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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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2 hours ago, FindernRam said:

Had booster weeks ago. No its probably my blood pressure tabs for some reason causing sudden low pressure. Is I stay sat down and quiet I'm ok. Anxiety is also not helping sleep so I'm tired but otherwise fine thanks.

Get well soon mate

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4 hours ago, FindernRam said:

3 days ago I had suspected stroke/TIA symptoms. Ambulance 2 hours wait, so wife transported me to A&E.

Mention stroke and this army of folks turned up in seconds. In my very distressed state its a bit of a blur, but wife said I had head X-ray, ECG, BP tests, various physical tests. All done very quickly and with sympathy, even from porter chap.

Decided probably not stroke so sent home, appointment next morning at stroke clinic. More highly efficient tests from very caring people. Consultant went through everything in minute detail. Not stroke or TIA probably a medication issue.  Huge relief.

Now seeing GP tonight, no complaint there.

2 Points from this

1. I had brilliant service from everybody even though even I could see they were rushed of their feet .

2. I had covid test on entry first day, but from then on, both days, no tests or questions for me or my wife (who was allowed to stay with me). Seemed strange.

Well mate when I have had treatment for different to you but on all of them I had to have cov19 tests and my mum been allowed to stay with me as she is my carer.

I feel bad the doctories and nurses who are trying there best and they cried out for years they needed doctories and nurses but until most recently they had numbers cut and popuratlions seem to think offers better services but I disagree and when cov19 hit and still does now they are paying for it.

They are claiming they hospitals under pressure so why dont they use nightingale hospital that were set in certain citys use them and take stress of wards and free up beds.

I am still waiting to see someone else about my neve dammage I dont expect to see them 2022 or even 2023 but I will continue to fight it.

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4 hours ago, FindernRam said:

3 days ago I had suspected stroke/TIA symptoms. Ambulance 2 hours wait, so wife transported me to A&E.

Mention stroke and this army of folks turned up in seconds. In my very distressed state its a bit of a blur, but wife said I had head X-ray, ECG, BP tests, various physical tests. All done very quickly and with sympathy, even from porter chap.

Decided probably not stroke so sent home, appointment next morning at stroke clinic. More highly efficient tests from very caring people. Consultant went through everything in minute detail. Not stroke or TIA probably a medication issue.  Huge relief.

Now seeing GP tonight, no complaint there.

2 Points from this

1. I had brilliant service from everybody even though even I could see they were rushed of their feet .

2. I had covid test on entry first day, but from then on, both days, no tests or questions for me or my wife (who was allowed to stay with me). Seemed strange.

Glad you were well looked after mate. Hope you're fully sorted quickly and your mind is at rest too as it sounds like a really scary thing to have happen.

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1 hour ago, B4ev6is said:

Well mate when I have had treatment for different to you but on all of them I had to have cov19 tests and my mum been allowed to stay with me as she is my carer.

I feel bad the doctories and nurses who are trying there best and they cried out for years they needed doctories and nurses but until most recently they had numbers cut and popuratlions seem to think offers better services but I disagree and when cov19 hit and still does now they are paying for it.

They are claiming they hospitals under pressure so why dont they use nightingale hospital that were set in certain citys use them and take stress of wards and free up beds.

I am still waiting to see someone else about my neve dammage I dont expect to see them 2022 or even 2023 but I will continue to fight it.

Because there's no more doctors or nurses than before they were built. When I say built, I mean had the convention centre sign taken off and the Nightingale Hospital sign put off. 

It was all political spin. They were never a serious plan. 

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10 minutes ago, Dean (hick) Saunders said:

I notice (UK Covid stats) that in Wales and Scotland their case rates are similar to England.

Think this shoes that Plan B is better than the socialist lock down solution in this case.

Discuss etc..

I think the shoe is on the other foot

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8 hours ago, FindernRam said:

3 days ago I had suspected stroke/TIA symptoms. Ambulance 2 hours wait, so wife transported me to A&E.

Mention stroke and this army of folks turned up in seconds. In my very distressed state its a bit of a blur, but wife said I had head X-ray, ECG, BP tests, various physical tests. All done very quickly and with sympathy, even from porter chap.

Decided probably not stroke so sent home, appointment next morning at stroke clinic. More highly efficient tests from very caring people. Consultant went through everything in minute detail. Not stroke or TIA probably a medication issue.  Huge relief.

Now seeing GP tonight, no complaint there.

2 Points from this

1. I had brilliant service from everybody even though even I could see they were rushed of their feet .

2. I had covid test on entry first day, but from then on, both days, no tests or questions for me or my wife (who was allowed to stay with me). Seemed strange.

Hope you have recovered now @FindernRam. How scary for you and your family. Hope you keep well! 

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7 hours ago, Mostyn6 said:


shocking that it’s even a consideration by the media! 

lolwut? Australia never had 'internment camps' for Covid positive patients. People isolate at home until cleared, which now is a negative rapid test 7 days after confirmed infection. 

Australia also never had such, no way the Morrison government could organise to actually build infrastructure. It's why I don't fear them despite all the rightwing rhetoric. Morrison can barely manage a handshake, no way he could round people up into camps.

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3 minutes ago, Albert said:

lolwut? Australia never had 'internment camps' for Covid positive patients. People isolate at home until cleared, which now is a negative rapid test 7 days after confirmed infection. 

Australia also never had such, no way the Morrison government could organise to actually build infrastructure. It's why I don't fear them despite all the rightwing rhetoric. Morrison can barely manage a handshake, no way he could round people up into camps.

Obviously in denying this, you are part of the conspiracy, as am I.

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15 minutes ago, Albert said:

lolwut? Australia never had 'internment camps' for Covid positive patients. People isolate at home until cleared, which now is a negative rapid test 7 days after confirmed infection. 

Australia also never had such, no way the Morrison government could organise to actually build infrastructure. It's why I don't fear them despite all the rightwing rhetoric. Morrison can barely manage a handshake, no way he could round people up into camps.

But the media said it so it’s a fact! 

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