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Random stuff that people do that annoy me


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When you go to see a comedian at a show or a film at the cinema and every two minutes people are howling with laughter. Fine you might say. But when I find it unfunny. Seriously. I was sat next to this family the other day at the cinema at a kids film and they were just laughing out loud at the most simplest of gags. Part of me was pleased for them as if it's that easy to get amused then fair play to them. Part of me felt desolation inside that I posses no capacity for enjoyment. :p

Often I flick through the 'live at the apollo' episodes and I can decide whether I like a comic or not within a few minutes. Most I don't like. I'm watching and the comic is delivering these stories and lines and folk are laughing in the aisles and i'm sat there barely raising a smile and feeling embarrassed for the performer as it's so terrible.

Is anyone else like this or am I just a freak?

There are very, very few comedians that make me laugh out loud and even when they do it's sporadic. I find some comedians very clever and intelligent and I find those really funny but in an introverted way. I'm smiling and laughing inside and finding them insanely smart but on the outside i'm just not rolling around.

Ok, so i'm a bit odd. :lol:

Some comedians though are just atrocious.


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The BBC are closing down their Travel app without consultation - it's a public service that we use all the time when travelling to away games.

I've signed a petition about it - http://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/keep-the-bbc-travel-website-and-app-open

Close down the department that deals with celebrity tittle-tattle instead - I just don't get this obsession with what famous people have and haven't done in their private life.


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27 minutes ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

When you go to see a comedian at a show or a film at the cinema and every two minutes people are howling with laughter. Fine you might say. But when I find it unfunny. Seriously. I was sat next to this family the other day at the cinema at a kids film and they were just laughing out loud at the most simplest of gags. Part of me was pleased for them as if it's that easy to get amused then fair play to them. Part of me felt desolation inside that I posses no capacity for enjoyment. :p

Often I flick through the 'live at the apollo' episodes and I can decide whether I like a comic or not within a few minutes. Most I don't like. I'm watching and the comic is delivering these stories and lines and folk are laughing in the aisles and i'm sat there barely raising a smile and feeling embarrassed for the performer as it's so terrible.

Is anyone else like this or am I just a freak?

There are very, very few comedians that make me laugh out loud and even when they do it's sporadic. I find some comedians very clever and intelligent and I find those really funny but in an introverted way. I'm smiling and laughing inside and finding them insanely smart but on the outside i'm just not rolling around.

Ok, so i'm a bit odd. :lol:

Some comedians though are just atrocious.


I am the same, i find stuff funny and might giggle, laugh a little but never roar with laughter when its a comedian or tv comedy or film etc...yet some people do proper side split with laughter. I personally only roar with laughter if im interacting with people on a personal level and something is funny.

I have seen people roar with laughter watchign stuff like Mrs Browns boys, its ok and i enjoy it but never find it 'that' funny im rolling about.

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Bad chip shop chips.

Being a rare treat for me, I've been looking forward to chips for my lunch all this week instead of the normal sandwich, only to go to the usual chip shop today and they were rubbish. Under-cooked & anaemic looking.

How hard can it be to fry them properly? So disappointing......

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22 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Bad chip shop chips.

Being a rare treat for me, I've been looking forward to chips for my lunch all this week instead of the normal sandwich, only to go to the usual chip shop today and they were rubbish. Under-cooked & anaemic looking.

How hard can it be to fry them properly? So disappointing......

It's very rare nowadays you get decent chips ANYWHERE. Also what is the obsession in using those polystyrene trays? Especially when you get them wrapped. Makes the food sweat, you get home and you've got a soggy mush.

I always ask staff to lose the tray and put then on paper and they look at me gone out. LEARN ABOUT YOUR PRODUCT THICKO'S!!

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People on trip advisor posting after the event, "should have listened to the reviews!' when they've just been to a place that has across the board horrendous reviews.

If most of the reviewers have slammed it then it's probable that you won't have a pleasurable experience either. if I said that if you go for a drive in your car today but there is a 70% minimum chance of you having a crash would you still drive it?

I don't dismiss places that have a few negative reviews but if it's wall to wall slating then why go?

Then complain afterwards!!

It's these doughnuts keeping crap businesses open.

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Never been a big fan of it but have found it useful a few times for work but since the recent update it's slow and annoying. Why can I no longer sort newsfeed stuff by "most recent"?. I don't want to look at random posts from last week above posts from today.

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When food/recipes get messed with for no good reason. I blame competing TV chefs.

A bloke at work makes sausage rolls and claims they're the best ever because he puts branston in them. OK, what if you don't like Branston (I don't). Well I won't be able to taste it, apparently. OK, so why is it in there at all then?. Because it makes them amazing - try one. But I don't like Branston etc etc.

Is it so bad to have a sausage roll and eat it with some Branston on the side if you so desire?.

Also restaurants adding stuff to other stuff for the hell of it. I like mashed spuds. Bit of cream/milk/butter in there?. Great stuff

Mustard? Horseradish?.NO!!!!!!!!!!

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2 hours ago, Seth's left foot said:

The word Literally being used for no reason at all.

'I've literally just got here'- you've just got here then.

'i literally wet myself laughing'- did you actually pass urine? No!

You will now notice how often it is used these days...

I know Seth. Literally all the time. ;)


Totally agree though.

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