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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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2 hours ago, uttoxram75 said:

Unbelievable, puts us in the same bracket as China, Russia and Egypt for stifling protest against our rulers.

exactly - and a far bigger, and more real issue than bleating about whether the BBC have been balanced enough to satisfy one's personal bias

Yet - went ignored when I suggested as such..

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4 hours ago, Stive Pesley said:

so do you think that there is some sort of conspiracy/cover-up to not report on these things, or is it that these media companies don't see anything newsworthy enough? Again - it's classic confirmation bias that when people feel passionately about a subject being protested, they feel it must be a conspiracy if such protests don't get the coverage that they think it deserves. Whereas really it's just not that important to most people. "Tens of thousands" is not very many people in the scheme of things

Meanwhile - I assume you're up in arms about this too?




Last paragraph from that article in the Guardian

"So where is everyone? Why isn’t this all over the front pages? Why aren’t we out on the streets in our millions, protesting while we still can? We use our freedoms or we lose them. And we are very close to losing them"

This is purely guesswork, I'm guessing this is aimed at "insulate Britain" where glueing themselves to vehicles/roads, Chaining themselves to eachother ect ect.

Where is everyone, You've lost support from joe public because of your actions, M25 has been blocked, Emergency vehicles unable to get through, People taking people to hospital, Doctors unable to attend work and so on.

If you impinge your mantra on others who try to work within sociaty you'll get a push back...all imo of course


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34 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

exactly - and a far bigger, and more real issue than bleating about whether the BBC have been balanced enough to satisfy one's personal bias

Yet - went ignored when I suggested as such..

I ignored it cos its venturing into the world of politics.  

The BBC stuff is only loosely connected to coronavirus and I only intended making one post about that!

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I don’t get it!

Im on holiday in January. Kids surprise trip to lap land. We’re all very excited (they don’t know about it yet, but they will be excited). 

Im having to come back off holiday a couple of days early, cos I have a course with the army starting. 

but now I’ve got to take a PCR test as soon as I get back, and can’t go to my course til I get a negative result. 

meanwhile, my entire family will also have to do this, significantly adding to the cost of the holiday that we hadn’t planned.

anyway, that’s the moan over, in the words of Billy Davies, ‘it is what it is’.

My question is this: Why don’t I just get a normal NHS PCR test? I’ve had to get them recently when my son had symptoms, it’s dead quick and easy to book, and results came back early the next morning. I don’t get why I would need to book with a private company and pay through the nose?

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Perhaps it would be a good thing to impose regular time out s where only taking the mick is allowed for two pages or something then back to the battle ??‍♂️
pits quite interesting when a poster says I’m on here a lot and giving it thought it’s perhaps because I don’t really talk about or get involved in this stuff anywhere else , I go to golf with mates and we just have a proper laugh and leave stuff like covid and politics well alone??‍♂️

Edited by Archied
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2 hours ago, TigerTedd said:

I don’t get it!

Im on holiday in January. Kids surprise trip to lap land. We’re all very excited (they don’t know about it yet, but they will be excited). 

Im having to come back off holiday a couple of days early, cos I have a course with the army starting. 

but now I’ve got to take a PCR test as soon as I get back, and can’t go to my course til I get a negative result. 

meanwhile, my entire family will also have to do this, significantly adding to the cost of the holiday that we hadn’t planned.

anyway, that’s the moan over, in the words of Billy Davies, ‘it is what it is’.

My question is this: Why don’t I just get a normal NHS PCR test? I’ve had to get them recently when my son had symptoms, it’s dead quick and easy to book, and results came back early the next morning. I don’t get why I would need to book with a private company and pay through the nose?

Maybe this is just me but I’d rather those who choose to go on holiday at the moment pay for their tests, than let the nhs pay for them.

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7 hours ago, GboroRam said:

I suspect the issue is more that the BBC feel the need to keep onside with government policy, as they're already in the firing line. By going against their current policy of mandates, vaccine rollouts and generally pro tougher restrictions on virus spreading, they'd be opening themselves up to being further defunded. Plus there's not much support out there for opposing the government's current position, other than being more pro-restrictions like the opposition is recommending. Putting themselves in direct opposition to the government, not even siding with the opposition, at a time when their funding is under the highest scrutiny ever might be more responsible for their adoption of current policy than any confirmation bias.

I think the BBC are more driven by the fact that they think it’s virtuous for us all to get the jab so we don’t spread it to others. And virtuous for us to stay at home for the same reason. If anything they will give airtime to people saying Government policy doesn’t go far enough in that objective.

im not saying that objective is wrong. Just that it’s very clear that’s what the BBC editorial policy is. 

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27 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Maybe this is just me but I’d rather those who choose to go on holiday at the moment pay for their tests, than let the nhs pay for them.

I know, god forbid someone wants them and their family to enjoy themselves who are probably vaccinated against the thing they need to be tested for and going to a place with probably less cases than most places in the world. 

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32 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

I know, god forbid someone wants them and their family to enjoy themselves who are probably vaccinated against the thing they need to be tested for and going to a place with probably less cases than most places in the world. 

Somebody claims delta omicron is an anagram of media control

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46 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

omicron is an anaram of moronic.


Did you just work that out?

I'd not heard that before.

You should tell the internet.

I wonder if when we get to phi people will be saying it's an anagram of hip and that the BBC are really suggesting it's cool to contract it and that is the only reason phi was used and it has nothing to do with Greece or the Greek alphabet.

It could happen.

Anything could happen.


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