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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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31 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

I find it strange how many people are just realising that wealth and status brings privilege. Like it's a new thing. 

Yep it’s no new thing , what’s new is the bare faced brazen in your face ,tough shat plebs openness it’s now done with now, that then the astounding acceptance of it by the public , in fact it’s beyond acceptance it’s like people are thanking them for it ??‍♂️
from gov ministers to scientists,vips, celebs and the rich it’s been riddled from the start of covid ,perhaps it’s not the new order of things but rather the no more bothering to hide the old order of things,

emotion trumps thinking , fear is the strongest emotion , create and drive home enough fear and it’s job done ,normally intelligent people have been turned into gibbering wreck s ,deaf and blind to the obvious 

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25 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

Maybe without live football, pubs and indeed opium, then there is no opium for the masses.

It’s not the masses that worry me , they have pretty much always been easy to manipulate, it’s the intelligent normally free thinking middle ground people that have switched off that worries me

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3 hours ago, Pearl Ram said:

Not from me. If Chris Whitty was a right hard bar steward that liked knocking nobheads around for his kicks I might, but to harass and embarrass a mild mannered bloke going about his business ? Nah, hope he gets plenty of time to reflect on his behaviour.

It's a bit harsh losing your job. I watched the video after reading the 'results' and was surprised by the mildness of it. They were obviously a bit pished and being silly. Not pleasant for Whitty (knowing his family history) but surely he wouldn't want a bloke to lose his job? Apology would be enough you'd think?

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2 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

It's a bit harsh losing your job. I watched the video after reading the 'results' and was surprised by the mildness of it. They were obviously a bit pished and being silly. Not pleasant for Whitty (knowing his family history) but surely he wouldn't want a bloke to lose his job? Apology would be enough you'd think?

Just giving my take on it. Louts picking on an easy target sickens me. Duncan Ferguson’s about the same age as Whitty, I’d like to see them being a bit silly with him.

I’m pleased an apology seems sufficient for you, that would have been a throughly unpleasant experience for Whitty, and not the first one he’s had to endure if my memory serves me correctly so I hope both the perpetrators have a lousy few months.

I’ve got a lad I’m proud as punch of. Polite, gentle, respectful, thinks of others before himself. He’s been on the wrong side of a bit of silliness and it ducked his head, he couldn’t understand why he was target of people he was no threat to.

These see you next tuesdays don’t give a toss about the consequences of their actions so don’t duckin’ give me all that silliness crap.



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2 minutes ago, Pearl Ram said:

I’m not doing this Roy.

Fair enough, I'll take it that you didn't. As I should have said I was well ducked off with idiots doing such things when it first broke in the media. Yesterday I watched the video, whilst it must have been somewhat annoying/slightly scary it was hardly enough to even have the Police involved.

Edited by RoyMac5
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7 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

Fair enough, I'll take it that you didn't. As I should have said I was well ducked off with idiots doing such things when it first broke in the media. Yesterday I watched the video, whilst it must have been somewhat annoying/slightly scary it was hardly enough to even have the Police involved.

Especially when if the same two idiots had broken into your house the police wouldnt be in the slightest bit interested 

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3 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Especially when if the same two idiots had broken into your house the police wouldnt be in the slightest bit interested 

Yeah. But they were in the area when it happened weren't they - which is how come they 'had words'? As I said, I thought it sounded appalling when it was reported, but when you saw the video it was just a 'pair of idiots' being twits. I think a couple of coppers 'having words' should have scared them enough, but nowadays things are different. But still what good does it do the bloke losing his job? Anyway it sounds like I'm 'on their side', I'm not.

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47 minutes ago, Pearl Ram said:

Just giving my take on it. Louts picking on an easy target sickens me. Duncan Ferguson’s about the same age as Whitty, I’d like to see them being a bit silly with him.

I’m pleased an apology seems sufficient for you, that would have been a throughly unpleasant experience for Whitty, and not the first one he’s had to endure if my memory serves me correctly so I hope both the perpetrators have a lousy few months.

I’ve got a lad I’m proud as punch of. Polite, gentle, respectful, thinks of others before himself. He’s been on the wrong side of a bit of silliness and it ducked his head, he couldn’t understand why he was target of people he was no threat to.

These see you next tuesdays don’t give a toss about the consequences of their actions so don’t duckin’ give me all that silliness crap.



I’m with you most of the way and like you my lad is a lovely kid ( well 29 now) ,, this bloke seems a bit of a twit and deffo needs putting straight but sacking him for that seems very very harsh , think if I was whitty I may well have stepped in and asked his company not to sack him for it and an apology being enough , poss that may have taught the bloke more about decency than the sacking but hey ho

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1 hour ago, RoyMac5 said:

Yeah. But they were in the area when it happened weren't they - which is how come they 'had words'? As I said, I thought it sounded appalling when it was reported, but when you saw the video it was just a 'pair of idiots' being twits. I think a couple of coppers 'having words' should have scared them enough, but nowadays things are different. But still what good does it do the bloke losing his job? Anyway it sounds like I'm 'on their side', I'm not.

Well it might make the lad grow up.

As for the Estate Agency who sacked him...fair play, I wouldn't want a idiot like that working for me.

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11 hours ago, rammieib said:

As for the Estate Agency who sacked him...fair play, I wouldn't want a idiot like that working for me.

This is the main point isn't it? They are a private company and absolutely free to sack him if they want. 

His specific actions aren't why he was sacked - you don't get sacked for getting a bit drunk and annoying a stranger in a park

But when that stranger is a well-recognised public figure and those actions become national news and your face is everywhere, the company has a solid case in employment law for you bringing their name into disrepute


Estate Agents are the professional income-generating front of the business. They are the salesmen. I wouldn't want this guy fronting a business that I ran after doing something so idiotic that it became national news


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14 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

350,000 school pupils being denied a proper education due to 15,000 positive tests.

Meanwhile top executives and UEFA bigwigs are free to play by their own set of rules.

Hints that schools may continue with restrictions post July 19 too.

This is no longer just unfortunate and sad, its a bloody outrage.

I was at a local pub gig in a beer garden last weekend - all done to "the rules"

socially distanced tables, no standing, and no singing along - capacity of about 50-60 people in the audience

Then two days later you see Wembley with 40,000 fans in it, all over each other singing their heads off

Something not right in there somewhere...


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11 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

This is the main point isn't it? They are a private company and absolutely free to sack him if they want. 

No they are not absolutely free to sack him. He has employment rights as much as anyone. Hark at us arguing the polar opposite to our normal political leanings. You right wing activist you.

As far as bringing the company into disrepute, I am led to understand that they acted before his name made the national press. I heard a senior employment lawyer yesterday saying that the company acted too quickly and that would not be seen to well at a tribunal. Also that bringing the company into disrepute is not easy to prove and very difficult when not on company time.

Saying that, I would not want him working for me but an employer has to follow the law and sometimes the law is a ass.

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14 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

I was at a local pub gig in a beer garden last weekend - all done to "the rules"

socially distanced tables, no standing, and no singing along - capacity of about 50-60 people in the audience

Then two days later you see Wembley with 40,000 fans in it, all over each other singing their heads off

Something not right in there somewhere...


It's all falling apart now. You can already see the narrative changing to a more relaxed standpoint after the next July trigger. There are too many anomalies now and the Govt cant hold it together anymore. The lockdown train has left the station. 

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39 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

This is the main point isn't it? They are a private company and absolutely free to sack him if they want. 

His specific actions aren't why he was sacked - you don't get sacked for getting a bit drunk and annoying a stranger in a park

But when that stranger is a well-recognised public figure and those actions become national news and your face is everywhere, the company has a solid case in employment law for you bringing their name into disrepute


Estate Agents are the professional income-generating front of the business. They are the salesmen. I wouldn't want this guy fronting a business that I ran after doing something so idiotic that it became national news


I've watched the video. If that's all that happened, I think he'll have a good case for unfair dismissal. 

They do themselves no favours, look like a right pair of idiots. But if you're a drunken idiot in your own time, that's your privilege. I suspect that the media attention will be the thing that gets them the sack, not what they actually did. All looks very self-taken, so I wouldn't be shocked if they turned the camera off before being a bit more confrontational. 

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35 minutes ago, Angry Ram said:

It's all falling apart now. You can already see the narrative changing to a more relaxed standpoint after the next July trigger. There are too many anomalies now and the Govt cant hold it together anymore. The lockdown train has left the station. 

Too many people have woke up. Even Eddie has one eye open. 

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