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Grumpy Git

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Posts posted by Grumpy Git

  1. 2 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

    How about next time you write to your friend Rick Parry,  David mention that you are creditor too.. actually so are many fans, especially those who work for local businesses.

    Certainly as such i am unimpressed by EFL using their unspecified "rules" to undermine the insolvency practitioner who is trying to get the best deal for the creditors and a rescue for the club. It is , in my view,  quiet scandalous.  


    100% this.

    Why is a "football debt" any more worthy than one by the local plumber? In fact there's a good argument that a local business is MUCH more worthy of being paid that a third-party club funded by some mega-rich nonentity.

  2. Just had a reply from my MP who has forwarded a letter she received from the Minister for Sport, I guess its a carbon copy of what others have also received?



    "Thank you for your correspondence of 3 February, on behalf of your constituent, Mr Grumpy Git, regarding Derby County Football Club (FC).

    I am replying as the Minister of Sport.

    As you may be aware, the government continues to engage closely with the English Football League (EFL) about Derby County FC. I am in regular contact with the English Football League and have discussed the matter with the appointed administrators of Derby County FC. Ultimately, it is for the EFL, the administrator and the club to resolve issues to ensure the survival of Derby County FC, but the government has urged pragmatism from all parties to find a solution for the benefit of fans and the community that the club serves.

    It is right that the EFL preserve the integrity of the league on behalf of all member clubs, however, I should stress that all parties want to see one of the founding members of the Football League continue this season and beyond under appropriate ownership.

    The Fan Led Review of football governance made proposals directly addressing how to prevent clubs ending up in such difficult financial situations. We have endorsed in principle the primary recommendation of the review, that football requires a strong, independent regulator to secure the future of our national game. The government is now working at pace to determine the most effective way to deliver an independent regulator, and any powers that might be needed.

    Thank you again for your letter.

    Nigel Huddlestone MP Minister for Sport, Tourism, Heritage and Civil Society"



    Haven't done a word count, but there's an almighty overuse of electrons in that PDF.


  3. 1 hour ago, jimtastic56 said:

    Not an option when 8,000 fans just disappeared last night in our time of need.They probably watched it on telly , but that doesn’t help DCFC. I think we have a lot of Commadore fans - Once , twice , three times a season.?. Mike Ashley will be looking and realise he is not going to sell 20,000 shirts to Rams fans.

    Evening KO games are a complete non-starter for me as the time of the last train would mean leaving after 60 minutes and that ain't happening.

    I'm not driving as its a 200 mile round-trip and I've driven enough miles in the last 40 years for work to never want to drive again. It's bleedin expensive too compared to the train, especially with a railcard and more importantly, I enjoy a pint or three before (and after) the match with the lads.

  4. 25 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    I don't like to criticise rugby refs as they generally are very good and I don't know the game well enough to say they're wrong but from my time watching rugby I've seen no end of "if you won't scrum right I'm giving the penalty"

    It's like when a player in footie is on a yellow and makes another bad foul but doesn't get booked, (when under any other circumstances they would have got a yellow).

    Ref bottled it big time and needs calling out, but like everything else at the top of the game, it's an old boys network and they all piss down the same straw.

  5. Just now, RadioactiveWaste said:

    That was puzzling, I think if it wasn't after 80 the ref would've said "no you're taking the piss now - England penalty"

    As bent as Parry then.

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