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  1. Haha
    hintonsboots got a reaction from cstand in Deeply worried for under23s   
    Are you sure he was from this Forum?
  2. Haha
    hintonsboots got a reaction from Derby4Me in Deeply worried for under23s   
    Are you sure he was from this Forum?
  3. Haha
    hintonsboots got a reaction from taffyram in Deeply worried for under23s   
    Are you sure he was from this Forum?
  4. Haha
    hintonsboots got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Deeply worried for under23s   
    Are you sure he was from this Forum?
  5. Haha
    hintonsboots got a reaction from Mick Brolly in Deeply worried for under23s   
    Are you sure he was from this Forum?
  6. Haha
    hintonsboots got a reaction from ariotofmyown in Deeply worried for under23s   
    Are you sure he was from this Forum?
  7. Haha
    hintonsboots got a reaction from Rammy03 in Deeply worried for under23s   
    Are you sure he was from this Forum?
  8. Clap
    hintonsboots reacted to LeedsCityRam in Choose your 5   
    We need centre backs desperately - so Mengi, Davies & Jagielka. Would have been Wisdom instead of Jagielka but I believe Andre was on significantly more than 11.5k a week so unlikely to sign for that. Think Mengi would improve immeasurably by having Davies or Jagielka alongside him (as would Solomon & Cashin if they are 'ready' to step up)
    Other two would be Morrison & Aluko - I saw enough from both to think they'd transform our attacking effort. Granted we are short at CF so reality is we would need the young attackers (Plange, Duncan, Stretton & Ebosele potentially) to step up. Aluko can also play more advanced so another option there. We lack creativity & flair so those 2 are essential for me.
  9. Clap
    hintonsboots reacted to DCFC1388 in Has the transfer embargo been lifted?   
    If Wisdom, Davies & Morrison take up 3 spots are we assuming the other 2 will be filled by any 2 of Allsop, Jagielka, Stearman, Mengi, Aluko, Baldock?
    It might be that we have 2 other players already lined up?
    Of the above options I would go for Jagielka & Baldock. We have no options upfront really beyond CKR so that's why i'd go Baldock. Jagielka over Mengi purely because I think we will get Mengi on a full season loan when it's possible, no rush on that as we have until the end of August.
  10. Haha
    hintonsboots got a reaction from Tyler Durden in Please don’t blame Morris and Pearce.   
    Fair play mate for word of the day. Difficult to say if you’re edentulous though.
  11. Haha
    hintonsboots reacted to EraniosSocks in Mighty Rams are number 1, who are your number 2?   
    Derby and England. I sound such a Brexit man saying that ??
  12. Clap
    hintonsboots reacted to G STAR RAM in Please don’t blame Morris and Pearce.   
    I can't blame them for something that the EFL gave them the green light to do and then retrospectively changed their minds.
    That is like me fining you for driving 30 miles per hour in a 30 mile per hour zone but now Ive changed the limit to 20 miles per hour.
  13. Haha
    hintonsboots reacted to ilkleyram in Ravel Morrison - signed 1 year deal   
    Did Ravel complain about him to their local council?
  14. Haha
    hintonsboots reacted to Wignall12 in whats our back line as it stands?   
    Backs to the wall Gentlemen , dont shoot until you see the Whites of their eyes..........
  15. Haha
    hintonsboots got a reaction from angieram in Yankee Doodle Derby   
    He would see it as Mission Impossible.
    Ill get me coat.
  16. Haha
    hintonsboots got a reaction from Tyler Durden in Yankee Doodle Derby   
    “ Come on you Yanks, get that fookin contract signed “.
    Is that Karl Pilkington ??
  17. Haha
    hintonsboots reacted to Tyler Durden in Yankee Doodle Derby   
  18. Clap
    hintonsboots reacted to CBRammette in Yankee Doodle Derby   
    Exactly headlines write themselves. Media would love it. Perfect
  19. Haha
    hintonsboots got a reaction from CBRammette in Yankee Doodle Derby   
    He would see it as Mission Impossible.
    Ill get me coat.
  20. Haha
    hintonsboots reacted to Ramarena in Has the transfer embargo been lifted?   
    Live footage from EFL HQ when our request email was opened!

  21. Cheers
    hintonsboots reacted to Gringo in Wayne Rooney   
    The fa cup is nothing to do with the EFL it is an FA competition, and as such they could have thrown us out of that competition and fined us, but they cannot give a points deduction, my view is that we appeal against the embargo on the grounds that we were fulfilling a requirement by the FA and it is nothing to do with the EFL what juniors we fielded.
    Nick de Marco would love this case if we could raise it.
  22. Clap
    hintonsboots reacted to Jimbo Ram in Wayne Rooney   
    If we are being penalised for doing our best to fulfil that cup game something is seriously wrong….
  23. Clap
    hintonsboots reacted to richinspain in Louie watson   
    Well, that was a brief thread.
  24. Clap
    hintonsboots reacted to Parsnip in Man Utd Preseason, the return of the fan   
    Did Andre Wisdom's brother get on at all?
  25. COYR
    hintonsboots reacted to angieram in Man Utd Preseason, the return of the fan   
    It was great to get back down to Pride Park and see our first team in action. Not the best day for it temperature-wise and sometimes players are going through the motions a bit in friendlies but I thought most of them today put in a good shift.
    Players that caught my eye first half were Morrison (great use of the ball - if anyone can get him playing like that every week, sign him up!), Aluko, Byrne, Lawrence (despite his header!)  Jagielka and Davies both classy at the back and Roos' handling of the ball and quick distribution kept us moving forward. The intent was definitely there to get forward much quicker, with some smart interchanges to transition play down both flanks. 
    Bird had a mixed game, did some good stuff going forward but made the mistakes for the goals. However, he tries things, Shinnie doesn't and was more of a sideways passer than Bird today. Buchanan puts in a shift going forward, I thought he did okay too given the opposition. 
    No-one seems to have mentioned that we let our second goal in just before the 60 minute changes. At this point we were playing against a completely fresh Man Utd midfield and attack whereas our lads were wilting. It was 36 degrees pitch-side and a rushed pass from Aluko I think that put Bird under pressure.
    Unlike others, I thought Fozzy played well when he came on, looked much sharper than the end of last season and I thought him and CKR took good responsibility for the younger group of players. Fozzy definitely organising the defence. Ebosele played well too, you can't ignore him, Hutchinson took a while to get into it but looked classy on the ball and could have had a goal. Bardell and Thompson showed some nice touches and weren't overawed - have either of them played for the first team before? 
    Sibley and Macdonald a bit disappointing, especially Sibley who wasn't offering the defensive cover that Aluko offered first half. I want to see him get his mojo back quickly because this isn't the player I know he can be.
    Not sure whether Man Utd's first goal was a handball? I thought it was but not given, did Rams TV show anything? 
    Overall an enjoyable afternoon and a decent atmosphere for a friendly with a bit of banter between the two sets of 'singing' supporters.
    However the highlight of the afternoon, and worth the admission money alone, was to see CKR score an actual goal in front of the Derby fans. Use him well and he's going to be even more of a hero this season than last. ?
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