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18 minutes ago, Norman said:

It's an annoying argument saying that times are changing, or it would have happened anyway. 

Not at this speed, not at this rate. That will cause repercussions. Like a housing market collapse. 

Can't pay rent, house prices falter? Then the landlords sell. More houses than demand, houses fall in price (more landlords now sell) , people trapped in negative equity, people being forced to sell through no or lower paid jobs..... And bang. 

That could happen. It wouldn't happen if High Streets naturally progressed. 

I agree but would also say I think house prices are too high at the moment, that's not because of the economy really just needs more housing supply. There's alot more demand than supply and house prices are high because of land restrictions and Lobbying in the main. A crash wouldn't help because most people don't have assets like Gold or alot of savings so if there was a house crash as you say there would be consequences.

Personally think the whole economy is based off people spending beyond their means and it is unsustainable and vulnerable to crashes, if it was normalised to save more and not get the latest Iphone when you don't have much money the economy would be less vulnerable. 

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If it was down to me I'd "cancel" Christmas and stop people mingling with their family. I think we've been yet again so arrogant and havent realised that many faith's and countries have cancelled their national holidays. Chinese New Year, Eid, Diwali have all been much quieter this year. But because it's Christmas, the folks in charge dont want to be seen to annoying everyone instead of doing the right thing. 



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49 minutes ago, Norman said:

It's an annoying argument saying that times are changing, or it would have happened anyway. 

Not at this speed, not at this rate.

That's the problem  - the virus upset has taken away that 'smelling the coffee' time that people usually get when a business is going down the pan, and allowing job searches and re-training.

No job is for life anymore, but the pandemic is trashing people's often modest hopes and dreams.

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23 minutes ago, SouthStandDan said:

If it was down to me I'd "cancel" Christmas and stop people mingling with their family. I think we've been yet again so arrogant and havent realised that many faith's and countries have cancelled their national holidays. Chinese New Year, Eid, Diwali have all been much quieter this year. But because it's Christmas, the folks in charge dont want to be seen to annoying everyone instead of doing the right thing. 

There is nothing stopping you cancelling your Xmas but there are many of us that have been deprived of friends and family time for too long now.

Why does it really matter to you what other people are doing?

If you are worried about catching Covid surely you can just avoid contact with people?

Lots of us managed it for 3 months over the summer quite successfully.

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8 hours ago, maxjam said:

It may not have been planned but the pandemic has given the wealthy the means to screw smaller businesses out of existence, increasing their profits in the short term and clearing out competition in the long term.

7 hours ago, TexasRam said:

Scaremongering and mass hysteria delivered by scientists who for me have lost all credibility with their woeful projections, data manipulation and let’s be honest, lies . Poorly handled imo. I guessing by your retort your opinion is different to mine and you’ll continue to follow the science in blind panic. 


Following science is not blind panic.

But not following science is blind.

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22 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

Following science is not blind panic.

But not following science is blind.

Depends which science. You can have a meal with the same amount of people you can’t have a drink with in the same establishment. You have to leave and establish at 10pm but can be in there from 9am to 10pm. You can go to the ballet in doors with 2000 people but can’t go to a sports event Outdoor with the same amount of people. You can go and watch the darts but can’t wear fancy dress. You can’t play football at the weekend with your mates  but can go to school/college in a classroom with 30 other people for 6 hours a day....and so on and so on. Following that science, it’s blind panic. 

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53 minutes ago, SouthStandDan said:

If it was down to me I'd "cancel" Christmas and stop people mingling with their family. I think we've been yet again so arrogant and havent realised that many faith's and countries have cancelled their national holidays. Chinese New Year, Eid, Diwali have all been much quieter this year. But because it's Christmas, the folks in charge dont want to be seen to annoying everyone instead of doing the right thing. 



Cancel your own Christmas if that's what you want to do, sod off and let other people do as they choose. 

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1 hour ago, SouthStandDan said:

If it was down to me I'd "cancel" Christmas and stop people mingling with their family. I think we've been yet again so arrogant and havent realised that many faith's and countries have cancelled their national holidays. Chinese New Year, Eid, Diwali have all been much quieter this year. But because it's Christmas, the folks in charge dont want to be seen to annoying everyone instead of doing the right thing. 



The issue is that even if you cancel Christmas then a large portion of people will carry on regardless which has been apparently obvious from the start that people are using their own discretion regards what they should and shouldn't be doing and is partly, and I say partly why we are in this mess.

You think that all citizens are going to stop going round peoples houses for a NYE party when the pubs inevitably are all shut - not going to happen. 

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49 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

The issue is that even if you cancel Christmas then a large portion of people will carry on regardless which has been apparently obvious from the start that people are using their own discretion regards what they should and shouldn't be doing and is partly, and I say partly why we are in this mess.

You think that all citizens are going to stop going round peoples houses for a NYE party when the pubs inevitably are all shut - not going to happen. 

I think gatherings on NYE would be potentially more dangerous than Christmas as I think the incubation period is 2-10 days or something like that.  I'm no scientist but I think that means if you 'catch' it on Christmas day then NYE is the time you will be most infectious. 

I'm going to suggest to family that we do a group video call from about 11pm. It will be interesting to see how the internet holds up.

I don't know what the answer is and suspect even the most expert among us dont. Its easy for some experts to say dont relax restrictions but have they considered that people will do as they please anyway. 

At least this way it doesn't criminalise people for doing it.



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2 hours ago, Norman said:

It's an annoying argument saying that times are changing, or it would have happened anyway. 

Not at this speed, not at this rate. That will cause repercussions. Like a housing market collapse. 

Can't pay rent, house prices falter? Then the landlords sell. More houses than demand, houses fall in price (more landlords now sell) , people trapped in negative equity, people being forced to sell through no or lower paid jobs..... And bang. 

That could happen. It wouldn't happen if High Streets naturally progressed. 

Yep your right , people always see selfishness in others but not in themselves ,, easy to say these people’s business s ,jobs , live hoods ,life savings would have gone down the pan anyway and COVID has just brought that forward ,,, try saying the same of so called COVID deaths with an average age higher than the average life expectancy in the country and or other seriously life threatening/ shortening conditions 

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3 hours ago, Norman said:

The housing market dictates the most materials, the most wages, and the most debt. 

It dictates so much, we can't let it collapse. 

Mass redundancies and unemployment will make that harder to keep away. 

A housing market collapse, unemployment, mass redundancies and an environment where small businesses are unable to start or to get funding, and we're in big, big ducking trouble. 

Agree. We're just one economic shock away from disaster. Good job there isn't one of them on the horizon...

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We've only just (on Sunday) found out that Muckerette's Brother, his wife, and their 20something son all had it recently.  Some (not all) symptoms, bed-ridden/very poorly for a few days, positive test results etc.  

They're 99% recovered now, and back to work (This was about 3-4 weeks ago).

The only remaining person in their household has shown no signs of illness.  Mind you, he's nearer to his 90th birthday than his 89th, and he's been a pipe smoker since he was 14, so there ain't nothing gonna get a grip on his lungs!  

Let's hear it for Muckerette's dad!   ?

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4 hours ago, SouthStandDan said:

If it was down to me I'd "cancel" Christmas and stop people mingling with their family. I think we've been yet again so arrogant and havent realised that many faith's and countries have cancelled their national holidays. Chinese New Year, Eid, Diwali have all been much quieter this year. But because it's Christmas, the folks in charge dont want to be seen to annoying everyone instead of doing the right thing. 



We live in a Christian democracy, where our head of state is also head of our church.

Therefore Christmas is seen as important. Just because rules have been relaxed for a period of 5 whole days, doesn't mean you have to follow them, either.


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8 minutes ago, Andicis said:

The alternative of having every single aspect of your life micromanaged for ''the virus'' isn't better, frankly. 

I know - or rather, knew - two people who died from it - both were relatively fit (ok, not super-fit, but certainly fitter than I was when I worked with them).

I'm sure that, given the chance, they wouldn't subscribe to your point of view.


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4 hours ago, TexasRam said:

Depends which science. You can have a meal with the same amount of people you can’t have a drink with in the same establishment. You have to leave and establish at 10pm but can be in there from 9am to 10pm. You can go to the ballet in doors with 2000 people but can’t go to a sports event Outdoor with the same amount of people. You can go and watch the darts but can’t wear fancy dress. You can’t play football at the weekend with your mates  but can go to school/college in a classroom with 30 other people for 6 hours a day....and so on and so on. Following that science, it’s blind panic. 

I understand what your saying but I think the Govt. are not 'following the science'. They're making political decisions after being given the advice and information from the scientists. Whether they are the right decisions is of course open to debate (but not on here now the politics thread is no more).

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