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The Politics Thread 2020


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36 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

There doesn't seem to be much comment on this story strangely enough. The journos from right and left wing papers all walked out. Surely this is a disgrace right? Who is going to be the first poster to defend this? "Get Brexit done (at any cost)"

Laura Kuensberg and even journalists from the Mail and Sun walked out, which is saying something.

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55 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

There doesn't seem to be much comment on this story strangely enough. The journos from right and left wing papers all walked out. Surely this is a disgrace right? Who is going to be the first poster to defend this? "Get Brexit done (at any cost)"

It's disgusting from Johnson. It can't be defended. When you have forced the Daily Mail to take a stand you must know you have ducked up.

Going after the press like that is the hallmark of the sort of power mad arsewipes that currently infest some of the higher offices in our global political system. 

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1 hour ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

It's disgusting from Johnson. It can't be defended. When you have forced the Daily Mail to take a stand you must know you have ducked up.

Going after the press like that is the hallmark of the sort of power mad arsewipes that currently infest some of the higher offices in our global political system. 

That's got cunning Dom written all over it, the man is a complete psycho.

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2 hours ago, A Ram for All Seasons said:

Laura Kuensberg and even journalists from the Mail and Sun walked out, which is saying something.

Changing the subject (we could all do with a break from Brexit posting) but on a related matter, I'm genuinely curious that they've not exhibited similar solidarity over ITV News sacking Alistair Stewart for quoting Shakespeare on Twitter. Loads of them praised him to high heaven as a great news broadcaster, but none of them offered to walk out unless he was reinstated. Seems some censorship is OK for the journos then.

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6 minutes ago, Carl Sagan said:

Changing the subject (we could all do with a break from Brexit posting) but on a related matter, I'm genuinely curious that they've not exhibited similar solidarity over ITV News sacking Alistair Stewart for quoting Shakespeare on Twitter. Loads of them praised him to high heaven as a great news broadcaster, but none of them offered to walk out unless he was reinstated. Seems some censorship is OK for the journos then.

Rather than changing the subject already, what do you think about the governments behaviour today? Fair play to @Norman for calling it how it is.  We don't want to turn into America where people will turn a blind eye to literally anything Trump does as they don't want to give an inch. (I also see there was little comment on the article posted about Trump's IRA fundraising.)

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15 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

Rather than changing the subject already, what do you think about the governments behaviour today? Fair play to @Norman for calling it how it is.  We don't want to turn into America where people will turn a blind eye to literally anything Trump does as they don't want to give an inch. (I also see there was little comment on the article posted about Trump's IRA fundraising.)

It was terrible behaviour by the government. I presumed that was accepted by everyone. I was just asking for opinions on Alistair Stewart.

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After all the issues raised about the BBC not showing a Johnson speech on Friday, which I admit I haven't listen to. I thought I should listen to his speech he gave today at Greenwich.

When asked about the type of deal he wants to negotiate with the EU. He insisted on numerous occasions that he already had a great deal. Until it was pointed out to him that this deal was the deal that terminated our EU membership and not a trade deal.

At the start of his speech, Johnson made a joke stating that brexit was done with, over, behind him, so why did he keep bringing up his great deal?

His he following the Trump playbook. Convinced if he says something is great enough times, people will start to believe it's true. Or is Johnson a bigger buffoon than the one that is in charge of the USA.


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38 minutes ago, Andicis said:

Looking over at US politics, it's the Iowa caucuses tonight, it can be a useful indicator for who will win the democratic nominee. I personally quite like Andrew Yang. 

I was disappointed both Kamala Harris and Cory Brooker have ended up pulling out of the race already. You feel that if someone good can make it onto the Iowa starting line they could get momentum. Of the rest it would definitely be Yang for me. I don't really see that any of them have a hope of beating Trump, but the supposedly "main" contenders (Biden, Saunders, Warren) certainly don't.

Here's info on the Iowa Caucuses for those who want to read more: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/03/us/politics/iowa-caucuses.html

|Edit: And a live results thread from the Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/elections/election-results/iowa/

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1 minute ago, Carl Sagan said:

Of the rest it would definitely be Yang for me. I don't really see that any of them have a hope of beating Trump, but the supposedly "main" contenders (Biden, Saunders, Warren) certainly don't.

This is how I see it. I'm a centrist, but I'd really struggle to support any of the main 3. Yang seems to have done a pretty good job of getting his support from both sides of the aisle, and as such is a really good unifying candidate. He's also the only one who seems to address automation and understand technology in general. Really like everything I've heard from him.

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13 hours ago, A Ram for All Seasons said:

I had a message from the Passport Office saying that my new passport had been printed on 31 January. I wonder what I am going to get.

Mine was still red. Just missing European Union across the top on the front.

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7 hours ago, Carl Sagan said:

It was terrible behaviour by the government. I presumed that was accepted by everyone. I was just asking for opinions on Alistair Stewart.

Cheers for that. I presumed everyone would be furious about what government did and worried about the direction they are heading. Strange that Horrible Histories, racist posters in a block of flats, Diane Abbot getting some number wrong etc cause pages of debate but this terrible behaviour barely gets a mention.

I presume the people we hear so regularly from on topics like the above cannot defend the indefensible so have just kept quiet on this. Alternatively, they are starting to realise that there might be no turning back, something that should have been obvious when Johnson shut down parliament to stop debate. Or wouldn't be interviewed by Andrew Neil. Or stopped government going on the Today programme. Or had that young intern humiliated and marched out of the office. Or refused to give any policy details apart from one, infamous slogan.

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8 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

Rather than changing the subject already, what do you think about the governments behaviour today? Fair play to @Norman for calling it how it is.  We don't want to turn into America where people will turn a blind eye to literally anything Trump does as they don't want to give an inch. (I also see there was little comment on the article posted about Trump's IRA fundraising.)

Apologies if I'm wrong but I cannot see where you commented on the BBCs failure to cover Boris Johnsons speech?

So it was ok to change the subject from that rather quickly but not your story is something bad about Johnson we have to keep the discussion going?

Glad to see Leave voting Conservatives pointing out that the banning of journalists is abhorrent behaviour, think it underlines the fact that they actually read stories and treat them on their merits as opposed to just seeing who is involved and deciding the outcome based on that.

At no point in time should we allowed our politicians to control our media but there again we should also not have it the other way round. 

It's also a good job that this story came out today or we might have found ourselves in an awkward situation where we were having to discuss yet another Islamic terrorist trying to kill and maim in our country...

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31 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

Cheers for that. I presumed everyone would be furious about what government did and worried about the direction they are heading. Strange that Horrible Histories, racist posters in a block of flats, Diane Abbot getting some number wrong etc cause pages of debate but this terrible behaviour barely gets a mention.

We get page after page of debate because some people cannot criticise a man named Corbyn. Some of the arguments in defence of him have been laughable. 

It really isn't hard to say a duck up is a duck up. And as nobody has defended it, i think you have your answer. 

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47 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

Cheers for that. I presumed everyone would be furious about what government did and worried about the direction they are heading. Strange that Horrible Histories, racist posters in a block of flats, Diane Abbot getting some number wrong etc cause pages of debate but this terrible behaviour barely gets a mention.

I presume the people we hear so regularly from on topics like the above cannot defend the indefensible so have just kept quiet on this. Alternatively, they are starting to realise that there might be no turning back, something that should have been obvious when Johnson shut down parliament to stop debate. Or wouldn't be interviewed by Andrew Neil. Or stopped government going on the Today programme. Or had that young intern humiliated and marched out of the office. Or refused to give any policy details apart from one, infamous slogan.

I hadn't seen anything about it other than the tweet on here (and I don't use Twitter). Having looked into it this morning, this was an interesting read:


Also the bit about the BBC & ITV agreeing not to show Boris's address last Friday. It appears this was a result of the Govt banning ministers from going on certain shows.....

It’s the latest in a series of rows between Johnson’s No.10 and the media, including his decision to order ministers to boycott morning programmes like Today on Radio 4 and ITV’s Good Morning Britain.

On Brexit Day on Friday, broadcasters agreed not to use an in-house video clip message of the prime minister’s words due to be aired at 11pm. The BBC and ITV decided not to air the clip, but Sky News did.


If that's true, then the BBC not showing Boris is down to a protest against the government's handling of the media, rather than any Brexit bias.

And you're right. It's an awful tactic by no 10 to only include friendly media.

I wonder how long it will be before Boris starts shouting "Fake News"

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29 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

It's also a good job that this story came out today or we might have found ourselves in an awkward situation where we were having to discuss yet another Islamic terrorist trying to kill and maim in our country...

The terrorist event got a lot more coverage than Johnson trying to limit the press presence at his briefing. 

In fact I would say Johnson has got off very, very lightly on this one so to suggest otherwise is wide of the mark in my opinion.

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