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  1. Clap
    Miggins reacted to Rosythram in Respect Waz   
    Because the club are unable to afford it, when are people going to grasp that the off field issues need to be resolved before the on field ones can be addressed?
  2. Clap
    Miggins reacted to rams_man in Jozwiak   
    Wow, how people can blame him for losing us the game is a joke. Byrne, Sibley, Forsyth and a few others all made mistakes for 1 goal or both.
    I wouldn't be interested in the club if I got slated every game and I bleed black and white!
  3. Clap
    Miggins reacted to Andicis in Jozwiak   
    Exactly this.
  4. Clap
    Miggins reacted to jono in Jozwiak   
    For crying out loud … get off his back. He made a mistake, so did Sibley
  5. Clap
    Miggins reacted to RoyMac5 in Jozwiak   
    Just watching the highlights on Sky Sports Football from 19:00. 
    I remember now, didn't we have the first chance where Sibs went forward and could have put Joz in (not re-shown)? But 21 mins in Sibs knocks it back to Joz who puts Stretton clean through, but he couldn't quite control it. 
    Edit: 33 minutes fouled on the edge of the box but the ref plays on, Hutch shoots just over.
    Not got there yet, but of course he puts the pass in to Sibs for our 1st goal.
    So some fans need to take their blinkers off.
  6. Haha
    Miggins reacted to i-Ram in Jozwiak   
    Make sure them kids are sound asleep later.

  7. Haha
    Miggins reacted to i-Ram in Jozwiak   
  8. Like
    Miggins reacted to jono in Jozwiak   
    How about Festy Fidelis ?
  9. Clap
    Miggins reacted to Kernow in Jozwiak   
    He's a gem isn't he?
  10. Clap
    Miggins reacted to Comrade 86 in Dylan Williams, what a prospect.   
    Surprised by him last night. Certainly looks a decent prospect. Looks a scrapper too which I like. Our academy's not too shabby, is it?
  11. Clap
    Miggins reacted to Rampage in Respect Waz   
    Last season has gone. We stayed up. 45 matches left this season. Enjoy if possible.
  12. Like
    Miggins reacted to Bianoic in Respect Waz   
    Sure, fair comment
    i just think that that song cant help build or improve his relationship with the fans or the club and so is not really in anyone’s interests,  as well as being grossly offensive to his family and other people like me.
  13. Like
    Miggins reacted to Bianoic in Respect Waz   
    These last few weeks especially Wayne has gone up in my estimation hugely.
    I’ve been so impressed with his attitude and his calmness when being faced with an incredibly difficult situation.
    He has personally significantly helped our situation by providing an air of,and promise of,stability at a time when the club is being buffeted from all angles. Having managerial issues at present would be just awful for everyone and wayne has removed that risk
    To me he is coming across incredibly well in his media work and has effectively taken on the whole of the club’s communications onto his own shoulders.
    Well done to Wayne and it seems like most people are feeling that way given the reception he is getting at matches.
    I really, really wish, though, that those fans who sing that appallingly infantile and frankly insulting song about him would stop. Can you imagine how his wife and children feel when they hear it ? It is grossly offensive.
  14. Like
    Miggins got a reaction from 48 hours in Supporters Charter Group Apology   
    I've been away for a couple of days and so I'm 17 hours behind! Just wanted to post something before I read the replies from the wonderful forum fans, although I think I already know what they are saying. ? Thanks for your post and thanks for the detailed explanation, all of which is perfectly understandable. Not sure how you could improve on handling things better in the future. I thought you handled things fine this time round and not your fault that it was not all plain sailing due to things beyond your control. Certainly not your fault or DCFC. Really sad that you have had to put up with unwarranted crap. Totally out of order and undeserved comments, lacking understanding, moderation and common decency. Ignore! I don't respect those who are  abusive and I ignore their opinions which are more a reflection on themselves than those they choose to criticize. Keep well, David and thanks for this forum which is enjoyed by so many! 
  15. Clap
    Miggins got a reaction from ck- in Has the lockdown(s) made you care more about Derby?   
    Couldn't agree more, @i-Ram Here is part of a sonnet for the poor souls who incur the wrath of other members by posting something poorly worded (usually after they have had a tipple on an empty stomach)!?
    'When in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes
    I all alone beweep my outcast state...'
    In case you were wondering, I am posting on behalf of an embarassed friend. ?
  16. Clap
    Miggins reacted to Leeds Ram in South Stand: Respect   
    On the incident discussed earlier that's really not on tbh. I like the fact that Derby like all football grounds nowadays caters to pretty much everyone and you can have an entirely different experience based on your needs and wants of football. I love a good sing and shout when I go to the match, so for me I like to go in the south stand to have an afternoon of catharsis by supporting my team after what is usually quite a long and stressful week.

    But not everyone is like that, my gf who has autism has expressed an interest in coming to a game and if she did I'd probably get tickets in the east or west stand for us as she'd likely not love the kind of experience the south stand offers. People who have small kids may not want them to hear the language or be close to the kinds of behaviours that occur in some parts of the ground and that's fine too. Football is a place to come together but that doesn't mean replicating one another's behaviour at the game, it's about accepting the different ways in which we all support our team. 
  17. Clap
    Miggins reacted to RoyMac5 in South Stand: Respect   
    Lol! Lots of people seem to like it. ?But even the biggest fans of sweaty bodies need a rest - it's what West Stand is for. ? But yeah it was pretty poor to hear about some of our own fans being intimidated by a loud-mouthed inconsiderate Rams fan. 
  18. Haha
    Miggins reacted to Foreveram in Respect Waz   
    Luxury, I used to dream of owning a shed
  19. Haha
    Miggins got a reaction from DesertRam in Has the lockdown(s) made you care more about Derby?   
    Taking the warmth! I can scarcely believe what I am reading! How far we have come from reading about Jane Austen's elegant  description of balls to peeing into people's back pockets!!
  20. Clap
    Miggins reacted to B4ev6is in Another baggy in heaven   
    Omg I am so sorry but let this help she wont be far away just because she is not does she not there in spirt form.
  21. Like
    Miggins reacted to Mucker1884 in Another baggy in heaven   
    Sad news.
    Never knew the lady of course, but just done a wee boing, boing in her honour.
    It'd be rude not to!
    Sleep well, Ma Tamworth.
    We'll take good care of your boy.  Here for when he needs us.
  22. Sad
    Miggins reacted to Tamworthram in Another baggy in heaven   
    Mods, apologies for a personal thread and please feel free to delete this one.
    I just wanted to say a thank to to @GenBr. @RoyMac5 @angieram @Miggins @archram @Steve How Hard? and @sage amongst others for their kind comments and emojis. Sadly, my mum, a West Brom fan, didn’t make it and we lost her early this morning.?
  23. Clap
    Miggins reacted to Jimbo Ram in Respect Waz   
    You saved me a post. I really enjoyed the game last night, great to see the youngsters hold their own. But I won’t get carried away with draws against Udders and League 2 Salford. Bigger challenges ahead I think starting on Saturday. But it is a start ??
  24. Like
    Miggins reacted to Ambitious in Respect Waz   
    I think the players really like him. He's managed to build a good team spirit despite all the poo going on in the background. I genuinely believe he wants the best for Derby, more so than the current hierarchy in charge. He's the only one that's seemingly looking long-term. I'm still no great believer in his ability to become a good manager, but at the very least I can respect that he's focused and seems to be keeping others focused. We should be grateful for that much. 
  25. Like
    Miggins reacted to RadioactiveWaste in Respect Waz   
    I've as anti-wayne as about anyone on the forum. I really really really thought we should've been way more comfortable in our survival last season than we were.
    But, I do respect him for staying. We've started the season with a bit of fight. He seems to be growing in the role. HE seems to be much better at the interviews pre and post - i don't think it's coached, i think he's more at ease with himself and with the job. He probably knows is pretty much a free hit and the blame would rightly go towards the ownership situation, however, I don't pick up any cynicism from in that respect. I think he just believes he's going to do a good job and the team are going to give it a good go.
    WIn a few games and I think most, even those disposed against him, will come around.
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