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  1. Like
    VulcanRam got a reaction from Reggie Greenwood in Excited   
    I know beggars can't be choosers but there are certain players I wouldn't want anywhere near my club; after how he behaved in the two games against QPR this season he is very high on that list. Even on TalkSport he comes across as a knob. 
  2. Clap
    VulcanRam got a reaction from Premier ram in Excited   
    I know beggars can't be choosers but there are certain players I wouldn't want anywhere near my club; after how he behaved in the two games against QPR this season he is very high on that list. Even on TalkSport he comes across as a knob. 
  3. Like
    VulcanRam got a reaction from angieram in Excited   
    Good move for him to finish his career. Has done his bit for us but in a highly physical L1 we're going to need someone who isn't constantly getting injured. 
  4. Clap
    VulcanRam got a reaction from BriggRam in Excited   
    I know beggars can't be choosers but there are certain players I wouldn't want anywhere near my club; after how he behaved in the two games against QPR this season he is very high on that list. Even on TalkSport he comes across as a knob. 
  5. Like
    VulcanRam reacted to Sparkle in Excited   
    There’s a reason he comes across as a knob 
  6. Like
    VulcanRam reacted to BatRam in Excited   
    Exactly. If we can keep all/most of our current crop and add to it , we'll be decent. Look at Sheff wednesday for example. how they kept Bannan i dont know. If lawrence stays he'll be the best player in the league 
  7. Like
    VulcanRam got a reaction from RamuelLJackson in Excited   
    I know beggars can't be choosers but there are certain players I wouldn't want anywhere near my club; after how he behaved in the two games against QPR this season he is very high on that list. Even on TalkSport he comes across as a knob. 
  8. Like
    VulcanRam got a reaction from BatRam in Excited   
    This is the crucial bit. We have championship level players at the moment. If we can keep the core of them together then we'll be well placed. If we can't, then we'll be shopping for L1-level players and won't be any better off than Portsmouth, Sunderland, Sheff Weds, Ipswich or anyone else among the bigger teams in that league.
  9. Sad
    VulcanRam got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Let's not be "that club"   
    Right now we're looking at 4 (rough) scenarios:
    1. Takeover goes through with CK soon, Rooney commits to staying and we're in a position to offer contracts before the end of June. CK convinces EFL on whatever he needs to in order to avoid -15 points penalty. We start the season on 0 points and with a decent enough squad.
    2. Takeover goes though with CK, but it drags on into the start of the season, Rooney commits to staying. We're able to offer minimal contracts to keep going. We start next season -15, with a small but ok squad.
    3. Takeover with CK doesn't go through, but someone steps in to buy. It drags on until well after the new season starts. Rooney leaves. We start with -15 points and the bare minimum of players to see us through to January's transfer window. 
    4. Takeover doesn't go through. No-one buys. Can't exit admin. Goodbye Derby County.
    Until we know which one of 1-3 is a reality - ie fact and has happened, not what people choose to put on social media - we have no idea what a realistic expectation is for next season. And if it's 4, there is no next season. 
  10. Like
    VulcanRam got a reaction from archram in The Administration Thread   
    As an aside, the preferred bidder poll looks a bit old hat!
  11. Cheers
    VulcanRam reacted to IslandExile in Let's not be "that club"   
    I vote for option 1.
    Thank you.
  12. Like
    VulcanRam reacted to DarkFruitsRam7 in POLL: How have you traditionally shown your support for Derby County?   
    While I respect your experience, I  think this season has been anything but "draining", "miserable", or "pointless" on the pitch. The pride I've felt when the lads have given absolutely everything has been huge.
    Even if we do go down, this team will be one that will stick in the memory for a long time. For me, that's the opposite of pointless.
  13. Like
    VulcanRam reacted to vonwright in The Administration Thread   
    Partly that but also if and when our future is secured, you start looking properly at what the future is going to hold. League One, 15 points down before we start, no squad to speak of, strict rules on what we can spend (assuming Kirchner actually has money to spend, which is far from clear). I guess its a bit like a life-saving operation which comes with some life-altering side effects: obviously you're amazingly happy to have had the op, but once it's done, and you are still alive, the side-effects do matter. 
    I'd actually be fairly happy dropping down a division and having a reset, if we'd have been able to keep our young players. It might have been fun watching them have a go at storming League One. Watching our best prospects get picked off one by has been (and will likely continue to be) one of the most depressing aspects of this whole snipshow. 
  14. Like
    VulcanRam got a reaction from Derby4Me in The Administration Thread   
    I feel underwhelmed but I don't know why - after two years of this horrendous limbo and sanctions and edging ever closer to oblivion we have someone who appears to want to, and be able to, rescue us. Logic suggests we should be shouting from the rooftops.
    Yet I feel underwhelmed. Maybe it's just battle-weariness.
  15. Like
    VulcanRam got a reaction from vonwright in The Administration Thread   
    I feel underwhelmed but I don't know why - after two years of this horrendous limbo and sanctions and edging ever closer to oblivion we have someone who appears to want to, and be able to, rescue us. Logic suggests we should be shouting from the rooftops.
    Yet I feel underwhelmed. Maybe it's just battle-weariness.
  16. Like
    VulcanRam got a reaction from David Graham Brown in The Administration Thread   
    I feel underwhelmed but I don't know why - after two years of this horrendous limbo and sanctions and edging ever closer to oblivion we have someone who appears to want to, and be able to, rescue us. Logic suggests we should be shouting from the rooftops.
    Yet I feel underwhelmed. Maybe it's just battle-weariness.
  17. Like
    VulcanRam got a reaction from Ken Tram in The Administration Thread   
    I feel underwhelmed but I don't know why - after two years of this horrendous limbo and sanctions and edging ever closer to oblivion we have someone who appears to want to, and be able to, rescue us. Logic suggests we should be shouting from the rooftops.
    Yet I feel underwhelmed. Maybe it's just battle-weariness.
  18. Cheers
    VulcanRam got a reaction from angieram in Rams v Preston Matchday Thread   
    Yes, I think you're right. Very hard for me high in the South Stand to get a clear sense of where Preston defenders were, it looked from miles away like they were covering, but a closer look on the telly you're right he would have got a shot on.
  19. Haha
    VulcanRam got a reaction from i-Ram in Suggestions to Save Derby County   
    The amount of money the council has pissed up the wall on the A52 road widening and bridge plus the relentless "consultancies" on the Assembly Rooms, probably could have paid for the stadium alone with that. 
    I have no problem Derby City Council buying the ground, but they'd probably end up buying Subway next door by mistake.  
  20. Clap
    VulcanRam got a reaction from ck- in Festy Ebosele   
    I'm actually really pleased for Festy, this is a great move at a critical point in his career. He's come in and done everything he can for us, turned down a move in Jan to help our fight for survival and has bagged a moved abroad (or to Watford via abroad, so at least he'll get to stay in the Championship as things stand).
    No way could we realistically expect him, or indeed anyone else out of contract, just to sit and wait to see how this chaos (and I'm being polite) pans out as the weeks and months roll by. They've got their careers and lives to think about.
    So thanks Festy, you've come in and done a great job in stupid circumstances. Good luck to you and I'm glad to see a Derby product stepping up another level. Don't worry about us, we'll survive. Perhaps.
  21. Like
    VulcanRam got a reaction from jono in Festy Ebosele   
    I'm actually really pleased for Festy, this is a great move at a critical point in his career. He's come in and done everything he can for us, turned down a move in Jan to help our fight for survival and has bagged a moved abroad (or to Watford via abroad, so at least he'll get to stay in the Championship as things stand).
    No way could we realistically expect him, or indeed anyone else out of contract, just to sit and wait to see how this chaos (and I'm being polite) pans out as the weeks and months roll by. They've got their careers and lives to think about.
    So thanks Festy, you've come in and done a great job in stupid circumstances. Good luck to you and I'm glad to see a Derby product stepping up another level. Don't worry about us, we'll survive. Perhaps.
  22. Clap
    VulcanRam got a reaction from Taribo in Festy Ebosele   
    I'm actually really pleased for Festy, this is a great move at a critical point in his career. He's come in and done everything he can for us, turned down a move in Jan to help our fight for survival and has bagged a moved abroad (or to Watford via abroad, so at least he'll get to stay in the Championship as things stand).
    No way could we realistically expect him, or indeed anyone else out of contract, just to sit and wait to see how this chaos (and I'm being polite) pans out as the weeks and months roll by. They've got their careers and lives to think about.
    So thanks Festy, you've come in and done a great job in stupid circumstances. Good luck to you and I'm glad to see a Derby product stepping up another level. Don't worry about us, we'll survive. Perhaps.
  23. Like
    VulcanRam got a reaction from bimmerman in Festy Ebosele   
    I'm actually really pleased for Festy, this is a great move at a critical point in his career. He's come in and done everything he can for us, turned down a move in Jan to help our fight for survival and has bagged a moved abroad (or to Watford via abroad, so at least he'll get to stay in the Championship as things stand).
    No way could we realistically expect him, or indeed anyone else out of contract, just to sit and wait to see how this chaos (and I'm being polite) pans out as the weeks and months roll by. They've got their careers and lives to think about.
    So thanks Festy, you've come in and done a great job in stupid circumstances. Good luck to you and I'm glad to see a Derby product stepping up another level. Don't worry about us, we'll survive. Perhaps.
  24. Clap
    VulcanRam got a reaction from atherstoneram in Festy Ebosele   
    I'm actually really pleased for Festy, this is a great move at a critical point in his career. He's come in and done everything he can for us, turned down a move in Jan to help our fight for survival and has bagged a moved abroad (or to Watford via abroad, so at least he'll get to stay in the Championship as things stand).
    No way could we realistically expect him, or indeed anyone else out of contract, just to sit and wait to see how this chaos (and I'm being polite) pans out as the weeks and months roll by. They've got their careers and lives to think about.
    So thanks Festy, you've come in and done a great job in stupid circumstances. Good luck to you and I'm glad to see a Derby product stepping up another level. Don't worry about us, we'll survive. Perhaps.
  25. Like
    VulcanRam got a reaction from sheeponacid in Festy Ebosele   
    I'm actually really pleased for Festy, this is a great move at a critical point in his career. He's come in and done everything he can for us, turned down a move in Jan to help our fight for survival and has bagged a moved abroad (or to Watford via abroad, so at least he'll get to stay in the Championship as things stand).
    No way could we realistically expect him, or indeed anyone else out of contract, just to sit and wait to see how this chaos (and I'm being polite) pans out as the weeks and months roll by. They've got their careers and lives to think about.
    So thanks Festy, you've come in and done a great job in stupid circumstances. Good luck to you and I'm glad to see a Derby product stepping up another level. Don't worry about us, we'll survive. Perhaps.
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