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Posts posted by alram

  1. 1 hour ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    There was an aim to the recruitment, it  just looks like it’s been unsuccessful. I hold my hands up from my earlier defences of the likes of Bradley and Nelson in response to some of your posts, looks like you were right and I was wrong, I’m adult enough to own that. 

    But objectively speaking on the recruitment I can see what the intention was, he’s signed Washington because he knows he’ll do the tireless running in the front 2 of his 3-5-2 system. He signed Ward because he’s a proven rwb at this level, and signed Wilson because he was an exciting young rwb in the league below the season before last. He signed Elder, Bradley and Nelson as they’ve been playing in the championship for a few years, not arguing about if they should have been or not, just pointing out that there was a plan to it all….it just looks like it’s possibly the wrong plan. 
    My point is always to try and have a more solution focused approach to my thinking, those players have been signed there’s nothing to be done about that now, so Warne has to find a way to get the best out of what he has, people will point that he didn’t do it last season, which overall he didn’t, but he did at times (adapting a makeshift back 4) and he did it at Rotherham. It’s either that or the next solution becomes a change of manager and I don’t know that that’s the right thing yet….in my limited opinion. 

    We may have disagreed on some stuff but we both want the same thing which is Derby doing well 

  2. 1 minute ago, Barney1991 said:

    What I can’t fathom is from last season he said he wanted pace and hasn’t addressed it. He says tonight he needs pace and hasn’t addressed it. 



    the club has completely contradicted the managers plans whether thats the managers choice or not i dont think it matters its a massive failure from the club.


    and guess what because of the profile of players we are constantly signing we have ANOTHER rebuild to do next summer 


    if we took a sensible approach the minute we were relegated we would be on an upwards curve and building something

  3. 1 minute ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    I don’t get how anyone has watched that tonight and decided Washington and Waghorn are the problem?!
    It’s the midfield and the tactics….or the execution of them, there’s no presence or control in the middle of the park, we’re not retaining the ball, we didn’t create much from open play. That doesn’t sit at Washington and Waghorn’s door, it’s down to Warne for the tactics and Hourihane/Smith/Bird/NML/Wilson/Elder/Nelson/Bradley etc for the lack of composure, creativity and control.

    its the overall direction


    why sign 2 strikers over 31 when by the own managers account he wanted younger players? 


    it just sums up the aimless nature of our recruitment which has been absolute tripe this summer


    we have absolutely no athletism and i would like to see one team with none of that that is successful because you wont find one at this level when you are getting out run every week

  4. 4 minutes ago, Andicis said:

    You can't assure me that, as you have no idea what either our players or the ones you named are being paid. Everything here is just your opinion based on no fact. Useless.

    you are 100% right , but i was asked to provide names to back up my opinion and i did

  5. 1 minute ago, Andicis said:

    What was our budget? Did those players want to live close to home? Could we match the offers of other clubs? You can't answer any of those questions. So frankly, throwing out names is useless. 

    its not useless be fair, i was asked names when i said we can still sign younger players i am just backing up my point with names that have moved for free across the division and i assure you most will be on lower wages than most of the championship journemen we have signed


    we are targeting older players we are not forced to sign them there is other options the club should have explored

  6. 2 minutes ago, Derbados said:

    This. I don’t get it at all. He specifically said he wanted players in the 22-27 age bracket with pace, power and athleticism, goes and signs a load over 30’s? eh? 

    I think the transfer window has been abysmal overall, the lack of attacking signings in abundantly obvious to all and sundry 

    the average age of our squad is scandelous there seems to be no planning its like they ring up and agent and say got anybody decent?

  7. Just now, Andicis said:

    So the profile of players to sign are players with non-league experience in 2 of those cases?

    tyler walker

    alistair smith

    regan poole

    harvey knibbs

    sam smith

    jack whatmough 


    do you want some more? it is a complete myth our only market is ageing journeymen, the whole division is signing younger players this is not a market that is closed to us

  8. hes created a team that were all alive when the soviet union was around and they play football like we are still in the soviet era.


    his style requires physicality and athletism rather than technical skills so he goes and signs a load of old players with hardly any physicality and athletism .


    i dont want people to let him hide behind the business plan, there are loads of players out there that fit the profile of player we should have been signing hardly any club in this division pay fees for players


    oxford play football & had a player like rodrigues who chose to go there instead of here ........ HMMMMMM I WONDER WHY? footballers arent idiots, we are going nowhere

  9. 3 minutes ago, Millenniumram said:

    Because players wanted to play for Rosenior. They don’t want to play for Warne. It’s as simple as that.

    exactly what player wants to place his kind of football apart from lanky journeymen which is exactly what we have signed

  10. 3 minutes ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    Penalty shout for handball not given, whatever the defender did then looked very weird. Would like to see a replay. Sort of stooped down to shoulder it.

    Poor performance, interesting to hear what’s said post match. I’m still not of the opinion Warne should be sacked as the season is still very early on, but tonight was really poor and he has to own this and show he can adapt. His 3 at the back isn’t working, I thought it would but it’s not. Back to basics, 4 at the back on Saturday, start Waghorn and Washington up top, Thompson needs to be in the midfield. It’s not working, change it.

    not really interested what he has to say myself


    he needs to sort it out and stop lecturing us, too much talking too little progress

  11. 6 minutes ago, SK47 said:

    How on earth did we sign the likes of Mcgoldrick last year for free and on minimal wages, yet this season, even with a budget, we avoided signing a striker capable of achieving anything close to what DM produced?

    Collins IS NOT a first choice striker. I don't care how many times he crops up with a goal, he offers northing else to the team which leads to us being 1 dimensional. Ball out to the right, cross, clear. Ball out to the right, cross, clear. What happened to the silky football we used to play? 

    Really hope drastic changes are made because this isn't it, and I'm a Warne fan


    the warning signs were there all summer for everyone to see, we never replaced mcgoldrick and there is a fat chance we are spreading his goals around the team because nobody else can score either just like last season



  12. i absolutely depise this league, i cant believe people thought it would be easy and nice to win some games or nice to see go to some new grounds ( most of them absolutely terrible)


    the league is terrible and the worst bit is we belong here because we are terrible as well. the way oxfords second goal just played through us is utterly embarrasing we made them look like barcelona.


    we have no direction as a club, it was all so predictable after watching our movement all summer you could spot it coming from a mile off. going to be a long season

  13. Just now, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

    I suspect Clowes can stomach a run of bad results, but if the performance is as bad as it sounds that is far more concerning.

    exactly and this is my main issue. i can take losing but we need to see a vision & strategy, we just dont have any

  14. 18 minutes ago, Chester40 said:

    On a match day I think it's borderline pathetic that this thread is still bubbling along (and now I'm adding to it).

    One 'unlucky-ish' League defeat and fans are asking if we should move on.  Jumping from one new fangled answer to another is a large part of what got us here.

    There really is no patience and it's been replaced by an incredible amount of wild supposition about what is /isn't happening behind the scenes. We (are) were 2 signings away from seemingly purchasing exactly what we needed. There is still plenty of time to do that. Talk of 'losing the dressing room' is mind boggling and even if true with 1 or 2 players then you back the manager and get rid.  

    Really hope we win today and can shut this conversation down instead of always wishing for a miracle via the next big thing (Wilder, Simpson whoever).

    In my opinion the discontent isn’t about 1 game it’s about the direction we appear to be heading in, there doesn’t seem to be much of a plan or strategy

  15. 5 minutes ago, r4derby said:

    The frustrating thing is - he’s known about these departures for a while. Didzy was earlier in Summer and interest in Knight had been around for a while. You prepare for that. You make that a priority. Instead, we’re left chasing our tails! So frustrating

    mcgoldrick should have been replaced the minute we knew he wasnt signing which was very early in the window


    our monuverability in the transfer market dictates it should have been done early in the summer when a wider pool of players were available


    plus what is the point in getting washington & waghorn if they arent mcgoldricks replacement?

  16. 2 hours ago, Mucker1884 said:

    I had that feeling before and after the QPR Final.  Similar but less emphatically for the Villa final.

    Inexcusably, I also often have that feeling for most Forest games at home.

    Bur Burton away... 2nd game of a third division season... with neither the league table nor the recent form having had chance to settle?

    Nah.  Not even close to being a very big game, and certainly not one that will shape our history.
    It's no more than a bread and butter game.  It'll neither define our history, or the season.
    I suspect most of us will have forgotten the match details/stats by Christmas 2024... if not 2023!


    each to their own i suppose, I think it will set the tone going forward if we lose this one.


    i did say modern history so i suppose youi can judge that over which time period you want but for me the crowd is close to turning on warne a loss at burton wont help his cause. there are sliding doors games which only have 3 points on them but can set the tone going forward, i just think this is one of them

  17. 5 minutes ago, Pottig said:

    Of which you have 1 game in the league and 1 cup game to go on, compared to a full season last year. 

    Care to tell me how Plymouth Argyle got on at the beginning of last season? Didn't they get knocked out of the cup and lose a game within the first 3 matches?

    okay you win, it’s obvious you can’t judge everything from one game 


    but I see the direction the club is going in and I don’t like what I see

    mthere is a stench around the club at the minute and it hasn’t gone away all summer. It’s obvious on paper we have not got stronger


    if you think otherwise then fair play to you but you are just ignore things you don’t want to see

  18. this may be unpopular but Conway was a really poor journalist at the time, he constantly ignored and turned a blind eye to all the things going on at the club and I don’t think he should be trying to make money out of that period either because really who wants to revisit that period


    I thought he was poor at the athletic and always talked down to people as if they were below him

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