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16 minutes ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

I really feel for Barnsley if they lose their coach to Forest as well as losing half their team to Villa. They aren't even making that much money off them either despite the transfer market going mental this season.

Without being harsh, if you bin off a club like Barnsley when pushing the top half to take over at flaming dustbin Forest, you deserve what you get about 3 months later.

He'd be better off sticking out the season and taking on someone like Norwich if he really wants out at some point.

All Forest will do is get you a severance package and a ruined reputation.

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Apparently Collymore had an audience with Fridgy last night in order to outline his plans for the future of the gumps with himself as DoF (naturally), and is now so disillusioned that he is washing his hands of the whole affair.

Basically Fawaz, the joke with the never-ending punchline, is going to continue working towards Forest's third star on his terms.

That's a relief.

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22 minutes ago, eddie said:

Apparently Collymore had an audience with Fridgy last night in order to outline his plans for the future of the gumps with himself as DoF (naturally), and is now so disillusioned that he is washing his hands of the whole affair.

Basically Fawaz, the joke with the never-ending punchline, is going to continue working towards Forest's third star on his terms.

That's a relief.

Phew. For a minute there I thought Collymore was going to turn them round and make them into a well run club. 

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From his twitter http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1spigaq

After posting my conclusions on the meeting with Fawaz last night, had time to reflect on what was said and perhaps more importantly the views from supporters, I've decided to withdraw from any involvement in this process.

I'm not convinced change will happen quickly or thoroughly enough under Fawaz ownership of the club, as I believe there is a clique around him that are more interested in serving their own interests rather than those of the club. Something I was prepared to navigate and deal with down the line, but not anymore.

As for fans which questioned my motive, I want the club to be in safe hands, competitive and in the top division. Something many of the "professional", "experienced" and "qualified" Forest staff over the last 18 years under all regimes Have failed to deliver.

I delivered for you in 93 and I believed I could again, bullshit free, energy aplenty but my current business, career and health are way more important to me than pushing against a tide of doubt, spite and rabble rousing, so I'll stick to the odd Q&A in Nottingham now and again to say hello to those who supported me back in the day.

I wish everyone at the club good luck, sincerely hope supporters get their club back, competitive in the Premier League.

All the very best!



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7 minutes ago, rynny said:

From his twitter http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1spigaq

After posting my conclusions on the meeting with Fawaz last night, had time to reflect on what was said and perhaps more importantly the views from supporters, I've decided to withdraw from any involvement in this process.

I'm not convinced change will happen quickly or thoroughly enough under Fawaz ownership of the club, as I believe there is a clique around him that are more interested in serving their own interests rather than those of the club. Something I was prepared to navigate and deal with down the line, but not anymore.

As for fans which questioned my motive, I want the club to be in safe hands, competitive and in the top division. Something many of the "professional", "experienced" and "qualified" Forest staff over the last 18 years under all regimes Have failed to deliver.

I delivered for you in 93 and I believed I could again, bullshit free, energy aplenty but my current business, career and health are way more important to me than pushing against a tide of doubt, spite and rabble rousing, so I'll stick to the odd Q&A in Nottingham now and again to say hello to those who supported me back in the day.

I wish everyone at the club good luck, sincerely hope supporters get their club back, competitive in the Premier League.

All the very best!



In other words "Fawaz refuses to pay me £150k a year to clear up my debts.  But I'll pop by every now again to fleece fans of £25 to listen to me talk sh** on a stage for an hour before grabbing a quick selfie, and swapping Dogging tips in the bar afterwards"...

I ALMOST feel sorry for them...

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11 minutes ago, rynny said:

From his twitter http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1spigaq

After posting my conclusions on the meeting with Fawaz last night, had time to reflect on what was said and perhaps more importantly the views from supporters, I've decided to withdraw from any involvement in this process.

I'm not convinced change will happen quickly or thoroughly enough under Fawaz ownership of the club, as I believe there is a clique around him that are more interested in serving their own interests rather than those of the club. Something I was prepared to navigate and deal with down the line, but not anymore.

As for fans which questioned my motive, I want the club to be in safe hands, competitive and in the top division. Something many of the "professional", "experienced" and "qualified" Forest staff over the last 18 years under all regimes Have failed to deliver.

I delivered for you in 93 and I believed I could again, bullshit free, energy aplenty but my current business, career and health are way more important to me than pushing against a tide of doubt, spite and rabble rousing, so I'll stick to the odd Q&A in Nottingham now and again to say hello to those who supported me back in the day.

I wish everyone at the club good luck, sincerely hope supporters get their club back, competitive in the Premier League.

All the very best!



In job interview speak ,even Fridgy thinks I am a c0ck and won't give me a job.

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41 minutes ago, rynny said:

serving their own interests rather than those of the club

Irony thy name is...

42 minutes ago, rynny said:

As for fans which questioned my motive, I want the club to be in safe hands, competitive and in the top division. Something many of the "professional", "experienced" and "qualified" Forest staff over the last 18 years under all regimes Have failed to deliver.

Extremely harsh on some of the people they've had at the club... Who do you think the fans down the road would rather have around eh? Stuart Pearce or the cockwomble collyflower? 

Suggesting everyone associated with the club like that is disrespectful and he should be run out of Nottingham for that... Do he really think he cares about that club more than say Nigel Doughty did?

38 minutes ago, Dimmu said:

I don't like how Stan's behaviour is explained by his mental condition. Completely different story. I know lot's of clever people with mental issues.

I'm torn on this one as I'm intimately familiar with mental health problems... And would HATE people calling me a sausage all day every day...

Then the flip side is I don't go out of my way to court publicity and try to put myself out there as some kind of saviour so...

Actually this whole thing has made me genuinely dislike the guy... especially his disrespect for people... I've never actually sung our collywomble song as I don't like celebrating someone breaking their leg... But I think I might from now on...

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My favourite bit of Stan's contribution to LTLF comes on the second page after his continuing rant on how disgraceful it is that football clubs employ people other than footballers.  Someone agrees and highlights the plight of Andy Reid who left the club in the summer without so much as a goodbye.

This got me thinking. Surely we can help with this?  So the 'Get Andy Reid his own Greggs concession stall at the Shitty Ground' starts here!  Pretty sure it'd be perfect work experience on match days for Asombalonga too. Win, win for them and we can take pride in helping them out through tough times.

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1 minute ago, Will Hughes Hair said:

My favourite bit of Stan's contribution to LTLF comes on the second page after his continuing rant on how disgraceful it is that football clubs employ people other than footballers.  Someone agrees and highlights the plight of Andy Reid who left the club in the summer without so much as a goodbye.

This got me thinking. Surely we can help with this?  So the 'Get Andy Reid his own Greggs concession stall at the Shitty Ground' starts here!  Pretty sure it'd be perfect work experience on match days for Asombalonga too. Win, win for them and we can take pride in helping them out through tough times.

Putting Reid in charge of a pie stall has about as much business sense as putting Kenny burns in charge of a chip van.

Fawaz, forests financial future is secure, all you have to do is enact the two strategies outlined above (and pay me about a tenth of my consultancy invoice for £300k).


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6 hours ago, eddie said:

Apparently Collymore had an audience with Fridgy last night in order to outline his plans for the future of the gumps with himself as DoF (naturally), and is now so disillusioned that he is washing his hands of the whole affair.

Basically Fawaz, the joke with the never-ending punchline, is going to continue working towards Forest's third star on his terms.

That's a relief.

Praise The Lord! If Fawaz spunks another £80 million up the wall, that should see them consolidate their place firmly in the middle of football's 2nd tier. 

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