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  1. Haha
    48 hours reacted to Grumpy Git in The FBI have got the Kirch!   
    I think the EFL's 'fit and proper' test could be somewhat summarised to 'has a pulse'.
  2. Like
    48 hours reacted to Mucker1884 in The FBI have got the Kirch!   
    I laughed at your post... and I can (sort of) laugh at my own little related story nowadays... but I have to say, the day I reached the age my dad succumbed (49 yrs + 187 days) wasn't the best!  It hit me like a ton of bricks, in all honesty!  ?
    Hey, life goes on, and I'm a great believer in the positives generally.  But it was just such a weird day, and totally out of character for me to be so melancholy!   
  3. Like
    48 hours reacted to Mucker1884 in The FBI have got the Kirch!   
    Seems to be getting worse! ?

    I tell you what... if that senile old coot @unluckyalf was still about, he'd have bloody loved this! ?
    Thank God he's no longer posting on here, that's all I can say!
  4. Like
    48 hours reacted to Ram-Alf in The FBI have got the Kirch!   
    I'm not 78 that's Turk Thrust ??I'm 66, I was always led to believe that the ground that Olive Eden was built on was owned by Olive Eden, Rupert Road is just off Wood Road an old playground of ours, Across the road was Lennox the DIY store where in the 60s I had to get a gallon of paraffin from the machine outside the shop...Esso Blue ?, A shilling(5p)a gallon, Dad would fill the heater and we'd all have headaches from the fumes...all because we'd ran out of coal ? 
  5. Cheers
    48 hours reacted to plymouthram in The FBI have got the Kirch!   
    If your'e 78 and went to Olive Eden School, you are the same age as my auntie who also went to the same school. She was called Sandra Wallis, her mum (my Gran) was a big friend of Olive Eden. Olive Eden was the local councillor who lived in Rupert Road, Chaddesden. She was behind the idea of having a school built, hence why it was named after her.
  6. Like
    48 hours reacted to MadAmster in Away Tickets - 2022/23   
    WDN !!
  7. Cheers
    48 hours reacted to Mr. P in Some good news in injury front   
  8. COYR
    48 hours reacted to B4ev6is in Some good news in injury front   
    Well guys max bird could be back in 2 weeks time and james Chester could back in 1 week time and that would mean 2 bodies back but max bird we have missed badly since he got injuried but hopeful he will be back and ready to go.
  9. Like
    48 hours reacted to Turk Thrust in Random Derby County Presence   
    I was in a god-forsaken place called Bolgatanga in northern Ghana a few years ago and some local lads were playing football ( no grass, no boots, pitch like concrete, temperature in the 30s) and one of them was wearing a very old and dirty and worn Rams shirt. I had to leave before I had the chance to ask him where on earth he had got it.
  10. Like
    48 hours reacted to DarkFruitsRam7 in Random Derby County Presence   
    In a bar on the Malia strip, July 2019

  11. Like
    48 hours reacted to dcfc the 1 4me in Random Derby County Presence   
    I was watching a film recently called Another Year, a Mike Leigh film. Some of the characters in it were Derby fans and a couple of scenes had a house with Rams pictures on the wall. Only one character actually had the right accent though! 
  12. Like
    48 hours reacted to SKRam in Genuine question. Am I being a prude???   
    It should be so very easy for you East Midlanders…..
    ’If you don’t DUCKING bounce’….. simples. Everyone’s a winner no harm done 
  13. Like
    48 hours reacted to Mucker1884 in Genuine question. Am I being a prude???   
    I'd not been in my NE corner seat for long.  (I moved from the rowdy SE corner, as it was time to calm down, and time to start taking my grandson along).

    I'm pretty certain that technically, my seat was the other side of the stairs (literally, as I have an aisle seat) to the family stand, but don't quote me on it.  I'm also pretty certain it is now classed as being in the family area.  Not 100% sure!  ?‍♂️
    ...anyway... not been sat there long... I was with my young grandson, maybe 7 or 8.  The guy immediately in front was with a girl, maybe 10/11?
    I don't recall the finer details, other than it being a Forest game (I think?), and things were hotting up on the pitch.  I let rip with multi-syllable expletives, at full volume.  The guy in front turned and asked me to tone down my language... in a perfectly polite and acceptable manner to anyone with even a modicum of decency.  I let rip again, this time directly at him.  Nothing personal, and no more expletives, but I do recall telling him to "get some passion", and questioned his allegiance to The Mighty Rams!  
    We left it at that.  Not the most pleasant of atmospheres.
    Half time came, and my inner decency got the better of me.  All became perfectly clear... And I didn't need anyone else to tell me... I was wrong in the first place, and I was wrong in my reaction to him.  Totally.  Out.  Of.  Order.
    Upon my return to the seats, ready for the second half, I tapped him on the shoulder, (to which he turned around to face me), apologised like I have never apologised before (nor since!), took full responsibility for my inexcusable actions/words, and asked for his forgiveness, which he graciously obliged, and we ended with a handshake.
    The following few seasons saw us greet each other before each and every game with a fist bump, a bit of chit chat, and plenty of mutual respect.  Even a couple of unexpected meetings out in civvy street were met with a smile, a handshake or thumbs up (distance dependent!), and usually a brief  "Eyup mate, how yer doin'?".
    And we've man-hugged each other more than once, but for the record, that was solely in the immediate aftermath of a big Rams goal (Usually v Forest, or play off's etc).  Standard goals just got the standard fist-bump or high five!  We never became lovers nor nuffink!  
    Anyway, this niceness lasted right up until the start of last season (or was it the one before?) when he didn't turn up, and I then found out he was doing a job he would not only love, but was perfectly made for... A DCFC Matchday Steward... somewhere in the East Stand, last time I spotted him from my seat.

    If you're reading mate... "How yer doin"?  ??
  14. Clap
    48 hours reacted to BramcoteRam84 in Genuine question. Am I being a prude???   
    I’ve sat in what is now (and for a good few years has been) the family area for a long time now, I had a ticket there long before I had a young family before it became the family area, there are many others also the same who have been there long before it became the family area who don’t have kids.  I can’t comment on other areas of the stadium but at times it can get fruity especially when there are a few bad decisions. 
    I hold my hands up, there have been times where my behaviour has fallen short of the standards, sometimes the blood just boils over at poor officiating (although I’ve largely accepted all officials are bad in League 1 this season so don’t get as wound up as I did), or teams cheating or foul play, opposition players (Charlie Austin) inciting the opposing fans. It’s isolated with me (not that that makes it acceptable), the vast majority of matches I’m quite calm. I’ve been spoken to by Stewards, I’ve had other parents ask me to calm down, in both situations I’ve  responded positively to the challenge as I know I need to do better. 
    I take my kids to the football sometimes, do I want them listening to bad language no, but rightly or wrongly it’s been part of football for a long time and part of life generally. In some instances bad language used in the right context is humorous. If I witnessed it in front of my kids I would just tell them to ignore it, I probably wouldn’t call it out because it would most definitely be a case of pot and kettle. 
  15. Like
    48 hours reacted to Donnyram in Genuine question. Am I being a prude???   
    Outside the South Stand I think the vast majority of people are generally considerate to the areas that they are sat.  However, there are individuals who have zero consideration and respect - they feel it is their right to swear as much is they like because “it’s the Derby game, init”.
    Now I’m no prude and have spent many a day on the Popside and travelling to away games but I’d rather not have someone sat right behind me effing and jeffin abuse at all and sundry. (This is different to a few songs with choice words included).  When this then becomes you effing Cnut yawped into my sensitive luggholes then it becomes a bit much.
    We’ve now moved from seats we’ve had for 10 years as a result. 
    I wouldn’t take young children to the match until they had understood what is acceptable language “for them to use” in public.  They will hear it at school etc. but not within the boundaries of my home.  They will no doubt use this language with mates but NOT in front of Grandmas and young children in public
  16. Like
    48 hours reacted to Gerry Daly in Random Derby County Presence   
    Went in a pub in Wadebridge Cornwall and the guy who served me had a Ram tattoo on his forearm. Which was nice
  17. Like
    48 hours reacted to SKRam in Random Derby County Presence   
    When I was a postman , too many years ago now to think about it, on my delivery in Stockport was a company called Ramsland Carpets. When I asked the owners about the name, it was in honour of Derby, one of the owners a big fan. On my patch, ?
  18. Like
    48 hours reacted to Mucker1884 in Random Derby County Presence   
    Went for a slash in public bogs in a resort on Majorca.  Must have been early 2000's
    There on the 40 year old hand dryer was a nigh on 30 year old Rams sticker!  Summat about being champions of England.
    I reckon Cloughie himself might have left that there, given the location.  It may not have been the worlds oldest sticker, but it was in the top one!  
    Anyway... I came out, asked Muckerette for her camera, and went straight back in...
    Well you just don't think do you!  ?
    Anyway, the photo soon put a stop to all her sordid little accusations, etc, etc... 
  19. Like
    48 hours reacted to Scott129 in Random Derby County Presence   
    I was in Cornwall a few years back in a beach bar - think like a two-story hut with a couple of tables on top of it. My family were sat on one table, and there was a lone gentleman sat on the one next to us. No-one else around.
    Derby were playing at the time so I checked the score and Waghorn had just scored. I celebrated a little, told the people I was with, and this guy leaned in and was like "have we just scored?" Turns out he was from Allestree ?
    I just thought it was bizarre that we were so far away from Derby and the only other guy there happened to be a Ram too!
  20. Like
    48 hours reacted to Day in Random Derby County Presence   
    We have had a new sports bar open a mile down the road, the barman is from Derby and a Derby fan as well.
    I have spent far to much time in there since.
  21. COYR
    48 hours reacted to Ellafella in Random Derby County Presence   
    Just watching Salvage Hunters Season 13 Episode 1 and they’re at a firm called Bacon’s in Grimsby {hey up @David} & on the office wall…

  22. Cheers
    48 hours reacted to Carl Sagan in Sam Reed   
    Apparently we're looking at Sam Reed, a young non-league leftback with Brighouse Town, who's currently having a trial with Sheffield Wednesday:
  23. Like
    48 hours reacted to Srg in Academy thread 22/23   
    Paul Warne's jacket though
  24. Haha
    48 hours reacted to Rev in Barnsley (A), Saturday 25th February 3pm.   
    Dyed in the wool Yam-Yam.
    Last week he went to a spice themed fancy dress party back home.
    He went as a Jalapeño, everyone else was dressed as an astronaut.
  25. Like
    48 hours reacted to Mucker1884 in Barnsley (A), Saturday 25th February 3pm.   
    I tyke it you're not a fan?  
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