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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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16 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

How about leaving us to live our lives?

Not quite as simple as that. The problem with how fast this version is spreading is the impact on services generally.  So many people being sick at the same time could lead to no ambulance crews or firefighters to answer emergency calls. No food in the supermarkets. And so on. It's the government's job to manage the peak so it doesn't come to that and keep things running as smoothly as possible.

I'd love for them to leave us alone too, but the reality is that we live in a massively interconnected society. We aren't self sufficient. We depend on all these other hidden people to supply our daily necessities.

Gotta keep that system running or we are all in even more serious trouble 

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21 minutes ago, rammieib said:

Wife is heading to Ireland on the 27th Dec but now needs to take a PCR test 72 hours in advance.

Wondering which companies folk can recommend for reliability especially turning something around very quickly over Christmas?


C19 testing by Cerulean health, very quick in turning results around. 

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17 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

C19 testing by Cerulean health, very quick in turning results around. 

Unfortunately this won't work looking at their site.

No-one will collect on Christmas day so its collection 26th but there isn't even a next day delivery guaranteed. Labs are in London - so that isn't practical to drop off either.

Anyone know a walk in clinic for boxing day?

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52 minutes ago, therealhantsram said:

Not quite as simple as that. The problem with how fast this version is spreading is the impact on services generally.  So many people being sick at the same time could lead to no ambulance crews or firefighters to answer emergency calls. No food in the supermarkets. And so on. It's the government's job to manage the peak so it doesn't come to that and keep things running as smoothly as possible.

I'd love for them to leave us alone too, but the reality is that we live in a massively interconnected society. We aren't self sufficient. We depend on all these other hidden people to supply our daily necessities.

Gotta keep that system running or we are all in even more serious trouble 

Yep quickly painting ourselves into a corner like the pingdemic, more and more the simple idea of protecting the vulnerable while the world continues makes more sense like it did from the start with a virus that more than 98 % survive , which is now even more with vaccines and better knowledge on how to treat those very unlucky who get badly affected, at this rate how much longer can we afford to finance a health service let alone one that’s spending all its time and money on mass vaccination for those that don’t need it at the cost to every single other health issues people face ,madness from day one and getter madder by the day

Edited by Archied
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46 minutes ago, Dean (hick) Saunders said:

I think I heard Domino Roob say that watching films made before 1990 was considered high risk and should only be done with windows and doors open and a mask worn.

Saving Private Ryan it is then 

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4 minutes ago, sage said:

I hear Sage (the science bods, not me) are recommending pre Christmas restrictions but BoJo fears he wouldn't get it past his cabinet never mind his party. 

I'm expecting 'asking for caution but nothing concrete' now and further steps 28th/29th.  

The only further steps needed are to boot Johnson out .

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48 minutes ago, rammieib said:

Unfortunately this won't work looking at their site.

No-one will collect on Christmas day so its collection 26th but there isn't even a next day delivery guaranteed. Labs are in London - so that isn't practical to drop off either.

Anyone know a walk in clinic for boxing day?

There is a company called Project Screen, it’s done through pods in the local area (Sheffield has one and I’m sure Derby does). Easy to book in and drop off, quick turn around also. 

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There are fewer Covid patients in UK hospitals (7,611) than there were at the beginning of the week (7,697), a month ago (8,071), and two months ago (8,007). 
We're at one fifth of last winter's peak


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1 minute ago, TexasRam said:

There are fewer Covid patients in UK hospitals (7,611) than there were at the beginning of the week (7,697), a month ago (8,071), and two months ago (8,007). 
We're at one fifth of last winter's peak


Agreed. However, it is very early in the Omicron cycle (the first single case in the UK was about 3 weeks ago, and the concern over rapidly rising confirmed cases was expressed a week ago, and that is the area of concern so far as the NHS is concerned. Once we reach a position of stress on the health service (whether that is through absentees within the medical stall or a rapidly increasing number of admissions), then remedial action is too late to address those particular issues, given the accepted 2-3 weeks between infection and intensive care in previous cycles/variants.

It's a difficult balancing act. I don't think that we will see any lockdown announced this week - I expect that the cabinet will kick that particular can down the road until 27 December with a 'promise' to monitor the situation at that time.

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Confusion...for further restrictions


Dr Deepti Gurdasani, a clinical epidemiologist at Queen Mary University of London, says it is impossible to predict how high Covid infections will get, but cited modelling that suggested daily positive cases could reach as high two million - a prediction she says is "plausible" given the rapid spread we're seeing.

With limits on testing we're unlikely to get an early indication of how high infections could go until hospital admissions are rising, by which time it would be "far too late to act", she adds.

Dr Gurdasani warns that even if the Omicron variant does turn out to cause less severe illness, the "sheer number" of infections has the potential to overwhelm hospitals.

She urges people to "hunker down" over Christmas and calls on the government to impose further Covid restrictions now.

Against...a lockdown

An epidemiologist and practising GP says the UK government should trust people to manage their own Covid risk rather than impose further lockdowns.

Professor Carl Heneghan, director of the Centre of Evidence Based Medicine in Oxford, says all ministers see is the worst case scenario when looking at modelling.

Speaking to the BBC this morning, he says the number of people testing positive has gone up by about 50% in a week rather than doubling every day.

The number of patients that were admitted to hospital, he adds, "hardly changed over a week" – up 8% - and yesterday deaths went down.

“If you focus on the information that matters you come up with a very different scenario,” he says.

People should be treated like adults as they can be trusted to manage their own risks and moderate their behaviour accordingly, Heneghan argues.

But other experts point out that the real number of people getting Covid will be much higher than the number of positive tests and that even so, confirmed numbers have shot up in recent days.

And it usually takes a lag of around two weeks from someone getting sick with Covid to require hospital treatment.

Edited by Unlucky Alf
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