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If i ruled the world...


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yellow dots on the road outside newsagents .. meaning no parking unless you've just nipped in for a paper and a kit kat in which case we'll cut you some slack.

In fact .. I'd have a whole section of the legal code called wriggle room ( no innuendo please ! ) meaning that sound folk ( that's us ) should be given a bit of grace/benefit of the doubt in most things; as opposed to pi55 takers to whom would get the full weight of the law applied to them always and instantly ( we KNOW who you are ! )

I love that Scottish thing .. "not proven" .. which means "ok big guy, you got off but we and everyone else KNOWs you did it ! "

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I'd commission some top wildlife people to do a film on black panthers, seen and enjoyed all the other big cats, never seen a documentary on black panthers.

Make supermarkets have skank only days so people with manners and courtesy don't have to put up with them.

And while we're on the subject of supermarkets, make it illegal for them not to squash the cars of people that park in bays reserved for the disabled and parents with toddlers.

Oh blimey, I can feel a whole list of stuff coming on, I better leave it for a bit....but I could be back.;)

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I'd commission some top wildlife people to do a film on black panthers, seen and enjoyed all the other big cats, never seen a documentary on black panthers.

Make supermarkets have skank only days so people with manners and courtesy don't have to put up with them.

And while we're on the subject of supermarkets, make it illegal for them not to squash the cars of people that park in bays reserved for the disabled and parents with toddlers.

Oh blimey, I can feel a whole list of stuff coming on, I better leave it for a bit....but I could be back.;)

Make supermarkets employ a warden who can use common sense that allows people to park in disabled and parents and toddlers spaces when there's 30 odd free spaces.

And put parents and toddlers spaces at the far side of the car park rather than the near side. 

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I'd ban social media. It'll stop rumours going around on who we've bid on & driving up the price! Actually just ban the Internet! 

If you banned the internet then this could be my last ever post on DCF <<<Carrier lost>>>

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