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9 hours ago, alexxxxx said:

Yeah basically been underreporting cases for past 10d or so. 

Graph doesn't look so rosy now unfortunately. 



isn't it fair to say though that we don't know exactly what the dates for those prior infections should fall on? Basically because we've still obviously not got control of the data, we're to an extent running blind? Or is the data accurate now we have it (until we find there's some other errors)?

That spike is roughly in a month. If the control measures aren't working, I'd hate to see it in November.

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4 hours ago, 1of4 said:

It looks like Dominic Cummings was right and going on a journey in a car is the best way to treat someone with coronavirus. 

As the best doctors in the USA are using the same treatment by sending Trump on a trip around the hospital in a presidential vehicle.

Well we do also have to drive hundreds of miles to find a testing station. 

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Wow, someone has proper ducked up to lose nearly 50k cases. 

If you look at trend by specimen date things are not looking great.

Graph below shows that it isn't as bad as predicted, but still not pretty


Very much hope this is being driven by schools and universities, and that things start to calm down in the near future.

Although I'm no longer hopeful of avoiding further restrictions

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Some good news (of sorts) re Covid-19

My daughter, who was extremely fit and most definitely not in any sort of 'vulnerable' group, went down with it in March and is still, more than 6 months later, suffering some breathing problems. However, yesterday she completed the London Marathon. She had to walk most of the way and it took her almost 9 hours, but she made it.

I don't think I could be more proud of her.

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12 minutes ago, Shuff264 said:

Wow, someone has proper ducked up to lose nearly 50k cases. 

If you look at trend by specimen date things are not looking great.

Graph below shows that it isn't as bad as predicted, but still not pretty


Very much hope this is being driven by schools and universities, and that things start to calm down in the near future.

Although I'm no longer hopeful of avoiding further restrictions

The scope of testing is changing all the time which makes it difficult to compare. Hospitalisations and deaths are a better indicator although there is significant lag between restrictions and results

Looking at England only, where at the peak we had 17,000 beds occupied, with figures slowly dropping from 1,000 in July down to 430 at the start of September. We're now at close to 400 admissions a day with total of about 2,500 staying in beds.

Ventilation beds occupied were 2800 at peak, down to 50 at the start of September, and now surpassed 300.

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1 hour ago, GboroRam said:

isn't it fair to say though that we don't know exactly what the dates for those prior infections should fall on? Basically because we've still obviously not got control of the data, we're to an extent running blind? Or is the data accurate now we have it (until we find there's some other errors)?

That spike is roughly in a month. If the control measures aren't working, I'd hate to see it in November.

No, they know the dates that they fall on. And that's the graph of the specimen date. 

They're all viewable on https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/cases

I think these case numbers arent as useful as the ons survey or the zoe study which are a bit more positive but it's difficult to tell what's right. 

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25 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

The scope of testing is changing all the time which makes it difficult to compare. Hospitalisations and deaths are a better indicator although there is significant lag between restrictions and results

Looking at England only, where at the peak we had 17,000 beds occupied, with figures slowly dropping from 1,000 in July down to 430 at the start of September. We're now at close to 400 admissions a day with total of about 2,500 staying in beds.

Ventilation beds occupied were 2800 at peak, down to 50 at the start of September, and now surpassed 300.

Oh 100% agree, cases just weren't looking pretty with the news!

This number of cases can only lead to an increase in hospitalisations, ventilator usage and deaths. To what extent I suppose we will have to wait and see.

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4 minutes ago, Andicis said:


I see Boris is now urging people to go to the cinema. Can't wait for whoever listens to him to get blamed in a few weeks if cases go up. 

Bit of a chicken & egg thing, though. Cinema numbers are down because of films being held back - because people aren't going to the cinema & numbers have had to be reduced. Surely even Boris can understand that.

I have no plans to go the cinema but that's mainly cos there's bugger all coming out that I'd want to see.

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As much as I think the likes of Google (Alphabet) need to be broken up soon because it's bad for the market and innovation having such mega corporations...

They offered their assistance. We would have had better tracking, modelling, etc. 

Instead the government blew £12bn on this track and trace already. All of this nonesense with Dido and Excel. I just can't stop laughing. It doesn't matter if it's the Conservatives or Labour. The public sector is full of incompetence and they waste money. They don't know how to spend it. 

It's the same with the NHS. Just keep piling in money. It doesn't solve anything. You encourage innovation in the private sector. 

It happens in many sectors and industries. FinTech for example are doing things the banks never could or would have. To the point where in less than 10 years time, the most valuable financial sector companies won't be the likes of NatWest and Santander, but some company that doesn't even exist yet and will have about 20 employees for their first year or two. 

This is why I've always supported a basic income. People are better at spending money than government. 

Just more and more Covid incompetence by the day. 

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Anyone know what this £12Bn was actually spent on?

How do you even spend that much money in 6 months?

Even 20,000 Tracers having been paid £30k (which is a gross exaggeration consdiering they were on £12 an hour and have only been working 4 months!) is only £600m.

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32 minutes ago, Van Wolfie said:

Bit of a chicken & egg thing, though. Cinema numbers are down because of films being held back - because people aren't going to the cinema & numbers have had to be reduced. Surely even Boris can understand that.

I have no plans to go the cinema but that's mainly cos there's bugger all coming out that I'd want to see.

Thats were your wrong mate it is feaking goverment who is saying what films we can have not have all showing is old films that been on tv god knows how many times.

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8 minutes ago, B4ev6is said:

Thats were your wrong mate it is feaking goverment who is saying what films we can have not have all showing is old films that been on tv god knows how many times.

It's not. It's the studios holding them back until they think they can make a profit showing them.

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13 hours ago, 1of4 said:

It looks like Dominic Cummings was right and going on a journey in a car is the best way to treat someone with coronavirus. 

As the best doctors in the USA are using the same treatment by sending Trump on a trip around the hospital in a presidential vehicle.

Not quite. The vehicle is hermetically sealed, so the virus isn't able to jump out and infect the idiots who ae grovelling and fawning to him on the streets.

I feel for the bodygurds locked in the van with him. Those poor buggers are paid to put themselves between him and any bullet that comes his way, but I doubt if they are keen on laying down their lives for a stunt committed by a lunatic.

I thoought British politics were bad enough, but America keeps on setting even lower standards of political depravity.

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