children suffering from long covid.

That seems crazy high to me. Anybody else heard anything remotely like that?

Captain Sir Tom inspires long Covid girl's walking challenge

Her experience was pretty traumatic for a 9 year-old kid, especially when kids don't get it.


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