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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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23 minutes ago, ramit said:

And i was enjoying winter so far


Its pretty disgusting tbh, you aren't gonna convince the unvaxxed with talk like that ?

TBH I don't know what the stats are like over there, although I would imagine they are pretty similar to those over here, there are more contagious double vaxxed, more double vaxxed in hospital and more double vaxxed dying from covid than vaccinated - yes there are more ppl vaxxed than unvaxxed and yes you are more likely to die from covd being unvaxxed *but* we aren't in a pandemic of the unvaccinated and saying stuff like that just leads to more cynicism at best and a false sense of security for the vaxxed at worst.

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On 17/12/2021 at 11:02, Archied said:

Very kind of you to say that ( I get the impression it’s genuine concern) but I have various reasons for not wanting to go down the route of constant boosters at this point , some would be considered anecdotal so no point putting them on here,

covid may get me but so may many many things and I’m choosing to try to live as normally as I can 

It was genuine concern mate. Nobody should ever be forced to have a medical treatment but I’d really beg people who are on the fence/not getting boosted and especially those who aren’t vaccinated, to please reconsider. It’s all well and good making your decisions not to get jabbed when you’re at home (hopefully healthy), but I’ve personally seen several people (mix of predominantly unvaccinated and those who were partially jabbed with comorbidities) alone in ICU, terrified and sadly at the end of their lives who just wished they’d had the jabs. As another poster has said, they all said they just didnt think it’d happen to them. 

I know EARLY data suggests this is more mild- I dearly hope that’s true- but I simply don’t think it’s worth the risk. This is all aside from the fact the NHS is honestly broken atm, anyone who has family working in a medical setting will attest to it. Increased infectivity means continued hospitalisations and staff having to isolate, this will lengthen the waiting times further and everyone knows the story. The vaccine is the best way to stop you having to go to hospital because of COVID.


I usually try my best to see both sides of arguments in most situations but I just can’t see why anyone would be so against a vaccine that has been shown to protect you against one of the most significant health issue in memory. Please get it.

Edited by BrudeRAM
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Hopefully the uptake in booster's will ensure the spread is over more quickly than with the previous waves. Chris witty has said the data from south africa has been overinterpreted in relation to omicron but hopefully a similar thing happens here (a big spread but few hospitalisations). I'm getting my booster with my mum tomorrow as it's better safe than sorry and pretending you're either not going to get this or can easily predict what will happen seems to me like taking a completely unnecessary risk. By getting a booster not only are you protecting yourselves but you're also protecting those more vulnerable than yourself.

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11 hours ago, Coconut's Beard said:

Yep I finished work last Thursday, went out to the pub Thursday night/friday day-early afternoon/saturday all day (for the football) and by Sunday I'd caught it (bit of a bummer when you've booked 3 weeks off!)  despite not even getting a sniff of it in all the preceding months of the past variants.

I honestly thought it would never get me.

I'm DV'd (DJ'd?) but havent had opportunity of a booster yet. I've only had the mildest of cold-like symptoms since then and generally felt 90% fine, but isolating of course - I live in the same house as my mum (60+ & asthmatic) and brother. She's 'boosted' and aside from some mild cold symptoms she's fine, thankfully nothing to worry about.

Mrs CB (48, double jabbed) works in a pub and had avoided it until she succombed to illness on Monday and had to be sent home, I don't know if I've passsed it onto her or what's happened, but she's in a bad way. (I was with her saturday night before I had any symptoms, she took her 70+ frail  mum for a hopsital appointment on Monday and also saw her 80+ Dad on Sunday)

Lots of sobbing from her on the phone, can hardly stand up let alone walk, might phone me at 3pm sounding 'ok', but again at 6pm absolutely knackered and delirious ("Happy Christmas tomorrow!" on the 16th) , ready to sleep for another 10 hours and can't even remember anything she told me 3 hours pior.

She's someone who generally writes off pain and buggers on with it, but is totally wiped out by this. Thankfully her parents are OK (triple jabbed) with no symptoms but if the infection varies from hardly any impact at all (me) to a massive impact (her) then it doesn't really matter how mild it is for the majority, you still have to, or should, take care and ensure, even if you even if you feel it's "nothing" , that it isn't covid.

Not sure what point I'm trying to make, but if I'd simply ignored my ill feeling as 'a cold' there would be quite a lot of people out there I could very easily have been infected, and while I'd hope in that case their symptoms would only have matched mine (which previously I'd never have in a million years have put down as something potentially serious) I'd hate the thought of another person being laid as low as Mrs CB is - you just don't know on a per-person basis what impact it'll have.


Hope your family are quickly on the road to recovery.

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4 hours ago, QuitYourJibbaJivin said:

Line up, line up for your Covid chip. It’s the fastest way back to normality.


Christ on a bike, some of the nonsense associated with that Twitter account made my brain bleed.

I sincerely hope that every single person attending those super-spreader events don't infect their families, but I daresay they wouldn't give a flying fudge anyway.

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12 hours ago, Coconut's Beard said:

Yep I finished work last Thursday, went out to the pub Thursday night/friday day-early afternoon/saturday all day (for the football) and by Sunday I'd caught it (bit of a bummer when you've booked 3 weeks off!)  despite not even getting a sniff of it in all the preceding months of the past variants.

I honestly thought it would never get me.

I'm DV'd (DJ'd?) but havent had opportunity of a booster yet. I've only had the mildest of cold-like symptoms since then and generally felt 90% fine, but isolating of course - I live in the same house as my mum (60+ & asthmatic) and brother. She's 'boosted' and aside from some mild cold symptoms she's fine, thankfully nothing to worry about.

Mrs CB (48, double jabbed) works in a pub and had avoided it until she succombed to illness on Monday and had to be sent home, I don't know if I've passsed it onto her or what's happened, but she's in a bad way. (I was with her saturday night before I had any symptoms, she took her 70+ frail  mum for a hopsital appointment on Monday and also saw her 80+ Dad on Sunday)

Lots of sobbing from her on the phone, can hardly stand up let alone walk, might phone me at 3pm sounding 'ok', but again at 6pm absolutely knackered and delirious ("Happy Christmas tomorrow!" on the 16th) , ready to sleep for another 10 hours and can't even remember anything she told me 3 hours pior.

She's someone who generally writes off pain and buggers on with it, but is totally wiped out by this. Thankfully her parents are OK (triple jabbed) with no symptoms but if the infection varies from hardly any impact at all (me) to a massive impact (her) then it doesn't really matter how mild it is for the majority, you still have to, or should, take care and ensure, even if you even if you feel it's "nothing" , that it isn't covid.

Not sure what point I'm trying to make, but if I'd simply ignored my ill feeling as 'a cold' there would be quite a lot of people out there I could very easily have been infected, and while I'd hope in that case their symptoms would only have matched mine (which previously I'd never have in a million years have put down as something potentially serious) I'd hate the thought of another person being laid as low as Mrs CB is - you just don't know on a per-person basis what impact it'll have.


So sorry to hear about that.

I was reading some new data from South Africa earlier which said that people aged 30 to 45 are the group being hit hardest by Omicron. Older folk seem to be getting milder symptoms.

Sounds like that matches your experiences.

Hope everyone makes a full recovery.

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Currently, Covid patients occupy 5% of NHS beds - roughly the same levels since August 2021. Let’s see what the next few weeks bring them, hopefully stay at these levels


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There was a lot of ridicule recently aimed in the direction of forecasters with respect to the number of confirmed cases.

93,000 yesterday. Any betting on 100,000 today? Double that by next Wednesday perhaps? I sincerely hope not.

I really hope that the optimism voiced by (the same) people with respect to the (relative) mildness of the Omicron variant is not unfounded. It is very early days to be making extrapolations with respect to overall hospitalisations and deaths in South Africa in relation to the number of cases and using them to predict what to expect here when the demographics of the respective populations (SA v UK) are so disparate.

I have been very careful (and perhaps quite lucky - I do go out shopping but try to choose my times, and go to one pub which is never packed) so far in avoiding catching the disease, but I shall be taking that care to (what some would consider to be ridiculous) extremes this week. 

We have one family get-together per year, on Christmas Day. Therefore, this week only, my forays out of the house will be limited to

  • One round trip to Sheffield to deliver freezer stuff (turkey etc) to my daughter's house (she and her partner both work from home anyway, and my grandson is home-schooled)
  • Taking the bins out on Monday
  • One shopping trip to Morrisons on Wednesday for essentials (panic-buying chilis for a start)
  • One round trip to Keynsham on Thursday to collect my son (he works from home too) and to tank up with petrol on the way home
  • Christmas Day trip to Sheffield for the family get-together

Everyone involved is being super-careful

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2 hours ago, Leeds Ram said:

Hopefully the uptake in booster's will ensure the spread is over more quickly than with the previous waves. Chris witty has said the data from south africa has been overinterpreted in relation to omicron but hopefully a similar thing happens here (a big spread but few hospitalisations). I'm getting my booster with my mum tomorrow as it's better safe than sorry and pretending you're either not going to get this or can easily predict what will happen seems to me like taking a completely unnecessary risk. By getting a booster not only are you protecting yourselves but you're also protecting those more vulnerable than yourself.

Nope , the last line is guff that just drives people away from having it if they are sick to death of lies hypocrisy and dishonesty from above ,you want to get boosters then crack on ,your choice

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26 minutes ago, Eddie said:

There was a lot of ridicule recently aimed in the direction of forecasters with respect to the number of confirmed cases.

93,000 yesterday. Any betting on 100,000 today? Double that by next Wednesday perhaps? I sincerely hope not.

I really hope that the optimism voiced by (the same) people with respect to the (relative) mildness of the Omicron variant is not unfounded. It is very early days to be making extrapolations with respect to overall hospitalisations and deaths in South Africa in relation to the number of cases and using them to predict what to expect here when the demographics of the respective populations (SA v UK) are so disparate.

I have been very careful (and perhaps quite lucky - I do go out shopping but try to choose my times, and go to one pub which is never packed) so far in avoiding catching the disease, but I shall be taking that care to (what some would consider to be ridiculous) extremes this week. 

We have one family get-together per year, on Christmas Day. Therefore, this week only, my forays out of the house will be limited to

  • One round trip to Sheffield to deliver freezer stuff (turkey etc) to my daughter's house (she and her partner both work from home anyway, and my grandson is home-schooled)
  • Taking the bins out on Monday
  • One shopping trip to Morrisons on Wednesday for essentials (panic-buying chilis for a start)
  • One round trip to Keynsham on Thursday to collect my son (he works from home too) and to tank up with petrol on the way home
  • Christmas Day trip to Sheffield for the family get-together

Everyone involved is being super-careful

Pick me up some chilli pickled onions

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10 minutes ago, Archied said:

Nope , the last line is guff that just drives people away from having it if they are sick to death of lies hypocrisy and dishonesty from above ,you want to get boosters then crack on ,your choice

Doesn’t the booster give you extra immunity in terms of the impact and the symptoms should you get the virus? And doesn’t it help prevent the spread of the virus? Even if by a small %?

If it does then it’s not guff. If it doesn’t then I’d also question what’s the point.

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11 minutes ago, Bris Vegas said:

Doesn’t the booster give you extra immunity in terms of the impact and the symptoms should you get the virus? And doesn’t it help prevent the spread of the virus? Even if by a small %?

If it does then it’s not guff. If it doesn’t then I’d also question what’s the point.

There’s lots of data that argues both sides of the debate: some argue modest but significant reduction in transmission is afforded by the vaccines and lots of data disproving that aswell. Logic dictates if you have less severe symptoms and the virus is spread by droplet transmission (coughing sneezing etc) then that would support the premise it reduces spread, but as I say lots of data both ways and no firm conclusions can be drawn. 

The thing I’d say is don’t be suckered into thinking transmission is the only point of vaccinations or boosters. Many vaccines other than COVID aren’t primarily supposed to stop transmission. Even if the vaccine doesnt stop you spreading/contracting the virus, the fact it can keep you out of hospital and lower your risk of dying is something that needs to be considered when deciding whether you think it’s worthwhile.

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17 minutes ago, BrudeRAM said:

There’s lots of data that argues both sides of the debate: some argue modest but significant reduction in transmission is afforded by the vaccines and lots of data disproving that aswell. Logic dictates if you have less severe symptoms and the virus is spread by droplet transmission (coughing sneezing etc) then that would support the premise it reduces spread, but as I say lots of data both ways and no firm conclusions can be drawn. 

The thing I’d say is don’t be suckered into thinking transmission is the only point of vaccinations or boosters. Many vaccines other than COVID aren’t primarily supposed to stop transmission. Even if the vaccine doesnt stop you spreading/contracting the virus, the fact it can keep you out of hospital and lower your risk of dying is something that needs to be considered when deciding whether you think it’s worthwhile.

Very balanced post , real shame that there’s been no balance from our government, advisors , media, I have no trust in a thing they say ,

third jab then more with different jabs and sliding doors time gap recommendations is a step too far for me at this point , I’ve been out and about for two years in covid environment with the family having it ( pretty certain me too ,before double jab ) and at this point will wait and watch??‍♂️

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