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Posts posted by Alph

  1. I think people exaggerated how easy it was for Smith in the first fight. He didn't start well and although the KO wasn't "lucky" like Jnr claimed, you could sense Jnr could get to Smith. 

    Jnr tends to fall into traps because he's a bully. But when he uses his brain he's underrated. He would never trouble prime GGG or Canelo as he claimed. But he gets so easily dismissed as many find him and his approach to boxing so repulsive 

    I knew he could beat Smith. A third fight would be good but I'm not sure they'll do it. Jnr needed that revenge to move forward and Smith doesn't need to be losing to a guy people openly mock for not being a serious boxer. The cost of another loss is greater than the reward of winning. 

    Jnr will waste this win though. He would sooner call Brook or Benn out than crack on to get world titles I imagine. Or BJS is coming back apparently so he will probably have one eye on that. 

  2. Jnr never fails to wind people up though. 🤣

    They all get so angry while he's composed. I don't know why I like him but I still think he can win. Or he could have won if he stopped changing.

    The old Jnr that just had such high work rate and stamina was a nuisance for anyone. If he educated himself (especially after the Groves loss) then he would win this. 

    But God knows what's he's been trying to become. That work rate was the best thing about him. If he starts doing that Roy Jones Jnr guard and trying to flick shots out then he's wasting some natural attributes imo. He only ever needed to build on what he had. 

  3. 7 hours ago, BaaLocks said:

    On to other matters, I know I called Liam Smith to win the first fight against Eubank but I really don't see him wining the rematch and I'm a little surprised how wide the odds are on Jr. Might have a little flutter.

    Hope so. But Jnr keeps trying different styles and looks a bit messy nowdays. 

    Old Jnr with a bit of experience and listening to a good coach that suits him... I thought he was pretty good. 

  4. 37 minutes ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    Bellew saying it was low. He's Eddie's mate isn't he?

    Yeah, but he was also beaten by Usyk so probably doesn't like the idea of somebody not especially highly rated troubling Usyk. 

    Maybe. Maybe he genuinely thinks it was low. 

    The fact it's such debate in boxing probably show it was one of those decisions that could have gone either way. What is for sure is Dubois quit to a jab though. I don't think he's able to dig deep

  5. 13 hours ago, De22Ram said:

    Brick tops fuming 😆

    Good. I wanted Usyk to win just to keep the belts away from Warren. Otherwise we'd have Fury v Dubois, Fury v Dubois II, Fury v Joyce, Fury v mandatory brown envelope guy. 

    Be another 5 year before there's a heavyweight fight worthy of PPV if Dubois won

  6. 15 hours ago, Reggie Greenwood said:

    seen it on match of the day and thought it was a clear foul. The Forest lad caught him and he went down as most players would. 

    Jeez, that wouldn't knock down my 8 year old daughter. 

    But yeah, the theme seems to be people have a right to cheat. They're entitled to it. "There was contact" etc etc. 

  7. 19 minutes ago, De22Ram said:

    I actually know people whove met gypsy john when tyson was am amateur! All say he was a top bloke! Full of respect and knows boxing! Valid its second hand info but all say the same! Think he trys to play up for the cameras now but looks a bit like a t*** doing so lol!

    When it comes to boxing tho, peters the man 

    I like Tyson. Always have. 

    The worst thing about John is that I know it's all an act. That's the double bluff. Pretending to be a moron for the cameras actually makes him a moron. 

    I like Paris, Shane, Hughie (both) and Peter. They all seem really relatable common folk. 

    Tommy I didn't have an opinion on until he stepped out of line. He's playing at pro boxing but talking like he's achieved something as boxer. When he's only achieved in this WWE type sideshow we have. 

    And even that he makes no sense when he talks. 

    "I'll come to America to fight you" 

    "Fight me at x (UK) take it or leave it" 

    "I'll fight you for free" 

    "Pay me X or I'm not fighting" 

    "I'll fight with broken ribs"

    "Broke my ribs. Can't fight" 

    "I'll fight you any place, any time"

    "If you don't agree to these terms I'm moving on" 


    .... Jake Paul made him look like an absolute imbecile with their "war" of words. Tommy makes as much sense as Tyson. But that's the difference. Tyson has proven himself. Tyson is the original big mouth. The noisy gypo everyone wants to see get knocked out. But he just got better and better. Every obstacle he's just found a way. Every knockback he's come back better. 

    I've got nothing against knob heads in boxing. I like Eubank Jnr! 

    But again, it comes down to them walking the walk. Tyson was a British level fighter talking about being the best. But he was heading towards that. 

    Tommy talks the same but he's off fighting Call Of Duty streamers. He's not prepared to back up his words. He's just living off the Fury name and piggybacking off famous opponents. 

    Contrary to the rant, I don't hate him. I just think he's a dick. I only want him to get flattened because he's ironically telling people they aren't proper boxers and it would be funny

  8. 4 minutes ago, De22Ram said:

    F@ck me just heard dereck on talk sport! He needs to stop fighting! True warrior but i worry about that lad! If hes not drinking or on something he still seems punch drunk!

    Look forward to watching this on you tube! Only listened on radio! Usyk camp saying low blow, commentators saying bodyshot so 😬

    What was Chisora saying? I like Chisora but he's a looney anyway.

  9. 2 hours ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    Never really understood your problem with Tommy. Just seems like an okay bloke taking a payday and talking himself up like every boxer in history.

    Didn't like how he got a gift Vs Cornell.

    Don't like his panto nonsense.

    Don't like his "you've never fought a pro boxer" tripe while he's never fought anyone himself. 

    Never backs up anything he says. Contradicts himself constantly. Basically all the annoying things about Tyson but none of the good bits

  10. Reason 1,733 that football is s***. 

    Nobody can say the word cheat. Heard about Rashford all day and there's been so many alternative words offered up. He cheated. He dived. He's a cheat. Say it. It's ok, just say what it is.

    Stop pretending that he got knocked at full pace and that blew his balance or, my favourite, "anticipated the tackle and didn't plant his feet"


    One word. Cheat. Are they scared the whole bull poop tower will come crashing down if they start calling cheats exactly what they are. Like football might lose it's reputation as an honest and respectful sport... 

  11. 13 hours ago, Andicis said:

    I doubt it.

    He is always trying to make it all about him. 

    Hahaha jeez. Please don't give these cling ons your money.

    John was an opponent. That's all he ever was in boxing. A breathing punch bag. Then he hung on to Tyson for dear life. Managed to talk himself into trouble with the likes of Micky Theo and Dillian Whyte and pooped it when they put it on him. He was frightened of Chisora (I mean fair play on that one) but still goes on like he's actually made of something more than steaming bull poop. 

    Tommy is his lifeline. The reality TV/TikTok generation for people with not enough attention span to tie shoe laces. Tommy has about as much talent for boxing as any half decent amateur and talks like he's an established professional. He won't ever be British champion and already had to be gifted a result. 

    Between them they have nothing. Just loud noises to attract any moron who thinks this is real. 

    These YouTubers are one thing. But at least they found success by playing the game. Their personalities and controversy has paid them millions. So you can at least say fair play. .

    That pair of morons have done nothing more than be near Tyson. 

    I hope, as always, that Tommy gets absolutely flattened. And John talking about Mike Tyson but who's actually seen him fight? 60 year old teenager. 

  12. 2 minutes ago, SKRam said:

    I ‘jumped on board’ for the semi, not been a fan of ladies football but I did enjoy The Lionesses. Probably only watch if we get through to latter stages of a competition again. Overall it’ll be a boost for women’s football and the kids will be more interested which is terrific. 

    I'm not digging out anyone who jumps on boards. Just the inevitable negativity that's followed England's men being brought over. Maybe it won't. But England women are certainly nothing like all those decades of the men's team constantly fumbling tournaments. 

    They're a really likable bunch who really work for each other. They're as honest as a team can be. A reminder of why you like football. Hopefully people are proud of them

  13. Just now, Tamworthram said:

    Agree we deserved to lose but wouldn’t agree it was due to lack of bravery. We just were good enough to break down a good Spain team.

    I just thought in the first half the wingbacks allowed themselves to sit back a bit much. Maybe the formation was more the issue because second half we had more options. But unfortunately we were chasing the game then. 

  14. Just now, Comrade 86 said:

    We're the European Champions and World Cup finalists bud!! 😂

    England that is!

    Exactly right. Many people will have jumped on board today and be giving it the "typical England" 

    But there's nothing typical about the England women. Hard working collective who have performed on the big stage

    Just couldn't get going and some sloppiness in midfield was the difference. 

  15. Deserved to lose. Not really brave enough. Even the goal came from Bronze storming forward and nobody giving her an angle. 

    Particularly in central midfield we had nothing to offer either way


    Congratulations to Spain. Sneaking their traditional pathetic rolling around into their women's team. Very impressive. Sergio Busquets would be proud

  16. There's no chance of it happening. That stinks of let's get lots of 'controversial' opinions going back and forth on social media. 

    I prefer women's football but it couldn't be more different from the top levels of men's football without being a totally different sport. The speed of the game and time on the ball are massively different. That's going to play a huge part on strategy. 

    That's before you even begin to think about her stepping into the lads, lads, lads culture of the changing room. 

    Think they'll have to be a few success stories to pave the way for this 

  17. 54 minutes ago, rammieib said:

    Prince William refusing to go due to CO2 emissions and wanting to be green. Assuming he uses commercial airliners for long haul, he does know that the planes are still going anyway lol.

    Stupid move.

    That is a gem of a sickie

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