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    Ramifications reacted to B4ev6is in Hopeful a take over happens soon   
    I think we will mate
    I hope that rooney will get decent money to spend in the summer but he might tie down festy to new contract and we might get phil back also if stoke offer him a new contract first.
  2. Clap
    Ramifications got a reaction from jono in Who has Rooney improved as a player MK2   
    Ryan Allsop too. He seems to be getting better. 
  3. Clap
    Ramifications got a reaction from ck- in Who has Rooney improved as a player MK2   
    Ryan Allsop too. He seems to be getting better. 
  4. Like
    Ramifications reacted to Bubbles in Rooney - The Documentary   
    I’m not going to go into full detail about it, but I 100% recommend that anyone watches this, regardless if you’re a fan of the chap or not.
    A pure, raw and honest insight of what OUR MANAGER has gone through in his life.
    Has made me love him even more.
    A genuinely class bloke who’s worked through his struggles and become a brilliant man.
    Proud to have him at the helm, and I hope that we can keep him for as long as possible!
  5. Like
    Ramifications got a reaction from Carl Sagan in Who has Rooney improved as a player MK2   
    Ryan Allsop too. He seems to be getting better. 
  6. Like
    Ramifications reacted to TheresOnlyWanChope in Relegation rivals watch   
    I would say Allsop is showing some fine form. He made a vital save the other day and seemed assured throughout the match.   Although Roos is good also but I think we need two decent keepers. 
  7. Like
    Ramifications reacted to B4ev6is in To the lads   
    Well to the derby players let teach that banker gibson a lesson that broke up bloodly good derby team up so let's get that ball in that boro net let's hurt him by getting goals in the net. They have blocked take over after take over. You have over 2k official backing you but I can see many many derby fans in the home ends.
  8. Like
    Ramifications reacted to Grumpy Git in The Administration Thread   
    Evening KO games are a complete non-starter for me as the time of the last train would mean leaving after 60 minutes and that ain't happening.
    I'm not driving as its a 200 mile round-trip and I've driven enough miles in the last 40 years for work to never want to drive again. It's bleedin expensive too compared to the train, especially with a railcard and more importantly, I enjoy a pint or three before (and after) the match with the lads.
  9. Like
  10. Like
    Ramifications reacted to Carl Sagan in Hull city (H) on Tuesday 8th February - matchday thread   
    Does this mean I'm going to have to hug the Golden Ram before every game from now on?

  11. Like
    Ramifications reacted to Carl Sagan in Boro (A) Match Thread   
    Fantastic. This game is everything. If you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us, and Steve Gibson is the man who has tried to mess with the entire county of Derbyshire. Let's extract our revenge on the pitch. No quarter asked for and none given, standing strong in the face of epic adversity, as we have all season. 
    We are Derby, we fight to the end. All together. And we shall overcome.
    Come on you Rams!
  12. Like
    Ramifications reacted to sunnyhill60 in Captain Tom Lawrence   
    Another outstanding performance from Captain Tom tonight.
    Marvelous quick feet for his goal and what a pass for Festy's goal!
    Had he been interviewed I am sure he would have said, like Fozzy did,  how much he is enjoying this season
  13. Like
    Ramifications reacted to MackworthRamIsGod in The Administration Thread   
    Mike Ashley would be the absolute dream.
    If we stop up he would back a promotion push next season.
  14. Clap
    Ramifications reacted to IslandExile in Festy Ebosele   
    Whatever it takes, we have to tie Festy down with a long contract, the second we're allowed to sign anyone.
  15. Like
    Ramifications reacted to BramcoteRam84 in v Hull (H) - Predictions   
    Derby 3 Hull 1 - Lawrence FRGS
  16. Like
    Ramifications reacted to BrudeRAM in v Hull (H) - Predictions   
    3-1 Lawrence fgs
  17. Like
    Ramifications reacted to Elgin_Ram in v Hull (H) - Predictions   
    Derby 3 Hull 1 Knight
  18. Like
    Ramifications reacted to BriggRam in v Hull (H) - Predictions   
    Rams 3 - 1 Ull
    Lawrence fgs
  19. Like
    Ramifications reacted to lukedcfc in v Hull (H) - Predictions   
    Derby 3-1 Hull
    FRGS Plange
  20. Like
    Ramifications reacted to mozza in v Hull (H) - Predictions   
    Derby County 3 Hull City 1, Lawrence FRGS.. 
  21. Like
    Ramifications reacted to Addingham Ram in v Hull (H) - Predictions   
    Rams 3 Tigers 1
    FRGS Super Krystian Bielik ?
  22. Like
    Ramifications reacted to WharfedaleRam in v Hull (H) - Predictions   
    3-1 to us.
    Plange frgs.
  23. Like
    Ramifications reacted to StevenageRam in v Hull (H) - Predictions   
    Rams 3-1. Knight
  24. Like
    Ramifications reacted to 1967Ram in v Hull (H) - Predictions   
    Rams 3 Hull 0
    FRGS Lawrence
  25. Clap
    Ramifications reacted to Yani P in The Administration Thread   
    You would think any potential owner would want this all done and dusted to secure the long term futures of these young players.
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