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Posts posted by Alph

  1. I do think the season might be improving slightly? Now we all accept it's a Verstappen victory parade and focus on the Aston v Merc v Ferrari battle. 

    Then there's Haas, Alpine and McLaren that keep throwing in a spoiler here and there. 

    Monaco really came at a bad time. Everyone realised Max was going to breeze the season and then we go to Monaco to pretend there's going to be anything exciting. 

    Now Merc have pushed on then we get to see Russell v Hamilton v Alonso which is exciting even if it's only an award for who gets to see Max celebrating first. 

    Also, Perez has made things a little interesting by showing he's completely lacking whatever attributes make a world champion driver. So having him mixing it up with Merc/Aston/Ferrari battles adds some extra excitement. 

    Just need Ferrari to stop self sabotage so we can get Leclerc and Sainz in some meaningful battles instead of damage limitation every week. 

    Ignore Verstappen, endure the boring street tracks and I think there's some enjoyment. We've got 3 cracking tracks in a row now? 

  2. Just finished Alice In Borderland. Only put it on as a "summat in the background" instead of terrible TV. 

    Watched it with subtitles after Squid Game was ruined with awful voice acting 


    8/10. Got better with each episode and the final episode delivered a worthy ending. 

  3. 43 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    He's certainly not James Hunt.

    He had a massive mantrum about connection issues in one SIM race I seem to remember.

    I still can't get excited about sim racing. I know it's valid as a training tool, especially as testing has been massively reduced, but, if I'm going to watch people play computer games of rather watch games that are fantastical than games that mimic real events.

    You never know, maybe max just doesn't feel emotionally connected to his partner with all the pressure that comes with being a world champion driver and the presumed leader of the next Dutch golden age.


    I do watch some sim racing. There are quite a lot of crossover guys from sim-real and real-sim. 

    I tend just to watch the biggest events though and not any daily races or league races. 

    And only iRacing and Assetto Corsa Competizione. 

    I'm trying to like Verstappen because hating on such a talent seems wrong. It's so hard though because he always comes across arrogant and spoilt. Even when he's winning the praise and thanks he gives out seem a bit like they're read off autocue

  4. I didn't realise that Verstappen is also a very serious sim racer. I know a lot of the drivers do take part in sim racing. (Ocon getting a full meltdown from one of sim racings biggest babies) but Verstappen is very serious, and unsurprisingly, very good. 

    Said he spends 40/50 hours practice. 

    Now, look at his Mrs and imagine spending every spare moment away from F1 in a virtual car. 

    He deserves to be world champion. That dedication...

  5. Rhyl is a nice place to have in your rear view mirror. Kids loved it though

    I like Blackpool but I'm not really sure why. Have a great 2 days there most years. But then, I don't hate Skegness like most people seem to. I do hate fantasy Island though. 

    We go to a cottage near Snowdonia. Nice walks around it and then you've got all the places named here within 45 minutes. I love Conwy but every time I go it's soooo busy. 

    The plan is Primrose Valley soon. Drive to Robin Hood's Bay because as a kid I loved it. Not been since. 

    I just remembered last time I was in Rhyl a chap running a ride asked me to get on because it needed counter weight. Asked me for a token! 

  6. On 30/05/2023 at 07:42, Archied said:

    I’m not one of the people who will say it was a good fight ,,,, it stunk the place out , on the other hand as you say the eggington fight was a good watch as he always is though the ref should have been much quicker with the stoppage 

    Eggington seemed annoyed the people think he's just a all out fighter. "I'm not a gimmick" 

    I mean, I don't think anyone intended it as an insult on his boxing ability. He's got a very very good reputation. I'm sure anyone would love him on their card. 

  7. Nah the supermarket guy ended up fighting and hit a girl that worked in ASDA because she wouldn't just let him do whatever he was doing. He was a massive knobber who tormented people for "fun" but unlike the old prank shows like Jackass, Balls Of Steel etc he couldn't take it when people reacted badly. 

    I wonder how this Mizzy fella would react if someone just ironed him out. 

    Remember the clowns terrorising people? And happy slapping? 

  8. 5 hours ago, TigerTedd said:

    I liked how his justification was that it was a ‘trend’. The fact the guy was Jewish was irrelevant. He doesn’t discriminate, he’s a d******* to anyone.

    Who starts these ‘trends’ in the first place?

    I kind of wish these influencers would make a trend for jumping off cliffs and see how many of them follow. 

    I feel like a lot of this is trying to emulate things that started with the likes of jackass (and I suppose before that beadles about and just for laughs). But with Jackass they mostly just terrorised each other. The others are fairly harmless, we’ll thought out jokes and everyone laughs at the end.

    Influencers are pushing the boundaries until it becomes a trend to go out and film yourself shooting someone. Like Joaquim Phoenix’s joker. Or the film Glass starts off with kids superman punching strangers for clicks.

    Its a slippery slope, and we’re already half way down it. 

    People click this stuff. Why? There's something massively wrong with anyone who clicks this crap. 

    Mizzy wants fame and money I guess. He's not too different from the lovely chap interviewing him. 

    But what do the "followers" gain? 

    Who was the other knobber that used to do stuff in supermarkets until it got out of hand

  9. It's really hard to imagine Luton won't pick up 3 home wins against the bottom half sides

    I wouldn't be surprised if they picked up home wins and draws Vs a top 6 or so on the odd special night game that will feel like a cup tie. 

    A couple of draws seems nailed on considering sometimes all you have to do is turn up and, like when Forest played West Ham at home, there's somebody who's on self destruct mode

    11 points was one hell of an achievement. 

  10. Firstly let me start off by saying I was an Okolie hater before Okolie hating was a thing. I read a story about him being a school bully and the beef he had with Isaac Chamberlain was the begining. That's before we have his horrible boxing style and him rapping about himself. 

    But that was a massive s*** show from the ref and Billam-Smith. 

    Okolie was hugging a lot. That's a fact

    But he has a right to clinch and tie up. And there was a couple of points where he was clearly hurt and did so to defend himself. The referee, who deserves a job in football, wouldn't let any inside work go without diving in. Like raccoon constantly needing to touch. 

    Billam Smith barely threw anything. Nice fella and I don't begrudge him this life changing night. But his tactic since round 2 seemed to be to stand on Okolie's toes and wait for the hug. Then complain about it. He was constantly looking for Okolie to initiate the tie up, which Okolie frequently fell for, and then was desperately looking to the referee. If boxing gaslighting is a thing then that was it. He put together about 11 good shots in 12 rounds

    The second "knock down" was laughable. But the ref was convinced the gust of wind generated by Billam-Smith's missed hook was what sent Okolie down. 

    The next knock down, Okolie deserved it for leaning in, but again it was very generous refereeing to count the love tap as a punch as Okolie lunged forward. 

    It feels horrible saying it because Billam Smith seems likable and I dislike Okolie. But I think Okolie and the ref did more to give that world title to Billiam-Smith than any "coaching genius" of Shane Mcguigan. 

    He had a few success with the left hook. Probably not enough to win the fight without the referees point deductions though. 

    People will say that it was a good fight. I'm gonna say it was crap. The ref was the star of the show. Other than that it was negative brawl you'd expect to see in sumo wrestling. 

    Sam Eggington, not for the first time, the star of the show. (And more bad refereeing imo. The corner recognised the trouble before the referee and they weren't stood staring Pigford in the face)

  11. Who's gonna give Lampard his next job. 

    I know he's a lot richer for it but if he actually wanted to be a coach then surely he regrets s******* on Derby? 

    A chance at a good level to learn and experiment where he's the big fish and nothing is really demanded of him. 

    Bah! We said all this when he left. He'd get chewed up and spat out. 

    Derby to Chelsea. Championship to Champions League. What the hell 

  12. 15 hours ago, Highgate said:

    Will there ever come a point when Putin thinks to himself that he made a huge mistake with the invasion? 

    Even if he does, I don't suppose he would ever admit it to anyone.  


    He may have thought that months ago. But how can he go back? 

    How can any Russian leader go to the negotiating table and leave with anything like guarantees about NATO borders and recognised territory. 

    It's been worse than 'their Vietnam'

  13. 21 hours ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    Very interesting if that were to actually happen. A Charles v Georgey boy pairing could be very good but they would both want to be no1 and probably fall out a bit over it.

    Lewis going to Ferrari I think would be a nice swan song but I very much doubt it'd bring him a championship. If it could, leclerc would be the one Ferrari want to get it.

    Ultimately I think Lewis more likely retire if Merc can't either deliver a championship car and/or match his wage demands.

    TBF, the move makes more sense for mercedes to tempt leclerc than Ferrari picking up Lewis. Although if I were Ferrari and leclerc left I'd perhaps look at Norris who I'm sure isn't loving that McLaren.

    I'd love to see Norris get in a car capable of consistent podiums. 

    I really hope he's not gonna be a driver who's time passed by and other young promising drivers come along and get their chance. 

    Feel a bit sick if he was Perez future replacement though

  14. Breaking Bad is the greatest thing ever but I think people should be forced to watch Black Mirror.

    Game Of Thrones was obviously a huuuuuge deal that you'd have to live on Mars to have never heard of it. What phenomenon. But the way it went downhill makes me bitter

    I feel like Lost was big turning point for TV shows to kill off big Hollywood movies. Now it's all about the boxsets. Lost was constant cliffhangers and covered so many characters and back stories. I know there was great TV series before Lost but was Lost the one that really struck the first nail into the Hollywood coffin?

    Films generally seem quite shallow now in comparison to 50 or 60 hours spent with Walter White

  15. 1 hour ago, Anon said:

    Dream job = no job.

    I think that almost anything would become mundane if you had to spend 40 hours a week doing it. Maybe some radio DJs do actually really like their jobs, but I feel that the chummy "banter" that goes on in the studio often sounds forced and not at all genuine. Also, being required to play the absolute guff that my audience of philistines wanted to hear would anger me greatly. The audience engagement too, I don't think I could read Jeff from Belper's tweet about a town bypass without falling asleep.

    You miserable cynical cnut. 



    I think we'd be friends irl

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