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Tyler Durden

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  1. Like
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from GenBr in Enjoy the good times.   
    Making sweeping generalised statements like that only serves to undermine and devalue even further the tenuous points you are attempting to put across but if it pleases you to believe that and fits into your own personal narrative and the jaundiced view you have about me then fill your boots. 
  2. Clap
    Tyler Durden reacted to Pearl Ram in Enjoy the good times.   
    Damn it, I went for a thesaurus. ?
  3. Haha
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Wages   
    What's Dean Holdsworth doing atm?
    Actually bringing back Rosenoir to kick a football about isn't a bad shout he can't do any worse than the job he's currently doing.  
  4. Cheers
    Tyler Durden reacted to The Scarlet Pimpernel in Enjoy the good times.   
    You have been a bit anti everything lately Tyler. Cheer up m'duck. 
  5. Haha
    Tyler Durden reacted to Reggie Greenwood in Wages   
    How do you know what LR is or not contributing have you been to Moor Farm to watch training ? 
  6. Haha
    Tyler Durden reacted to Abu Derby in Martyn Waghorn - gone to Coventry City   
    He’s obviously been undercover somewhere, perhaps spying in St George’s Park, the *itty Ground or perhaps a bit of the old dog thing. 
  7. Haha
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from Tiverton Ram in Martyn Waghorn - gone to Coventry City   
    Hopefully his judgement of players is better than his fashion sense....

  8. Haha
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from Philmycock in Martyn Waghorn - gone to Coventry City   
    Hopefully his judgement of players is better than his fashion sense....

  9. Haha
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from Gisby in Martyn Waghorn - gone to Coventry City   
    Hopefully his judgement of players is better than his fashion sense....

  10. Haha
  11. Haha
  12. Haha
  13. Clap
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from Woodley Ram in EFL Verdict   
    But were the highest spending clubs you are using a comparative measure against in receipt of parachute payments?
    And are any of those same clubs now still in the Championship? Or were promoted to the Premiership after this time and may have subsequently been relegated again?
  14. Haha
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from mike93rh in Yankee Doodle Derby   
    Given this is a football forum and not accountingweb.co.uk does that in any way surprise you
  15. Like
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from Dean (hick) Saunders in Martyn Waghorn - gone to Coventry City   
    Don't know how I'll manage to get over not being able to watch him squander another succession of 1 on 1 chances when clean through with the goalie.
    Couldn't sleep last night worrying about it. 
  16. Like
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from NottsRam77 in EFL Verdict   
    I don't see you point are you saying that if we had spent as much as the teams you mention then we would have been promoted?
    Can I just throw out there Johnson, Anya, Butterfield, Blackman, Waghorn.....
  17. Clap
    Tyler Durden reacted to Truckle in EFL Verdict   
    You can throw them anywhere you like, the further the better.
  18. Clap
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from Leeds Ram in At What Point Do You Cancel Your Season Ticket?   
    I think what has been overlooked is the void that been created for a number of posters on here by not being able to attend football matches and in some of those cases how it has affected their mental health.
    I know you're trying to have the debate about what point would you say that's too expensive for the product you are likely to get back in return but for a number of people that doesn't even factor into the equation as a consideration.
  19. Like
    Tyler Durden reacted to Sparkle in Jordon Ibe   
    I thought it was a desperate move by us but worth the risk but I personally think it should have been just one year pay as you play incentive contract. Never mind and move on - we need players who are fit and well enough to play as a basic requirement 
  20. Like
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from taffyram in Martyn Waghorn - gone to Coventry City   
    Another player leaving on a free after being signed for a horrendously inflated transfer fee. And people question why we are so much in the turd financially. 
  21. Haha
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from taffyram in Wycombe threaten to sue and send us into admin. if we stay up!   
    Cheating is a very emotive word. All of the benefits we have gained from our Machiavellian attempts to circumnavigate the rules such as selling the ground have resulted in zero gain from us other than pissing off other clubs and now the EFL who are now gleefully trying to do their best to get their own back on us. 
  22. Haha
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from taffyram in Wycombe threaten to sue and send us into admin. if we stay up!   
    The joke about all this is after all all the time we have been allegedly cheating look at the benefits it has levered us.
    So Morris couldn't even get that right. 
  23. Angry
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from Reggie Greenwood in Please don’t blame Morris and Pearce.   
    I don't recall either of the two mentioned having to sell the ground as a nefarious way of trying to circumnavigate punishment after years of irresponsible spending?
    Indeed Maxwell did the complete opposite during the final period of his reign by refusing to spend anything on players until he had sold the club.
    If anything Morris has already descended way past Captain Bob.....
  24. Sad
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Please don’t blame Morris and Pearce.   
    I don't recall either of the two mentioned having to sell the ground as a nefarious way of trying to circumnavigate punishment after years of irresponsible spending?
    Indeed Maxwell did the complete opposite during the final period of his reign by refusing to spend anything on players until he had sold the club.
    If anything Morris has already descended way past Captain Bob.....
  25. Haha
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Please don’t blame Morris and Pearce.   
    If they're his best endeavours then the mind boggles with what state we would be in if he was really trying to do a totally inept job 
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