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The Politics Thread 2019


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8 hours ago, i-Ram said:

This makes me laugh so much.  The PLP are the ones who serve the electorate, Labour’s elected representatives in the constituencies looking to help and appeal to the ‘working class’.  You discount them like they don’t matter, just the same as Momentum and the Leadership - student politics at its worst. Wake the duck up.

@ariotofmyown makes a case for Jess Phillips (or Lisa Nandy) as next Leaders. They have little chance. The toxic membership and Momentum might offer them some token positions, but they will want another ‘Jeremy’ when he finally goes.  If it’s lipstick that is needed then you are going to get Rebecca Long-Bailey. At least she looks like a student.

I think most people don't care about Blairites or Bennites or Shiites. I think Phillips would be good as she seems independent of these different tribes. Above them almost.

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1 hour ago, ariotofmyown said:

I think most people don't care about Blairites or Bennites or Shiites. I think Phillips would be good as she seems independent of these different tribes. Above them almost.

She'd get mullered by the popular press.

Too common, has a funny accent, strange ideas on equality and so on.


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13 minutes ago, reverendo de duivel said:

She'd get mullered by the popular press.

Too common, has a funny accent, strange ideas on equality and so on.

That was my first thought. Putting personal preferences aside, I think the person that stands the best chance of getting Labour in government is Keir Starmer.

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13 hours ago, GboroRam said:

So we've been fixating on an empty threat? 

I'm sure the remainers were saying we need a deal, and that no deal is crazy. Sadly some people seem to really think no deal is the best option.

I always thought the threat of no deal was pointless as we are never going to cut our nose off, cuts our ears off, gouge our eyeballs out and take a hammer to our teeth just to spite our face.  That's why lots of longstanding Tories left what was their party to ensure a few zealots couldn't commit economic suicide.

Fast forward a few weeks and everyone forgot about all that and voted in the morons who just want to get Brexit done. Even if it means a no deal and loads of their new, working class voters losing their jobs. And their old middle class voters losing their jobs in the City.

The non-extreme Leave parties (of which more people voted for than not) should have clubbed together, one candidate per seat, and just had one policy like the Tories did: "Vote Tory Brexit.. lose your job".

They couldn't do this though. So we are all fked. Cheers guys.

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13 minutes ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

That was my first thought. Putting personal preferences aside, I think the person that stands the best chance of getting Labour in government is Keir Starmer.

No, it needs to be a backbench MP. Someone like Dan Jarvis stands a far better chance. Labour won't be forming a government for 10 years at least. Once the boundary changes get implemented, Labour would probably have to get something like 40-45% vote share to even get a majority. 

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On 17/12/2019 at 07:34, Curtains said:


Iceland is a country the size of Hungary with a population of only 330.000, yet 1Gbit/s speeds are available to 75% of citizens through full-fibre networks and the aim is to increase that to 99% within two years.  It's not free, but it's not expensive either.  Granted we are world leaders in this regard but Britain has some internet access catching up to do, however that is achieved.

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5 hours ago, ramit said:

Iceland is a country the size of Hungary with a population of only 330.000, yet 1Gbit/s speeds are available to 75% of citizens through full-fibre networks and the aim is to increase that to 99% within two years.  It's not free, but it's not expensive either.  Granted we are world leaders in this regard but Britain has some internet access catching up to do, however that is achieved.

And yes even the PMs ambition is difficult for very rural areas so other solutions are better. 



O2's chief executive also recently told the BBC that the Prime Minister would be wiser to fall back on 5G for sparsely populated parts of the UK.

"At what level does it become uneconomic to [provide fibre] versus mobile?" Mark Evans asked.

"I would suggest that isn't at 100% fibre connectivity because, for example, the Scottish farmer that lives remotely - we can reach that person, give them the bandwidth, give them a 5G experience - it's much cheaper than digging the fibre connectivity to that home. That's just nonsensical.

"So I applaud him on his desire to improve fibre connectivity in the UK - but I do think there's a level that he needs to weigh up as to which type of technology meets the need."

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3 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Trump impeached then.

We appear to be entering a new era where if you dont get your own way, go through the courts to try and get it.

Sad times.

Would be interesting to know why you think Trump should not be kicked out for what he did. Do you think the Ukraine story is not true or do you believe it, but don't think it's worth kicking him out for?

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37 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Trump impeached then.

We appear to be entering a new era where if you dont get your own way, go through the courts to try and get it.

Sad times.

Care to expand on why you think it's sad times.

Is it because Trump is presiding over a bigger swamp than the one he claimed he would drain. That he is using his position of President for his own person gain. Or is there other reasons why you think we are entering a new era? 

As i say I will be interested in your views

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9 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

 cut our nose off, cuts our ears off, gouge our eyeballs out and take a hammer to our teeth just to spite our face. 

I'd rather do that than let Corbyn, daft Abbot, McDonnell and McCluskey rob our pensions and companies we work for (companies who pay our wages) to pay for a return to the 1970s way of life.

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1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

Trump impeached then.

We appear to be entering a new era where if you dont get your own way, go through the courts to try and get it.

Sad times.

So what he did with regards to the Ukraine is fine then? Lets not forget this is only one of the reasons why he is clearly totally unfit for the position he is in.

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Just looking back through the thread, I'm guessing all of the outrage from when Bercow, Starmer, Swinson and the likes were plotting with the EU must have been removed.

I assume everyone was calling for them to be put before the courts to explain why they were colluding with foreign politicians. 

Oh no wait, they were trying to stop Brexit so that was ok.

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18 hours ago, Angry Ram said:

Shock horror...... And you are still not listening to your grass roots support. Fight the good fight comrade.

I don’t think the Labour Party has any grass roots support anymore. The traditional support evaporated with the decline of heavy industry. The lower paid / working class (horrible term) are turning into white-van-man Tories. There has been a seismic shift towards selfishness and self-interest over any kind of belief in collective or community welfare. Brexit is just a symptom of that. Little England v European Community. 

Tory bar stewards Rule! 

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