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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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2 minutes ago, David said:

What's the situation like in Mexico, are vaccines freely available and mostly taken up or is there a push back on the take up of them?

They were released with age groups, most received the AstraZenica vaccine, two doses.

We were naturally behind but once the US and most of Europe had received their second doses it was quick for us here.

The one big advantage we had here is due to the weather, Mexico is an outdoors country therefore it was easier to follow protocol while tourism was allowed to keep going with most restaurants having outdoor space.

As for the vaccine uptake, in the state where I live it was reported a good 40% of 18-30 year olds didn’t bother having it. The major reason being a culture of mistrust, largely stemming from so much corruption many simply didn’t believe the message the government was stating.

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2 minutes ago, Bris Vegas said:

They were released with age groups, most received the AstraZenica vaccine, two doses.

We were naturally behind but once the US and most of Europe had received their second doses it was quick for us here.

The one big advantage we had here is due to the weather, Mexico is an outdoors country therefore it was easier to follow protocol while tourism was allowed to keep going with most restaurants having outdoor space.

As for the vaccine uptake, in the state where I live it was reported a good 40% of 18-30 year olds didn’t bother having it. The major reason being a culture of mistrust, largely stemming from so much corruption many simply didn’t believe the message the government was stating.

Are you under any restrictions now then or is life pretty normal?

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1 minute ago, David said:

Are you under any restrictions now then or is life pretty normal?

Masks are still mandatory inside shops, supermarkets, gyms, transport  etc.

We had limited capacity for a while at the beaches, but that was lifted a couple of months ago after a year or so of restrictions.

I think nightclubs, casinos and strip joints are still closed. 

It will probably be the same throughout 2022. The end game I imagine is when they declare the virus a regular flu but Mexico won’t make that call. We’ve ultimately been following Europe’s lead since the beginning.

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5 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Perfect. We can carry on as normal then and let the unvaccinated make their own decisions. 

In an ideal world yes. I think the only way to go back to normal is to accept the virus as a common flu or cold.

But I don’t think the Government will risk declaring it that for some time yet.


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21 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Perfect. We can carry on as normal then and let the unvaccinated make their own decisions. 


11 minutes ago, Eddie said:

So long as those decisions involve taking reasonable precautions to avoid infecting others, this gets my vote too.

I agree with G STAR RAM  and Eddie.

Close the forum and shutdown the internet, theres nowhere else to go.??

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52 minutes ago, Bris Vegas said:

It looks like the new variant is spreading like wildfire and it doesn’t matter if you’re vaccinated or not, chances are you are going to get the virus.

Yep I finished work last Thursday, went out to the pub Thursday night/friday day-early afternoon/saturday all day (for the football) and by Sunday I'd caught it (bit of a bummer when you've booked 3 weeks off!)  despite not even getting a sniff of it in all the preceding months of the past variants.

I honestly thought it would never get me.

I'm DV'd (DJ'd?) but havent had opportunity of a booster yet. I've only had the mildest of cold-like symptoms since then and generally felt 90% fine, but isolating of course - I live in the same house as my mum (60+ & asthmatic) and brother. She's 'boosted' and aside from some mild cold symptoms she's fine, thankfully nothing to worry about.

Mrs CB (48, double jabbed) works in a pub and had avoided it until she succombed to illness on Monday and had to be sent home, I don't know if I've passsed it onto her or what's happened, but she's in a bad way. (I was with her saturday night before I had any symptoms, she took her 70+ frail  mum for a hopsital appointment on Monday and also saw her 80+ Dad on Sunday)

Lots of sobbing from her on the phone, can hardly stand up let alone walk, might phone me at 3pm sounding 'ok', but again at 6pm absolutely knackered and delirious ("Happy Christmas tomorrow!" on the 16th) , ready to sleep for another 10 hours and can't even remember anything she told me 3 hours pior.

She's someone who generally writes off pain and buggers on with it, but is totally wiped out by this. Thankfully her parents are OK (triple jabbed) with no symptoms but if the infection varies from hardly any impact at all (me) to a massive impact (her) then it doesn't really matter how mild it is for the majority, you still have to, or should, take care and ensure, even if you even if you feel it's "nothing" , that it isn't covid.

Not sure what point I'm trying to make, but if I'd simply ignored my ill feeling as 'a cold' there would be quite a lot of people out there I could very easily have been infected, and while I'd hope in that case their symptoms would only have matched mine (which previously I'd never have in a million years have put down as something potentially serious) I'd hate the thought of another person being laid as low as Mrs CB is - you just don't know on a per-person basis what impact it'll have.


Edited by Coconut's Beard
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32 minutes ago, Coconut's Beard said:

Yep I finished work last Thursday, went out to the pub Thursday night/friday day-early afternoon/saturday all day (for the football) and by Sunday I'd caught it (bit of a bummer when you've booked 3 weeks off!)  despite not even getting a sniff of it in all the preceding months of the past variants.

I honestly thought it would never get me.

I'm DV'd (DJ'd?) but havent had opportunity of a booster yet. I've only had the mildest of cold-like symptoms since then and generally felt 90% fine, but isolating of course - I live in the same house as my mum (60+ & asthmatic) and brother. She's 'boosted' and aside from some mild cold symptoms she's fine, thankfully nothing to worry about.

Mrs CB (48, double jabbed) works in a pub and had avoided it until she succombed to illness on Monday and had to be sent home, I don't know if I've passsed it onto her or what's happened, but she's in a bad way. (I was with her saturday night before I had any symptoms, she took her 70+ frail  mum for a hopsital appointment on Monday and also saw her 80+ Dad on Sunday)

Lots of sobbing from her on the phone, can hardly stand up let alone walk, might phone me at 3pm sounding 'ok', but again at 6pm absolutely knackered and delirious ("Happy Christmas tomorrow!" on the 16th) , ready to sleep for another 10 hours and can't even remember anything she told me 3 hours pior.

She's someone who generally writes off pain and buggers on with it, but is totally wiped out by this. Thankfully her parents are OK (triple jabbed) with no symptoms but if the infection varies from hardly any impact at all (me) to a massive impact (her) then it doesn't really matter how mild it is for the majority, you still have to, or should, take care and ensure, even if you even if you feel it's "nothing" , that it isn't covid.

Not sure what point I'm trying to make, but if I'd simply ignored my ill feeling as 'a cold' there would be quite a lot of people out there I could very easily have been infected, and while I'd hope in that case their symptoms would only have matched mine (which previously I'd never have in a million years have put down as something potentially serious) I'd hate the thought of another person being laid as low as Mrs CB is - you just don't know on a per-person basis what impact it'll have.


Hope she gets well soon buddy.

I’m worried. My parents and brother are booked to fly out here on Christmas Eve to arrive here on the 25th. I haven’t seen them in almost two years.

But they have a layover in France. And France aren’t allowing anyone in who are positive and they have to be tested prior to entry. With the way this virus is spreading, it will be a minor miracle if all three test negative.


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1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

Perfect. We can carry on as normal then and let the unvaccinated make their own decisions. 

They can make their own decisions, everyone can, but previously you seem to have gone with the idea that people who are vaccinated & masked should have to make special allowances for either the unvaccinated or those unwilling or unable to wear a mask, ie get out of their way / keep two meters distance.

(it'd be interesting to see how it splits amongst non-wearers - those who never will, those who will only do so when it's mandatory - personally I'll wear a mask because it is mandatory but otherwise will judge the situation as and when, I'd never refuse to wear one if asked)

Potentially / Essentially that's shifting the responsibility to those who have (in the opinion of some) 'risked' getting the covid jab(s) and who are wearing masks when they didn't need to (out of a sense of the greater good, even if you think it's folly or grandstanding)  away from those who are choose to forego it all and simply take their chances.

To me that just seems a rather backward way of thinking.

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36 minutes ago, Coconut's Beard said:

I honestly thought it would never get me.

You're not the only one, I had the same mentality, nah it wouldn't get me, spend most my week indoors so how would I get it. 

One party turned into a super spreader party and the rest is history, guess it's like most things in life you just think nah not me, then when it does hit you it hits you hard.

Thankfully I haven't been left with any long covid effects other than realising I'm not immortal, which is probably a good thing as I now repeat the cliche that is life is too short. Makes you realise. 

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6 hours ago, Bob The Badger said:

Every anti vaxxer has a triple jabbed mate who has Covid. What are the odds? It's like anti vaxxers who know people who died after having the vaccine. 


Exactly, though you did as usual use the ant vaxer label , I took the double jab , ive had all the jabs I should growing up, my children have had all the jabs growing up so stick your anti vaxxer label,

where we are going now feels very uncomfortable to me , mixed jabs , time between jabs moved up and down like a broken lift and people catching and spreading covid no matter which or how many they have had , the constant threat of get the vaccines whichever and whenever told or we will make your life a misery ,

at this point I will test myself if I have symptoms and or have been in contact with someone who has it and follow isolation rules if I have it ,I won’t have a vaccine pass and won’t ask anybody else s vaccine status

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7 hours ago, Bris Vegas said:

It looks like the new variant is spreading like wildfire and it doesn’t matter if you’re vaccinated or not, chances are you are going to get the virus.

The vaccines, however, are proven to limit the potential damage. 

Ultimately the government want to limit deaths and hospitalizations. They are pushing for the vaccines because science indicates it’s the best course of action to save lives. Not some ulterior motive of being part of a worldwide elite level cahoot and lining their own pockets like some still claim.



Using BBC web page, I check a few cities and areas of London now and again for number of cases per 100k. London boroughs on wednesday were around 700, today 1100+. Nothing scientific, at all but i dont recall ever seeing jumps in numbers in such a short time.


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It looks like omicron spreads like wildfire. With record numbers infected already it seems inevitable that it's going to be carnage, even if the vast majority of people have minor symptoms. Just sheer weight of numbers makes it look like hospitals will be backlogged. 

Now is not the time to hurt yourself in a stupid way, because I expect the waiting rooms will be packed. Half the medical staff will be off sick, and the other half will be working on the low, fraction of a percentage point of the vast number with medical complications from omicron. 

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"Hospitalisation and asymptomatic infection indicators were not significantly associated with Omicron infection, suggesting at most limited changes in severity compared with Delta." 

Still I believe it is too early to know how this will pan out, but let's not be complacent yet. 

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3 hours ago, Archied said:

Exactly, though you did as usual use the ant vaxer label , I took the double jab , ive had all the jabs I should growing up, my children have had all the jabs growing up so stick your anti vaxxer label,

where we are going now feels very uncomfortable to me , mixed jabs , time between jabs moved up and down like a broken lift and people catching and spreading covid no matter which or how many they have had , the constant threat of get the vaccines whichever and whenever told or we will make your life a misery ,

at this point I will test myself if I have symptoms and or have been in contact with someone who has it and follow isolation rules if I have it ,I won’t have a vaccine pass and won’t ask anybody else s vaccine status

You do know how science works don't you? There isn't a set of ready-made answers for this pandemic.

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