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Posts posted by 1967RAMS

  1. 58 minutes ago, B4ev6is said:

    Well lads you do so well turn around -12 around be on plus 2 but if was not for points ducetions I truly believe we should be in top 2 but as things stand we are not but now is the time to regroup and keep fighting with everything you have and to me you are champions. 

    You are showing warriors you are that are black and white Derby county and also showing what ram show and it meaning. I am asking you once more show that banker gibson and efl that we are not going no were we are here and hear to stay.

    How would 14 points get us in the top 2? WBA currently have 22 points in 2 nd. Is that Gibson and EFL’s fault too? 

  2. 1 hour ago, Tamworthram said:

    As @angieram says, it's 5%. So, for tickets costing £70 Derby would receive just £3.50 (assuming it based on the gross sales and not net). But, as you say, every penny counts and the team need all the vocal support they can get but, it is expensive for a family. 

    Pretty sure it’s 5 % of tickets sold minus costs ( Police etc) all helps but not sure the financial situation will be much improved. The lift it will give the players and the impression made on prospective owners will however be massive 

  3. Mike Ashley isn’t stupid enough to leap out of a frying pan and straight into a fire. Newcastle fans were harsh in their treatment of him imho. They have always been a nothing of a club with amazing support and always will be. It doesn’t matter how much money they have. The worlds best players will never live in Newcastle. They may get to top 4/5 but no higher. If he came to Derby( he won’t) but we should  consider ourselves extremely fortunate indeed. Don’t kid ourselves. We are a basket case of a club and should be happy to even be linked with a bloke of his proven business acumen 

  4. 16 minutes ago, jono said:

    Not arguing with the financial mismanagement, but Mel had resources at that time, in terms of money and personal health. That ran out for more than one reason. 

    I am simply saying that there is a much bigger picture. 

    Anyway … I’m off to the match now. ?

    Just having pint number 4 in waterfall and will see you there ?

  5. 30 minutes ago, jono said:

    Most clubs ? Yet at least 10 have been under embargo in recent months. How many more are close to the line and how many others are in receipt of a parachute money get of of jail free card.
    Most clubs are in severe financial difficulty. I suppose you could call that navigating but I’d call it being in a canoe without a paddle.  ( I suppose we are in the water which is worse ) It is easy to blame Mel justifiably for the timing of our particular position the root cause is elsewhere. 


    We are definitely in the water. It’s called ships creek without a paddle. We will have to agree to disagree on the root cause. You blame the  EFL and I will blame the financial mismanagement within our club. Buying Anya, Blackman, Butterfield, Johnson et el for massively exaggerated prices and on massively exaggerated contacts for example.  

  6. 14 minutes ago, jono said:

    I am not denying that MM was sailing close to the wind but given we had a bigger hit to revenue than other clubs .. simply because we are one of the better supported clubs. we also didn’t “qualify” for the 8 million loan.

    But more to the point .. tell me how many championship (none parachute ) clubs lose money every year. Answer = most of them. Then tell me what industry has healthy demand, relatively high prices but can’t make profits ? 

    Mel tripped, hit the wall and fell through it .. but the wall was/is paper thin


    going in to Admin is the final straw, agreed, but the financial structure is a mess. Are you saying it is all rosy, robust and frightfully well organised ? ? 

    Not at all well structured but most clubs have navigated it ok. I am sure lots of clubs are struggling financially but we weren’t close to the wind. We were in the teeth of a hurricane and capsized to keep up the nautical metaphors

  7. 12 hours ago, jono said:

    I think you are wrong. The ridiculous system and finances in the championship caused this. Certainly Mel the gambler fell in to the slough of despond and has been well and truly suckered, taken us with him and caused angst and heartache to fans, the club  and employees but the root cause is the stinking mess that is football finance, wages, structures, business model, marketing, broadcast rights, former smoke filled rooms .. is all down to the EFL and it’s self serving / preserving instincts.

    If it’s down to the financial structure in the championship and not MM, could you please explain why the other 23 clubs haven’t gone into administration as well??

  8. I still think you need to adjust the sights on your rifle mate. EFL didnt cause this mess and neither did Gibson. Get MM centre in your cross hairs and let fire. I do feel a email to the EFL letting them know that we, supporters are suffering as a result of Morris’s mismanagement may lead to a more compassionate response. Attack is the worst kind of defence in this instance. The fact that Sky want us on TV is a great advert for us as a big fish in this little pool. They won’t want to bankrupt us to prove a point but cannot let us get off Scott free either. We just need to take it on the chin and play the long game back to good times 

  9. 31 minutes ago, Mucker1884 said:

    You can dig all you want pal!

    What happened between me & Phil in The Model village at Bourton on the Water stays in the model village at Bourton on the Water! 







    *Actually... Just realised... the last time that phrase had any meaningful relevance in my life was many moons ago, relating to The Banana Bar in Amsterdam!  How spooky is that!  Maybe I only experience excitement in my life, when The Dutch are around?  Maybe that's why I have a top-of-the-range Dutch tent!  Hey, I'm cool with that!  After all, they are my favourite race/nation/people/species/erm.../shut up.../now!  

    Did Steve Maclaren’s accent raise a semi? 

  10. 4 hours ago, BathRam72 said:

    Didn't Mel have to pass this test when he took over? ?

    Yes and as a very successful businessman, he would have passed with flying colours. Unfortunately that is no guarantee of future good business acumen as we have found out. I think apart from previous convictions for fraudulent or nefarious business practices, pretty much anyone can pass. They need a complete rethink of the rules with perhaps a fully audited and submitted  set of accounts filed every couple of years a bare minimum. Being able to go closer to 4 years in our case obviously helps hide problems until it’s too late 

  11. Yeah it won’t open the barcodes but got through to the ticket office who said problem is that end and will resend them. Took around an hour to get through, hope this is a sign of massive demand for the next few games and not an indication that numbers of staff have been reduced. Didn’t want to moan/ ask what was the reason as I’m sure they have bigger personal worries than my dodgy PDF’s

  12. 3 minutes ago, Oldben said:

    Leeds could sign Sibley for bargain fee in January after £10m reveal - ex-Derby coach Kevin Phillips.

    A number of players at the club could be sold in the January transfer window to help balance the books at Pride Park.

    Of course Derby are possibly getting a further 9 points deduction, to guarantee relegation.

    The loss of any quality in the squad, finishes the job, relegated the club and requires a massive overhaul of the squad even if new owners arrive.



    Take the 10 million and wish him well for his future. Depending on any restrictions we may be under. Along with what we have already, 10 million quid should buy a team capable of winning league 1 at a canter 

  13. 11 minutes ago, Sussex Ram said:

    The more I think about this, the more I think the club (or more accurately, it’s administrators!) have got an opportunity to do something bigger with this. I’ve seen an article on the app labelled “Back the Boys”, which seems to be a simple point towards the ticket office hours and the online link for tickets.

    Could the club be more targeted about it, and figure out from their systems who has bought tickets in the past, but haven’t done so this season? Or maybe even last season too? Mail shot those people with really simple instructions on how to buy a ticket. Don’t offer them a discount- it rather defeats the point- but encourage them to show up when it’s needed. I suspect you’ll get a fair few that still can’t go (myself included), but surely you’ll get some bites.

    I’ve assumed plenty- that the club have the staff, the time, the technology to pull it off- and I recognise that in current circumstances that is likely not to be the case. But if the administrators meant what they said about bums on seats, I think they have to do more.

    This thread is brilliant- a smart idea, backed by plenty of generous fans. A great example of how this fan base is different from those at other clubs who might exit when the administrators enter. But it’s limited by playing to a captive audience. Hopefully via Radio Derby and other means the message can be spread over the next few days.

    Just disagree with 1 part. I’m not sure discounts defeat the point. A full or nearly full stadium will be the best advertisement for someone to come and buy us. I wouldn’t give cheap tickets to adults but filling the north stand with kids for a quid must be a no brainier in my humble opinion 

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