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The Politics Thread 2019


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11 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

Just looking back through the thread, I'm guessing all of the outrage from when Bercow, Starmer, Swinson and the likes were plotting with the EU must have been removed.

I assume everyone was calling for them to be put before the courts to explain why they were colluding with foreign politicians. 

Oh no wait, they were trying to stop Brexit so that was ok.

Not seen anyone reply to this with any actual substance. Must be more of that hypocrisy you only find by sitting on horses with really long legs. 

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On 17/12/2019 at 13:58, Van der MoodHoover said:

Ey up Angry....

Actuary not accountant mate......and I'm going to make it my mission to prove Brexit using only algebra and probability theory.....

@Millenniumram will check my workings ?

Ah I’m afraid I’ll be no further help here, I’m studying to become an actuary myself... hopefully!

Just model Brexit by a normal distribution. Works for pretty much everything else.

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13 minutes ago, Norman said:

Not seen anyone reply to this with any actual substance. Must be more of that hypocrisy you only find by sitting on horses with really long legs. 

Still waiting to be shown where these act of conspiracy took place.

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10 minutes ago, Millenniumram said:

Ah I’m afraid I’ll be no further help here, I’m studying to become an actuary myself... hopefully!

Just model Brexit by a normal distribution. Works for pretty much everything else.

Are you really? I wouldn't have recommended it myself now - quants is where it's at and a number of the traditional actuarial fields are in secular decline. 

Can't use normal......the tails are too thin. Maybe a student's t if you believe that the possible outcomes are symmetric. Personally I believe the distribution will be skewed to the downside so will have a negative 3rd moment (if you're fitting a curve using an mgf).

Anyway - better stop there before I generate a volley of personal abuse and piss taking from @Angry Ram......?

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8 minutes ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

Are you really? I wouldn't have recommended it myself now - quants is where it's at and a number of the traditional actuarial fields are in secular decline. 

Can't use normal......the tails are too thin. Maybe a student's t if you believe that the possible outcomes are symmetric. Personally I believe the distribution will be skewed to the downside so will have a negative 3rd moment (if you're fitting a curve using an mgf).

Anyway - better stop there before I generate a volley of personal abuse and piss taking from @Angry Ram......?

Well slight generalisation, but something more in the probability area anyway. Actually on my way back to pissing Leeds right now as I type for a interview for a placement year at Lloyd’s bank, which I wasn’t told about till Wednesday! Had to whip the old sixth form suit back out! Still, I’ll be happy if I get It!? That’s as a risk analyst, so more in the actuarial direction than accountancy anyway, Although neither in reality of course.

Come on, let’s be a bit more optimistic? Brexit is clearly exponentially distributed, just gonna keep getting better and better and can only be positive? 

EDIT: On second thoughts, the exponential would get weaker.... but still, never negative 


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Just now, Millenniumram said:

Well slight generalisation, but something more in the probability area anyway. Actually on my way back to pissing Leeds right now as I type for a interview for a placement year at Lloyd’s bank, which I wasn’t told about till Wednesday! Had to whip the old sixth form suit back out! Still, I’ll be happy if I get It!? That’s as a risk analyst, so more in the actuarial direction than accountancy anyway, Although neither in reality of course.

Come on, let’s be a bit more optimistic? Brexit is clearly exponentially distributed, just gonna keep getting better and better and can only be positive? 

That's the spirit! I've just tucked into a bucket of chlorine washed chicken wings here in Orlando and no I'll effects. 








........want to see my atom bomb???   ?

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6 hours ago, cstand said:

Our democracy is fine all we need to do is to keep the extreme left wing Labour party out of power

"Extreme left wing"

I note that no Tory voters on here had the guts to reply to my post about all the extreme right wingers from Britain First, Tommy Robinson and Katy Hopkins joining the Conservative Party now it's in power with a decent majority and a shameless islamaphobic, homophobic leader.

"Massively bothered about the extreme left influence of Momentum on the Labour Party but silent on actual racists joining the Tory Party"

Looks like you've picked your side lads



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59 minutes ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

Are you really? I wouldn't have recommended it myself now - quants is where it's at and a number of the traditional actuarial fields are in secular decline. 

Can't use normal......the tails are too thin. Maybe a student's t if you believe that the possible outcomes are symmetric. Personally I believe the distribution will be skewed to the downside so will have a negative 3rd moment (if you're fitting a curve using an mgf).

Anyway - better stop there before I generate a volley of personal abuse and piss taking from @Angry Ram......?

Moi? ?

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56 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

If they weren't conspiring with the EU what were they doing?

And in what capacity?

As I said twice earlier...do you think Trump did not do what he was accused of? Or do you think what he did was ok?

You still haven't answered this yet you have managed to get people to start debating your EU conspiracy whataboutary point.


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Article from Peter Oborne (ex-Mail and Telegraph columnist who despises how Johnson and co are turning democracy into a joke.


"Number 10 probes Remain MPs’ ‘foreign collusion’.” This huge banner headline dominated the front page of The Mail on Sunday on 29 September.

Turn to page 2 and “a senior No 10 source” was quoted in bold type: “The government is working on extensive investigations into Dominic Grieve, Oliver Letwin and Hilary Benn [who tabled the Bill] and their involvement with foreign powers and the funding of their activities. Governments have proper rules for drafting legislation, but nobody knows what organisations are pulling these strings.”

This story was granted huge prominence and followed up the next day by the Daily Express, Sun, Times and the alt-right news site Breitbart.

Nick Robinson didn’t ask the obvious question. Was there an investigation at all?

On the BBC’s ‘Today’ programme the following Tuesday, presenter Nick Robinson asked Prime Minister Boris Johnson about the investigation. Johnson gave credibility to the story when he declared there were “legitimate questions” to be asked of the MPs.

But Robinson didn’t ask the obvious question. Was there an investigation at all?

I rang Dominic Grieve. He told me he had not sought the help of any foreign government “in drafting and tabling a British statute”.

He added that he was “not in receipt of any sources of foreign funding”. Nor, he said, had he been contacted by Downing Street or anyone else about any investigation.

I then rang the Downing Street press office, and asked an official whether there was an investigation as stated in The Mail on Sunday.

He told me categorically: “No investigation.”

Yesterday a Cabinet Office spokesperson told openDemocracy: "There was never such an investigation."

In other words, the Mail on Sunday splash that Downing Street was investigating Grieve, Letwin and Benn was fabrication. Fake News.

There has, however, been no retraction from The Mail on Sunday. As far as the newspaper’s readers are concerned, the story remains true and the senior British politicians behind the Benn Act continue to be investigated for suspicious involvement with foreign powers.

A Mail on Sunday spokesperson yesterday told openDemocracy: “We stand firmly by our story. Two separate sources in Downing Street told us that officials in Number 10 were gathering evidence about allegations of foreign collusion by MPs opposed to a No Deal Brexit. When the prime minister was asked about our story on the BBC ‘Today’ programme on 1 October he responded that there were ‘legitimate questions to be asked about the generation of this legislation’.”

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Plumbing new depths, even by his standards...

Trump ordered to pay $2 million to charities for misuse of foundation. The president admitted he had used funds raised by the Donald J Trump foundation to finance his campaign and settle business debts. 

The man is a billionaire but he has used charitable donations to pay his debts. Let that sink in for a moment!  

Impeached? He should be ducking imprisoned. 


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7 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

As I said twice earlier...do you think Trump did not do what he was accused of? Or do you think what he did was ok?

You still haven't answered this yet you have managed to get people to start debating your EU conspiracy whataboutary point.


He’ll just say he doesn’t know. What else can he say? Same old BS, different day. Demands answers and citations for everything but provides none himself. We all know why. 

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6 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

As I said twice earlier...do you think Trump did not do what he was accused of? Or do you think what he did was ok?

You still haven't answered this yet you have managed to get people to start debating your EU conspiracy whataboutary point.


Already answered.

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Not followed the impeachment thing too closely as it will be a dead end. I am sure Trump pushes the envelopes to the limit and sometimes crosses lines. He is also well overdue a big cumuppance that will bring him back to earth. 

Whistleblowers, he said, she said, other agenda's.. Is there any proof either way? My gut tells me he probably did do something but was it as bad as is being made out.

As with everything in American politics, it's not always clear and the truth is in the middle there somewhere. 

Like I said not really followed it that closely, so there may well be a smoking gun there, in which case, yes impeachable.

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