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Updated Bag Policies

Message added by Day

Stephen Pearce on the updated Bag Policy.

"We are aware of the fans' feelings in relation to the club reiterating about outside refreshments etc, and so it is important to clarify the matter,

Clearly, it is not about kids bringing a packet of sweets or a soft drink to the game, or any elderly supporters who have been coming to games for years and years bringing a hot flask.

We are not going to turn people away at the turnstiles. We are are going to be reasonable and understanding about this.

However, this is more about individuals attending matches with large quantities of food, fast food, equivalent to people bringing picnics.

We are not going to start confiscating items that have traditionally been brought in over the years. We will continue to operate as normal but we will be more vigilant towards people bringing large quantities of food and drink into games."


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8 minutes ago, ThePrisoner said:

Club has changed the policy regarding bags and outside refreshments. I don’t recall if the outside refreshments policy was in force previous seasons (it was certainly never enforced). 


Looks like I’ll be sneaking in prawn sandwiches as contraband taped round my legs. 

Signs outside the ground had a list of prhobited stuff. Food and drink was not on the list. 

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I don't think refreshments includes food, does it? 

I really doubt the club are using this as an excuse to up revenue, more likely due to increased security precautions.

They could win/win the situation, by offering water fountains free of charge for refilling empty multi use bottles.


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2 minutes ago, CornwallRam said:

Why not email the supporter liaison officer to express your concerns, and see what the reply is before launching into such an action?

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4 minutes ago, reverendo de duivel said:

Why not email the supporter liaison officer to express your concerns, and see what the reply is before launching into such an action?

I have. And yes refreshment does include food  drink, sweets,  crisps etc. It is a massive change in the way many fans will experience the game. People will need to leave their seats after 25 mins to get served before the 2nd half starts. It'll kill the atmosphere, along with all the other downsides.

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surely this must be some kind of joke,I wouldn't have thought uncle Mel would be the kind of chap to stop the young uns bringing in there fruit shoots and haribos and the more senior among us our werthers and coco,   if so shame on you dcfc. 

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This is shocking from the club this.

I take my son to the game and always fill up a flask of squash for him and some sweets and chocolate. 

He doesn't like water. I don't know why. But he doesn't. So I've got to buy him pop which I don't want him drinking.

Just a ploy to get every penny out of people as possible. 

Plus you have to go down early to stand any chance of getting anything with the queues. 

Really really poor from the club this.

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6 minutes ago, CornwallRam said:

I have. And yes refreshment does include food  drink, sweets,  crisps etc. It is a massive change in the way many fans will experience the game. People will need to leave their seats after 25 mins to get served before the 2nd half starts. It'll kill the atmosphere, along with all the other downsides.

Well if that's what the SLO has replied, I'm 100% with you.

Such a clumsy PR step, for marginal benefit.

Plus, at a time every other organisation is taking steps to reduce single use plastic waste, this will only increase it, what are they thinking?

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I'm sure the vast majority... adult and child alike... are more than able to go a couple of hours without sustenance if they don't fancy the grub inside (or the prices).
There's plenty of opportunity (for most) to eat outside, before and/or after the game.

Obviously, I expect "refreshment" to include drinks, and if they ban us taking our own soft drinks/water inside, then I'd agree that ain't so good.  Luckily, I'm no matchday boozer, and try very hard to never drink water, but I do (very) occasionally take a soft drink from home (My fave being diluted at home, and not available in this country anyway!)  Boxing Day (When are we ever gonna be at home again!!) usually sees me disguise a strong spirit mixer as "just coke"!   
I don't take a flask either, and will buy a coffee or two inside the ground for winter games, so any ban on our own drinks won't affect me there.
Muckerette never goes anywhere without a bottle of water, and it seems many are the same nowadays, so fingers crossed they don't force folk to throw them away before being allowed entry.  I know plenty of places do, and like to play the security card, but we all know it's a rip off.

Oh, I never take a bag either, so all in all, it should make very little difference to me, if at all (bar Boxing day!), but if they play it strict, there's gonna be a heck of a lot of moaning... and I wouldn't blame the moaners, if I'm honest.


Let's see what happens first though, shall we?  



Posted before I saw the link for the petition and the ensuing posts.
I'll sign the petition, and the assumption they were planning on playing it strict.

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I don't think this is at all a club driven decision, in fact I believe they hire the catering out to a third party. I would suggest the likelihood is that the catering company have recently had a contract renewal and this has been one of their sticking points. If I'm wrong, I am also too very disappointed with the decision. It will increase matchday income slightly, but I think the overall feeling of frustration will ultimately hurt the 'matchday experience' and lead to people voting with their feet. 

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3 minutes ago, Ambitious said:

I don't think this is at all a club driven decision, in fact I believe they hire the catering out to a third party. I would suggest the likelihood is that the catering company have recently had a contract renewal and this has been one of their sticking points. If I'm wrong, I am also too very disappointed with the decision. It will increase matchday income slightly, but I think the overall feeling of frustration will ultimately hurt the 'matchday experience' and lead to people voting with their feet. 

Don't the club organise the matchday catering as a 50/50 partnership with an outside company?

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4 minutes ago, Ambitious said:

I don't think this is at all a club driven decision, in fact I believe they hire the catering out to a third party. I would suggest the likelihood is that the catering company have recently had a contract renewal and this has been one of their sticking points. If I'm wrong, I am also too very disappointed with the decision. It will increase matchday income slightly, but I think the overall feeling of frustration will ultimately hurt the 'matchday experience' and lead to people voting with their feet. 

The catering is a joint venture between the club and Delaware North. 

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