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He was called to a panel before the fight and cleared. Seems strange that a panel cleared him but now he's facing an 8 year ban? Seems UKAD got a positive result on a trace but was cleared by VADA? They need to get the details out ASAP.

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Either way it's another win for that American idiot. Probably ringing up the WBC to suspend Whyte so he can do his next mandatory against Iggle Piggle. 

He dodged Povetkin when Povetkin has an issue. 

Wilder is an honourable guy and won't fight these drug cheats. Well, apart from his second upcoming fight with 2 times caught cheating Luis Ortiz. 

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On 26/07/2019 at 08:58, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

Few folk jumping the gun on the Whyte failed test here. He could be testing positive for all sorts of reasons. There's a big difference between doping and being careless or poorly advised.

Yes and no. If they ban jelly babies then they're banned and you don't go near them. I'm a bit like I was with Sharapova - you are at fault if you get caught, even if what you get caught for is not something that will improve performance. For Dilian, he should have been doubly concerned given what happened before. I agree the point though, let's wait till the facts are on the table before judging but if he has done anything wrong then what a dipstick.

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I don't really understand how it happens when you're a mega star in boxing. If you're worth hundreds of thousands or even millions of pounds then surely you have a nutritionist and chef etc. 

If you go buy some supplements over a counter that are new then how do you not get them checked out? 

Dillian must have changed something about his prep? Why not get everything checked out before you introduce it to a world level professional boxer. 

Like Canelo with his "contaminated meat". I don't understand how during camp he's doing stuff different from before without getting it checked out. 

I guess that there's levels of stuff you're allowed and these guys are coming in with too much in their system? 

Boxing is still really amateur compared to other sports. The corruption and cheating is something you'd only expect to see in a movie. At least in football there's no massive sway in what FIFA rankings do. You can still compete at the highest levels if you're good. In most other sports if you're good enough then you can rise to the top. In boxing you have to have value as well as ability. You can't really quietly go about your business if you haven't got a great amateur background. If you sign with a weak promoter who doesn't have a good relationship with governing bodies then you're on the back foot. 

It's like the Wild West. The governing bodies all work independently. They have different rules and their rankings do effect the trajectory of careers. Tv companies influence governing bodies. Promoters influence governing bodies. TV companies buy promoters and the boxers have to dance to whatever tune comes down the line. If you think FIFA and UEFA are in a position they can abuse for profit imagine the boxing network.

Brown envelopes are the way to buy your way in. 

This is the world Dillian Whyte and Co live in. They are so desperate to win because of the corruption. Everyone trying to get ahead. All in one of the most deadly sports. 

2 boxers died last week. Was there Vada testing in their fights? Doubt it because the fighters and promoters have to pay for it. The governing bodies don't. You pay them for ranking! TV companies don't. They just want a champion in their channel. They don't care if he's more drugged than Pete Doherty so long as he's winning viewers. 

So promoters and fighters pay for their own testing. Promoters who need to sell a fighter and a fighter who has to sell himself. Not happening at lower levels is it. 

I'm assuming Whyte and Hearn pay for tests to make sure they don't lose value by getting beat by some doped up clown like Jarrell Miller. 

So at the very least why on Earth aren't Whyte, Hearn, Canelo, Ortiz, Miller making sure they are meeting the requirements? 

The sport is deadly and the way it's organised encourages everyone to bend the rules and that's how they get people killed. These fighters are trying to gain any slight advantage by bending the rules. It's hard to feel sorry for them when they get caught

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On 26/07/2019 at 12:29, tomsdubs said:

He was called to a panel before the fight and cleared. Seems strange that a panel cleared him but now he's facing an 8 year ban? Seems UKAD got a positive result on a trace but was cleared by VADA? They need to get the details out ASAP.

He was cleared to fight as he appealed the result of the  test - technically he's therefore considered innocent until the 2nd sample is tested....

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7 hours ago, BaaLocks said:

Yes and no. If they ban jelly babies then they're banned and you don't go near them. I'm a bit like I was with Sharapova - you are at fault if you get caught, even if what you get caught for is not something that will improve performance. For Dilian, he should have been doubly concerned given what happened before. I agree the point though, let's wait till the facts are on the table before judging but if he has done anything wrong then what a dipstick.

Interestingly, Sharapova hasn't come close to winning anythinbg since she was banned - nor has she had a heart attack despite no longer being allowed to take her heart medication - who'd a thunk it.....

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Right lads and lasses...I need a little help, please.

As a fairweather occasional boxing fan who only gets interested for the big world level nights or for serious domestic clashes...is BoxNation worth having?

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14 hours ago, Needlesh said:

Right lads and lasses...I need a little help, please.

As a fairweather occasional boxing fan who only gets interested for the big world level nights or for serious domestic clashes...is BoxNation worth having?

Not really. BoxNation is tied with BT Sports and ESPN. Main promotions are Frank Warren and Bob Arum. 

Top Rank are have a good bunch of welterweight, featherweight, super feather etc. The stars are Lomachenko and Terence Crawford. 

Frank Warren, I don't think much too his stable tbh. His shows certainly aren't huge nights like a Sky Sports heavyweight 02 night. 

They do share Tyson Fury though. It's worth mentioning that although Top Rank do have Lomachenko that he is fighting on Sky Sports for Luke Campbell in... September maybe? 

Now Sky Sports are tied in with DZN. DZN are trying to steal the talent. They pay money for Canelo, GGG and Joshua. 

Between them and Sky they have a good bunch of middleweight and heavyweights. 

Every Canelo and AJ fight is a mega fight. 

I think ITV is tied in with Showtime. 

If you like the mega events then it's probably best with Sky and DZN. 

The other stables have some really good fighters but they perhaps don't attract the big numbers with a couple of exceptions but even those are now having to make deals to Co Broadcast because DZN has spent big to try and dominate the market. 

BoxNation as a channel on it's own is kind of BTSports little sideshow now. It really for those who want boxing 2 or 3 times per week

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Card from Falls park in Belfast tonight, BT sport. Conlon the main event. 

Lots of Tricolors in the crowd, and plenty of 'songs' being sung. Hope it passes off peacefully as the night goes on. 

Mcombe looks a prospect. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone off to Saudi Arabia in December. Logistically a nightmare a month ago but now it's perfect. It's hungry for the big fights and is a serious contender for holding big shows in it's 12,000 capacity arena. Just a 6 hour flight too. 

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5 hours ago, Alpha said:

Anyone off to Saudi Arabia in December. Logistically a nightmare a month ago but now it's perfect. It's hungry for the big fights and is a serious contender for holding big shows in it's 12,000 capacity arena. Just a 6 hour flight too. 

Added bonus, you can't have a drink so you'll definitely by sober by fight time, then off out to enjoy the bright lights of, err, Riyadh. Unless you'e female of course, then you've got to be escorted home. Not that you'd be allowed in the venue anyway.

It's almost as if there are financial incentives trumping all sense. Nah. Can't be.


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1 hour ago, Needlesh said:

Added bonus, you can't have a drink so you'll definitely by sober by fight time, then off out to enjoy the bright lights of, err, Riyadh. Unless you'e female of course, then you've got to be escorted home. Not that you'd be allowed in the venue anyway.

It's almost as if there are financial incentives trumping all sense. Nah. Can't be.


I think Hearn should have come out and said "these guys get punched in the head for a living and they wanted Saudi Arabia because it's worth fortunes. What would you do? Joshua's not forgotten his UK fanbase and we'll be back after this"

But he's come out saying Saudi Arabia is a big player in the boxing game. That they have embraced boxing and have taken time to educate the fans. It's a global sport and he's spreading the good word. 

It's Qatar with the World Cup. They haven't built towards these events. And you don't make yourself ready by just holding the biggest there is out there. 

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6 hours ago, Alpha said:

I think Hearn should have come out and said "these guys get punched in the head for a living and they wanted Saudi Arabia because it's worth fortunes. What would you do? Joshua's not forgotten his UK fanbase and we'll be back after this"

But he's come out saying Saudi Arabia is a big player in the boxing game. That they have embraced boxing and have taken time to educate the fans. It's a global sport and he's spreading the good word. 

It's Qatar with the World Cup. They haven't built towards these events. And you don't make yourself ready by just holding the biggest there is out there. 

Joke really. Perhaps they'll have a couple of beheadings and a stoning on the undercard to cater to the local audience?


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I read an article quoting Ruiz and apparently the venue is not confirmed and nothing is signed and sealed.

A fight in Saudi Arabia might be lucrative but it’s the boxing equivalent of hosting a major final in Baku.

Surely if you were Joshua and Joshua’s camp, you’d want to go back to the US and banish those demons?


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