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Rate the last film you saw partie deux

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10 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

the missus loves a Christmas film. I can take it or leave it, but do appreciate a good Christmas film. So with that mindset, we have been looking for Christmas movies that we haven't seen. The one mentioned above (Violent Night) was enjoyable, however, I should have quit whilst I was ahead:-

GENIE (SkyTV) : RIchard Curtis dross-fest where Melissa McCarthy is even less funny than her other unfunny roles and the undercover copper from Gangs of London. He is overworked and neglecting his family. The wife takes the daughter away from him just before Christmas, he then rubs a box and she pops out and gives him unlimited wishes. Nothing funny happens. Sickly boring ending where everything is happy ever after. Follows a formula that makes you sick that they produce this dross knowing idiots love Christmas and WILL watch it.

Conor Doyle/10


CANDY CANE LANE (Amazon Prime): Eddie Murphy plays a doting dad who loves Christmas, and is in competition with his neighbours to have the best Christmas decorations on his house. Signs a deal with a naughty Elf which will backfire if he doesnt complete a mission he doesn't know about. Intertwined with token nods to BLM/MOBO/Culture (for no real reason) and several attempts to give parenting messages and other things that don't really hit hard enough due to too many little nods. Absolute dross again, instantly forgettable and will probably not even remember watching it by Christmas!

Seb HInes/10

I'd give Candy Cane a Julien De Sart.  Decent opening match, then dross.

I reckon you secretly love Christmas films and spend all December sneaking downstairs to watch Hallmark TV movies where an American women meets the love of their life, who owns a massive castle in Ireland or Scotland -egg nog, yule logs, and Hogmanhay dancing optional. 

Either that or their some hard nosed business women who visits their old town somewhere in Colorado and realises the true meaning of Christmas with some bloke who works in a garage.

Admit it, you love it.

Edited by Gee SCREAMER !!
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May December (Netflix US)

Elizabeth (Natalie Portman) stars as an actress who meets and studies the life of Gracie (Julianne Moore) who she is set to play in a film. Gracie infamously had an affair with a 13 year old boy when she was 36. 

I'd heard good things about this and there was quite a lot of ways this could have gone, but was left quite disappointed at the end. Both Portman and Moore were great, Charles Melton too, however I feel the plot was quite meh.

Conor Hourihane / 10

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1 hour ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

I'd give Candy Cane a Julien De Sart.  Decent opening match, then dross.

I reckon you secretly love Christmas films and spend all December sneaking downstairs to watch Hallmark TV movies where an American women meets the love of their life, who owns a massive castle in Ireland or Scotland -egg nog, yule logs, and Hogmanhay dancing optional. 

Either that or their some hard nosed business women who visits their old town somewhere in Colorado and realises the true meaning of Christmas with some bloke who works in a garage.

Admit it, you love it.

you fancy setting up a script writing and story creating team with me?

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30 minutes ago, Eddie said:

Everything Everywhere All At Once

A masterpiece, which melted my brain. I still can't work out how and why it works, but it does.

John McGovern / 10.

My friend watched it and she hated it. Put me off it, will have a go now

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9 hours ago, Eddie said:

Everything Everywhere All At Once

A masterpiece, which melted my brain. I still can't work out how and why it works, but it does.

John McGovern / 10.


8 hours ago, sage said:

My friend watched it and she hated it. Put me off it, will have a go now

I loved it but the Mrs didn't get on with it at all.

I've watched it again in the last couple of weeks at the gym - 40 mins cardio doesn't half fly by while you're trying to keep up with what's happening!.

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On 04/12/2023 at 13:05, Mostyn6 said:

the missus loves a Christmas film. I can take it or leave it, but do appreciate a good Christmas film. So with that mindset, we have been looking for Christmas movies that we haven't seen. The one mentioned above (Violent Night) was enjoyable, however, I should have quit whilst I was ahead:-

GENIE (SkyTV) : RIchard Curtis dross-fest where Melissa McCarthy is even less funny than her other unfunny roles and the undercover copper from Gangs of London. He is overworked and neglecting his family. The wife takes the daughter away from him just before Christmas, he then rubs a box and she pops out and gives him unlimited wishes. Nothing funny happens. Sickly boring ending where everything is happy ever after. Follows a formula that makes you sick that they produce this dross knowing idiots love Christmas and WILL watch it.

Conor Doyle/10


CANDY CANE LANE (Amazon Prime): Eddie Murphy plays a doting dad who loves Christmas, and is in competition with his neighbours to have the best Christmas decorations on his house. Signs a deal with a naughty Elf which will backfire if he doesnt complete a mission he doesn't know about. Intertwined with token nods to BLM/MOBO/Culture (for no real reason) and several attempts to give parenting messages and other things that don't really hit hard enough due to too many little nods. Absolute dross again, instantly forgettable and will probably not even remember watching it by Christmas!

Seb HInes/10

The Grinch Film GIF by The Good Films

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The Maltese Falcon.

Continuing our winter of black and white classics, with another dose of Humphrey Bogart.

He owns the screen, with a delightful turn from Sidney Greenstreet and a solid support, but the story is a bit clunky for my tastes, and I don't think it quite hits the spot. 7/10.

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Violent Night

Expected more from it. Was a bit of a strange mix really. Like Home Alone with lots of very strong expletives and too much gore for little kids.

Wish they'd gone one way or the other... properly made it adult with less silly slapstick humour and without the naff saccharine storyline or cut some of the swearing/sexual references and made it a proper kids film.

Not sure who the audience was but I was expected more thrills and less cheese. 

5 out of 10 

Edited by Chester40
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Don't Worry Darling: with Harry Styles, Chris Pine and a couple more familar faces (Jonah from Veep for example). It's a bit of a cross between Edward Scissorhands, The Devil's Advocate, Mad Men and one other film that if I tell you what it is will spoil the plot. First twenty minutes is intriguing and, to be fair, almost keeps the pace up. The 'twist' is pretty darned obvious by the time you get there and there are a couple of holes in how the final scenes play out. But it's worth it, the soundtrack is probably the highlight.

Ross McLaren / 10


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Inside with Willem Defoe - not sure when it came out.

High end art thief gets trapped inside a penthouse apartment without food, water (kinda) or any communication method. Even the TV is on the fritz.

Weird af and I have no clue what the ending meant.

Then again, I was flying home from Florida feeling sick as a dog with the flu that had kept me in bed all week and wanting to die. The film just made me want to die faster.


Edited by Bob The Badger
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On the way to Florida I decded to rewatch The Godfather trilogy.


My goodness those first two that I'd not seen in 20 years were sooooo good. Almost flawless acting, direction and script.

I watched the 3rd on the way home, in as mentioned above, a horrible mood and feeling sick because I presumed that I'd overreacted with Part 3. So maybe I'm overreacting.

But, jeez, it was an utter trainwreck of biblical proportions.

Sofia Copella would have been laughed off the set of Crossroads, Eli Walch was almost as bad, and Al Pacino was hamming it up too.

Even the ending was laughingly bad.

It's incomprehensible to me that it was Coppola and Puzo involved and that it scored 7.6 in IMDb.

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4 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

On the way to Florida I decded to rewatch The Godfather trilogy.


My goodness those first two that I'd not seen in 20 years were sooooo good. Almost flawless acting, direction and script.

I watched the 3rd on the way home, in as mentioned above, a horrible mood and feeling sick because I presumed that I'd overreacted with Part 3. So maybe I'm overreacting.

But, jeez, it was an utter trainwreck of biblical proportions.

Sofia Copella would have been laughed off the set of Crossroads, Eli Walch was almost as bad, and Al Pacino was hamming it up too.

Even the ending was laughingly bad.

It's incomprehensible to me that it was Coppola and Puzo involved and that it scored 7.6 in IMDb.

I think 'trainwreck' is a bit unkind. His search for, and failure to attain, respectability, is a good angle. He attracts corruption and violence like a magnet and ultimately, he can't escape. So he dies alone. I find the final scene quite moving, with the flashbacks of him dancing with his wives and daughter before he slumps in his chair and finally falls.

I don't really have as big a problem with Sophia Coppola as others seem to have. She's a relatively minor role.

Strangley, the main thing that bugs me is that Don Tomassino is played by a different actor.

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Leave the world behind (Netflix). 
A new disaster thriller about a group of people living through general weirdness and possible apocalypse. 

Seriously marmite reviews on IMDb. Definite love or hate response to this one due to the lack of spoonfeeding the plot, as far as I can make out. It lets you draw your own conclusions and many people seem to hate that.  
I was in the former group. This one will stay with me I think. 

8.5/10 and the best film I’ve seen this year. 

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