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The Politics Thread 2020


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33 minutes ago, Norman said:

Yeah, fair enough. We are always told to be open-minded. I get that some will think he had other motives to change his mind. He maybe did. 

But his every word is on record getting pulled apart by the left version of 4chan....people can change their minds. Not often, I will admit.

Look where he is now...the story had a happy ending.

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16 minutes ago, TramRam said:

Look where he is now...the story had a happy ending.

If the end of the story was Jan this year, then it was a happy ending for Johnson.

Trouble is that being in charge is much more work than making up a few lies about immigrants and using some funny sounding words on tv.


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9 hours ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

Another day, another Mango Mussolini hissy fit...

Donald Trump orders 9,500 US troops to leave Germany

White House says move due to more Nato defence spending, not tensions with Angela Merkel

Donald Trump has ordered the US military to remove nearly 9,500 troops from Germany in a move likely to raise concerns in Europe about the US commitment to the region.

The move would reduce US troop numbers in Germany to 25,000, compared with the 34,500 currently there, a senior US official said.

The official said the move was the result of months of work by America’s top military officer, General Mark Milley, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, and had nothing to do with tensions between Trump and the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, who thwarted Trump’s plan to host a G7 meeting this month.

Take the personalities of the two leaders out of the equation why should the U.S and indeed the UK subsidise  the defence of a country with a budget surplus .Many NATO countries have had ample warning of their shortfall in 2% GDP towards the upkeep  of the alliance .  

With the advent of an EU army [lol] they need to start looking after themselves , good luck with that as only the French have a nuclear deterent .

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2 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

If the end of the story was Jan this year, then it was a happy ending for Johnson.

Trouble is that being in charge is much more work than making up a few lies about immigrants and using some funny sounding words on tv.


I saw a programe a good few years back, Cameron was PM,  Both BJ and DC were at Eaton or Oxford, BJ older than DC, Their tutor was interviewed, He said BJ was the more educated/intelligent, DC was a hard worker, He said with BJ he knew then that along the path BJ chose the end game was Prime Minister, When your a member of the Bulingdon Club then there's wealth and power and alot of skulldugery to help you on your way.

From birth some Children are coached, Coerced, Cajoled and charmed onto a path chosen by others.


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44 minutes ago, King Kevin said:

Take the personalities of the two leaders out of the equation why should the U.S and indeed the UK subsidise  the defence of a country with a budget surplus .Many NATO countries have had ample warning of their shortfall in 2% GDP towards the upkeep  of the alliance .  

Haven't said they should, have I? 

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Given the continuing presence of COVID in our communities, And the R number hovering ominously close to 1, I wonder whether we could stop the mass protesting and instead bang a saucepan on a Thursday night to acknowledge that racism exists and needs to be dealt with?

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#Bristol statue of Edward Colston has been pulled down 

36 minutes ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

I'm not going to shed any tears over a man who treated people like cattle.


Now dumped in the harbour. I think I'd have preferred it in a museum explaining exactly how many slaves he transported and how many died on the journey, but hey ho

The fact we ever had a statue celebrating a slave trader in the first place now seems unbelievable

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1 minute ago, Van Gritters said:

Terrorist and paedos 

And people who mow their lawn at 8 in the morning......

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35 minutes ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

I'm not going to shed any tears over a man who treated people like cattle.

Agreed, But his legacy lingers on, He left his blood money to the town, We're living in different times now, Even I know things can't be said and done today to what was seen as the norm 40/50 years ago.

There could be a backlash tho, There's some loons out there that see this as an attack on them and their City.

In Ashbourne there appears to be rivalry over this below.


it's The Royal Green Man and the Blackamoor's Head Family and Commercial Hotel.

I have passed it a shedload of times and not given it a 2nd thought, Now someone wants it pulled down, Where do you start and when do you stop, How about General Haigs Statue in London his orders killed 100s of 1000s of men on both sides in WW1 at a flick of his pen knib, And I'd wager there were some Black men there who lost their lives.


Just a thought.


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18 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

Given the continuing presence of COVID in our communities, And the R number hovering ominously close to 1, I wonder whether we could stop the mass protesting and instead bang a saucepan on a Thursday night to acknowledge that racism exists and needs to be dealt with?

Asked he same question this morning in a tweet to a prominent UK black civil rights activist.

No response.

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Sith Happens

Nottingham today....someone might need to explain to me how the content of the yellow placard being held up is in anyway beneficial.



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Sith Happens
15 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

#Bristol statue of Edward Colston has been pulled down 


Now dumped in the harbour. I think I'd have preferred it in a museum explaining exactly how many slaves he transported and how many died on the journey, but hey ho

The fact we ever had a statue celebrating a slave trader in the first place now seems unbelievable

Surely the removal of these archaic monuments should be achieved in a peaceful, not violent, manner though.


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41 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

Given the continuing presence of COVID in our communities, And the R number hovering ominously close to 1, I wonder whether we could stop the mass protesting and instead bang a saucepan on a Thursday night to acknowledge that racism exists and needs to be dealt with?

Can we bang the saucepan against the head of a racist? Asking for a friend.

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10 minutes ago, TramRam said:

Agreed, But his legacy lingers on, He left his blood money to the town, We're living in different times now, Even I know things can't be said and done today to what was seen as the norm 40/50 years ago.

There could be a backlash tho, There's some loons out there that see this as an attack on them and their City.

In Ashbourne there appears to be rivalry over this below.


it's The Royal Green Man and the Blackamoor's Head Family and Commercial Hotel.

I have passed it a shedload of times and not given it a 2nd thought, Now someone wants it pulled down, Where do you start and when do you stop, How about General Haigs Statue in London his orders killed 100s of 1000s of men on both sides in WW1 at a flick of his pen knib, And I'd wager there were some Black men there who lost their lives.


Just a thought.


I appreciate the difficulties of drawing a line, Luckily, I'm not in power and so don't have to come to a definite conclusion, so I can just sit back and be quietly pleased that a slave trader's legacy is being destroyed.

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17 minutes ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

I appreciate the difficulties of drawing a line, Luckily, I'm not in power and so don't have to come to a definite conclusion, so I can just sit back and be quietly pleased that a slave trader's legacy is being destroyed.

Trying not to be facetious here, But it's not been destroyed, It'll be fished out of the water and put in a darkened storeroom where it should have been put ages ago.

I now believe we have dark forces involved who are taking advantage of a situation that has fell in their lap.

We called them Political Agitators back in the day...most likely freedom fighters now.


There's some Countries in the world who at the flick of a button can cause great damage to their enemies, Russia and China will be smilling this last week or so.

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7 minutes ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

It's possible to think that but not be devastated if it does get torn down.

My mate made laugh yesterday. 

He reckons the Egyptian pyramids need pulling down as they are the greatest example of slavery. And the sphinx is the greatest symbol. 

He wanted to campaign to have them torn down, but the Dortmund game was just starting and he wanted to watch it. 

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