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If i ruled the world...


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First, I apologize for putting a slightly serious slant on a fun thread. But having done that and needing to reply, I'd say anyone who believes in a cause would face the same dilemma. Should you campaign for universal suffrage and risk prison, or not bother to spend more time with your kids? Should you fight against apartheid or let it go to spend more time with your kids? If your cause is the right not to wear clothes (and I would say that it's irrational for society to force people to wear clothes), then you have to make the call as to how important that cause is to you.

I had the same concerns when I originally posted but he annoys me so I responded. I really don't think you can compare suffrage/apartheid with his 'right' to be naked. Fair enough if he feels strongly about it but making it more important than spending time with your children? That's very odd.

I also don't think it's an irrational fear that you're out walking in the countryside with your child and a naked man walks past. That is completely inappropriate.

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I also don't think it's an irrational fear that you're out walking in the countryside with your child and a naked man walks past. That is completely inappropriate.

Depends if you're sexualising nudity or not, doesn't it?

Public nudity and indecent exposure are two very separate things in my book.

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The intention doesn't matter for me, he's still forcing his nudity on others. 

Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't exactly chose to see another man's willy in public, but clothes are a social construct. There's nothing intrinsically wrong with it other than the fact we make it unusual by covering ourselves up all the time. 

I'm not saying I think we should all strip off or that I particularly support the bloke's cause, and I'd never go nude in public myself. But it's just a human body. All the same arguments go for the Free the Nipple campaign.

Have you ever been to a beach in France or Italy? How do you feel there?

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Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't exactly chose to see another man's willy in public, but clothes are a social construct. There's nothing intrinsically wrong with it other than the fact we make it unusual by covering ourselves up all the time. 

I'm not saying I think we should all strip off or that I particularly support the bloke's cause, and I'd never go nude in public myself. But it's just a human body. All the same arguments go for the Free the Nipple campaign.

Have you ever been to a beach in France or Italy? How do you feel there?

And I have the same problem with the free the nipple campaign, and guys that walk round town not wearing shirts when it's sunny. It's completely unnecessary and indecent. 

I felt incredibly uncomfortable, but at least their nakedness has a purpose there.

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And I have the same problem with the free the nipple campaign, and guys that walk round town not wearing shirts when it's sunny. It's completely unnecessary and indecent. 

I felt incredibly uncomfortable, but at least their nakedness has a purpose there.

I suppose the question is, why is it indecent and unnecessary? I think the only real answer is because society says it is. That's not to say that's wrong, either - society has its quirks and we don't have to justify everything we do. But it's worth questioning these things every now and again and perhaps accepting it's irrational, even if we want to keep it that way.

I also don't agree that being nude in public "shoves it down your face." Similar arguments are used when gay couples go PDA in public - "they're shoving their sexuality down my throat." I've never been tapped on the shoulder while getting with a girl in a club and been asked if I could make my straightness a bit more private.

If people started to go nude more often, you'd get used to it very quickly. Personally, I'm a big believe in people doing what they want with their bodies. If you want to go nude, well that's a bit weird and I'd rather you didn't, but I wouldn't make it illegal. Exactly the same with the burka - I don't like it, and it's not Islamic, but women do choose to wear it and simply disagreeing with something isn't reason to make it illegal. I think it's a slippery slope when things are made illegal and punishable by prison just because it makes some people feel a bit uncomfortable.

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I suppose the question is, why is it indecent and unnecessary? I think the only real answer is because society says it is. That's not to say that's wrong, either - society has its quirks and we don't have to justify everything we do. But it's worth questioning these things every now and again and perhaps accepting it's irrational, even if we want to keep it that way.

I also don't agree that being nude in public "shoves it down your face." Similar arguments are used when gay couples go PDA in public - "they're shoving their sexuality down my throat." I've never been tapped on the shoulder while getting with a girl in a club and been asked if I could make my straightness a bit more private.

If people started to go nude more often, you'd get used to it very quickly. Personally, I'm a big believe in people doing what they want with their bodies. If you want to go nude, well that's a bit weird and I'd rather you didn't, but I wouldn't make it illegal. Exactly the same with the burka - I don't like it, and it's not Islamic, but women do choose to wear it and simply disagreeing with something isn't reason to make it illegal. I think it's a slippery slope when things are made illegal and punishable by prison just because it makes some people feel a bit uncomfortable.

I don't necessarily think that the uncomfortable aspect of it comes solely from society's expectations. There are plenty of things that society says are 'ok' that still make me very uncomfortable. Perhaps I'm just a prude. I get what you're saying, but I certainly wouldn't call it irrational. Allowing nudity could easily lead to all sorts of extra problems. What I wouldn't be against is 'nude friendly' areas because then there's an element of choice in whether you go there. 

I don't want to watch gay couples make out in public, just like I wouldn't want to watch a straight couple make out in public. A club is a slightly different, as it's a more appropriate environment. You expect to see such things there. I think it's all about having awareness and respect for others around you. The whole initial point was about him putting his naturism above his children, that does seem like a pretty self obsessed person to me. 

As I've said, we've also moved away from my initial point which wasn't about whether it should be illegal, but more criticising his parenting. He can argue all he wants that it shouldn't be illegal but it is, and he knows he'll be arrested. Again, I see what you're saying but it's a rather slippery slope if we start allowing every Tom, Dick and Harriet to stroll around naked. 

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If you were indeed the person in charge, just for the day and could change one thing, what would it be?

Try to keep it trivial, no world peace rubbish



I want world peace. 

Bring back world peace!

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