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Apparently I am one of a select few/million. I am getting, for no apparent reason, a personally delivered and courier collected Virus swab test as part of a NHS Imperial College Study..

This to tell whether I have the virus or not. Results in a week, maybe.

My Premium bonds never came up in 50 years, I've never been chosen for Jury Duty and I've never won the Lottery or even a village fete draw.

So why do I suddenly feel a cold shiver down my spine?

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50 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

Absolute death  cult


Simple, have the police there ready to smash them with the newly increased fines for breaking social distancing rules.

They should consider themselves lucky, if it were up to me the people turning up to that mass gathering would be loaded in to the next SpaceX rocket and fired in to the void.

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2 minutes ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

Simple, have the police there ready to smash them with the newly increased fines for breaking social distancing rules.

They should consider themselves lucky, if it were up to me the people turning up to that mass gathering would be loaded in to the next SpaceX rocket and fired in to the void.

I was a bit puzzled by the "say no to the coronavirus bill" part - given that the wording says


The bill enables action in 5 key areas:

  1. increasing the available health and social care workforce – for example, by removing barriers to allow recently retired NHS staff and social workers to return to work (and in Scotland, in addition to retired people, allowing those who are on a career break or are social worker students to become temporary social workers)
  2. easing the burden on frontline staff – by reducing the number of administrative tasks they have to perform, enabling local authorities to prioritise care for people with the most pressing needs, allowing key workers to perform more tasks remotely and with less paperwork, and taking the power to suspend individual port operations
  3. containing and slowing the virus – by reducing unnecessary social contacts, for example through powers over events and gatherings, and strengthening the quarantine powers of police and immigration officers
  4. managing the deceased with respect and dignity – by enabling the death management system to deal with increased demand for its services
  5. supporting people – by allowing them to claim Statutory Sick Pay from day one, and by supporting the food industry to maintain supplies

Hard to envisage why on earth anyone would say "no" to any of those measures?

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17 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

I was a bit puzzled by the "say no to the coronavirus bill" part - given that the wording says

Hard to envisage why on earth anyone would say "no" to any of those measures?

They seem to be anti-vaxxer god-bothering morons, therefore they will say no to anything that makes any kind of sense. They probably think that 5G is behind everything too.


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39 minutes ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

Simple, have the police there ready to smash them with the newly increased fines for breaking social distancing rules

Read the Police have no power to enforce 2m "rule" because its not law.

My solution, pun intended, spray them from water canon filled with soapy stuff, I'm sure West Ham could tell us how to do it! 

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31 minutes ago, FindernRam said:

Is this for real or just a sick joke?



It seems that UK Freedom Movement is a real thing -and the latest grift from the Britain First morons


Ironic really that they used to be against freedom of movement and are now pro-freedomn of movement now it's them being told to stay at home haha


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2 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:


It seems that UK Freedom Movement is a real thing -and the latest grift from the Britain First morons


Ironic really that they used to be against freedom of movement and are now pro-freedomn of movement now it's them being told to stay at home haha


They've dropped the word 'of', so totally not the same.


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1 hour ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

Simple, have the police there ready to smash them with the newly increased fines for breaking social distancing rules.

They should consider themselves lucky, if it were up to me the people turning up to that mass gathering would be loaded in to the next SpaceX rocket and fired in to the void.

Get them carrying the bodies to the mortuary and burying the dead. They would save on PPE that way too.

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Absolute heroes! In a cynical world, there's still plenty of good people out there ?

Workers have been praised for managing to stop an outbreak of coronavirus in their care home by spending all of lockdown living with residents.

Nine staff members moved in to Anchor House in Doncaster full-time in March to reduce the risk of infecting the 21 vulnerable residents.

Manager Karen Greaves said the efforts meant the home was "Covid-free".


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17 hours ago, GboroRam said:

"Good news son, you get to go back to school!”

“Oh great, so the germs are gone?”

“Ummmm yeah, pretty much... I mean technically there’s more deaths per day than there was when they closed the school... but I’m sure it’s fine.”

“I can’t wait to play with my friends!”

“Well yeah, you might see some of your friends, but you won’t be able to touch them or play with them.”


“Because of the germs.”

“But there aren’t any germs now?!”

“Right....but there might be... so you can’t go close to your friends.”

“Oh well, at least I’ll see them.”

“Well, you might not see them all because you might not all be in the same classroom.”

“Oh, but I’ll be in my classroom though right?”

“Well you might not be because you’ll have to spread out a bit.”

“Spread out to where?”

“To the other classrooms.”

“But won’t the other classes be in their rooms?”

“No the other classes won’t be there.”


“Because of the germs.”

“But why am I the only one going back?”

“Ummm..... because you’re small and you can spread out more?... because you don’t take up so much space?!?.... honestly no one knows mate.”

“Oh well, at least I’ll see my teacher... but wait...Mum how will my teacher be in all the classrooms at once?”

“Well, you might not have your teacher.”

“Who will I have?”

“I don’t know...”

“Oh.... if I’m going back to school can we go and get my new school shoes? Remember you said I would have to get new shoes because my feet have grown?!”

“Right... yeah... it’s not safe to open the shops so we can’t get shoes.”

“But it is safe for me to go to school?”

“Yep, maybe... unless there’s a spike in the virus, then we might have to stay home again.”

“How will they know if there’s a spike in the virus though Mum?”

“Hospital admissions... and number of deaths.”

“But what if I’ve already got it by then, from going to school?”

“Well you probably won’t die because you’re young.”

“Do children not die then?”

“Most of them don’t.”

“But grownups do?”

“Some, yes.”

“So what about my teacher?”


Mum is it ok if I don’t go back to school? It doesn’t sound like it’s the right time yet”

“Yes mate that’s fine, you’re right, let’s stay home”

And the right time... Is....? 


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7 hours ago, Eddie said:

They seem to be anti-vaxxer god-bothering morons, therefore they will say no to anything that makes any kind of sense. They probably think that 5G is behind everything too.


I know someone who is one he talks about as much sense as a lot  of people on here do.

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There has been only 1 case in almost 2 weeks here, but i confess, it is hard for me to adjust back from a state of constant anxiety.  Saw two women arrive by car down my street just now and almost had a fit seeing them hugging closely goodbye before the younger one drove off.

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I'm just watching C4 news and there's a piece saying that tens of thousands of tests have been lost.

That on top of some footage from a care worker describing a recent resident who was just recently discharged back from hospital having not been tested but been swabbed, the result of which came back positive. 

In direct contravention of what is being stated as policy.

Not sounding good tbh


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