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Posts posted by Alph

  1. Bit dull for what we were expecting wasn't it? 

    Good result probably masking what was about 47 laps of traffic. 

    Still keeps the season exciting though if McLaren join the fight for who gets to see Max cross the line first. 

    Tensions seem high at Ferrari. 

    Oh, we have to pretend Perez did a great recovery drive when let's be honest it was probably the minimum expected of him. 

    The wait goes on for Lando, sadly. 

  2. 4 hours ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    He's being saved by  just how piss easy this season is for Max. The fact rbr are going to wrap up both titles again without much fuss means as long as he sorts out qualifying he'll stay til the end of the season, but I strongly suspect they'll boot him before next season.


    Who do you think would get the seat if Perez got binned? 

    Surely the ship has sailed for Danny Ric

  3. Joshua v Whyte and Usyk v Dubious in August then. 

    Hearn said Wilder v AJ is locked in. So that means despite AJ being a level ahead of Whyte he's going to lose/break his hand. 

    Fury is going to announce a "not show stopping but game changing event" according to Frank. 

    So Ngannou then. Considering Tommy Fury is fighting FIFA players and Mayweather fights anybody who has a Twitter account it doesn't seem like a game changer to me. 

  4. It would be slightly more interesting if Perez was at least a speck in Verstappen's mirrors. 

    Every time Max does anything wrong he's got nobody to apply pressure. On track he has half a lap cushion and in the championship he's got enough of a cushion to sit out all the wet races for a nice Carribbean break

  5. 2 hours ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    You might want to watch a bit of Russian state media mate. Makes US hypocrisy seem trifling.

    Equally, I've never seen the US holding the world to ransom with the threat of nuclear war, so if one warmonger weakens an even worse one, we should all be quite content about it really. You need to look at the wars that are not visible to the naked eye to see why the US and the West in general are going after Russia and lest you forget, it was Russia that started a war in Europe, not America.

    I'm not here to defend Russia. Not at all. I was speaking on Israel and Palestine and the similarities that are allowed in one part of the world but not the other. And how they talk about people's rights for peace and freedom. I won't be dragged into more debate on Russia/Soviet pipe dreams v America/Western NATO expansion. I've nothing but sympathy for much of Ukraine (Azov battalion and similar groups not included). 

    America are responsible for Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The herbicide and napalm attacks. The Gulf of Tonkin incident and other dubious claims. The attempts by Trump to hide drone strikes. America have been in a constant state of war. 

    I'll not sit here and defend Russia. But there's absolutely no way I'll miss an opportunity to mock America's world policing efforts and laughably ironic heartwarming tales of freedom and democracy when they have massively financially supported and allowed (should I say enthusiastically encouraged) Israel to enjoy 50 years of aggressive murderous expansion. 

    I'm all for Ukraine's sovereignty. No problem at all with The West supporting Ukraine's defence.

    Just please, could sleepy Joe and his warmonger friends spare us the "we will fight injustice anywhere" type speeches while they're just the other side of the coin. 

    It's good to see companies refusing to do business with Russia in an attempt to apply pressure. 

    If only Trip Advisor, JCB and other companies could stop supporting illegal Israeli settlements that the UN and Amnesty International like to discuss but it constantly seems to fall on deaf ears. 

    In fact you can book a trip today to an illegal Israeli settlement where Palestinian homes were destroyed. And you can even drink fresh water and charge your phone. Unless you're Palestinian living in that land for the last 40+ years. Then of course you don't have access to these things. It could even be some of those billions of US dollars that funded the energy supply. 

    In short, feck Russia. But absolutely feck America too. And a sweet feck off to the Israeli invaders who have enjoyed over 50 years destroying towns, villages and lives. 

    (On a slightly pointless note, I quite like Russia and America to visit. So purely feck them at a government level)


  6. 25 minutes ago, Highgate said:

    Israel has the almost unconditional support of the US, so yeah, it won't ever happen it seems.  As a permanent member of the UN Security council the US has vetoed more than 50 UN resolutions critical of Israel over the past few decades.  I think it's reasonable to conclude that the US has never been even handed in relation to the Israel-Palestine conflict. It's biased in favour of Israel and everyone knows it's biased in favour of Israel.  

    And because of hopelessly flawed structure of the UN (the security council having permanent members that can simply veto anything for example), it's impossible for the UN to do anything.  It's not fair, but that's how it is and it's not likely to change anytime soon. 


    That's why I love it when America starts preaching over Russia/Ukraine.

    Warmongers given the job of world police. 

  7. Any idea when Israel face sanctions? 

    Oh The West will certainly come down hard on them. By this time next week the country will be in a chokehold as tight as the Russians

    If there's one thing we're sure of now it's that aggressive expansionism and military invasions ending in occupation will be severely punished. 

    Yeah. Any minute now.

  8. 30 minutes ago, Jubbs said:

    Jared Anderson fought yesterday, the next best thing for USA in the heavyweight division, struggled past Charles Martin in a UD victory, someone AJ beat convincingly when he was champion in 2 rounds. 

    Oh that hype train behind him too..

    As bad as Luis Ortiz when everyone was "AJ is ducking Ortiz"

    They've got Wilder and that's about it. Credit to Wilder he can beat almost anybody if he gets it right. 

  9. Canelo should be about 45. 

    He's a Lamborghini with 100,000 miles on the clock. 

    If there's even a part of him that's considered retirement then he should do it. He's got nothing to prove and either the milage is starting to show or the hunger is fading. So get out before you get hurt. 

    However, even on a bad day he dominates pretty much everybody his size. 

    If he wants to get back in with Bivol then you gotta respect that. That's probably the challenge that would keep him hungry. However he got mauled in that fight and he should probably accept he's found his weight limit. 


    Ben Whittaker is massive knobber. I get his game. But just stop. You made noise now just focus. Sky money got him a stoppage last night and the whole thing was cringe worthy. 

    As for the HW division. I wish they'd all feck off now. 

    AJ v Whyte

    Usyk v Dubious

    Fury v Ngannou. 

    What a load of s****

  10. Watching a Lewis documentary, not really learning much but just a fun reminder of why he's the most complete fighter since Ali. Seeing the different styles he had to adopt over the years and the corruption he faced head on. 


  11. Hope they don't change Spa off the back of this tragic accident. I'd blame the conditions more than Spa. 

    Spa is my favourite and Eau Rouge is one of the best sights in any Motorsport. 

    Watching McLaren trophy races there in the week and to see the time drivers gain/lose there was what brought close racing. 

    Lance Stroll doesn't like it. But I'm sorry it's easily one of the most exhilarating parts of one of the most exhilarating tracks in many fans opinions, no? 

    Bad weather can be deadly anywhere

  12. 12 hours ago, Highgate said:

    Yes, I can definitely agree with that. 

    And I agree that the West made mistakes in the years leading up to this war.  But nothing that forced Russia into an invasion in my opinion. For me, the vast majority of blame for the war lies with one man, and I think we all know who that man is.  

    And whatever the West may have done before the invasion, I'm really not sure what they could have done differently since the war started, unless they were ok with Putin taking over Ukraine, all the way to the banks of the Dnieper at least. 


    That's what exhausted the thread for some people earlier on. 

    It muddied the waters when talking about how The West may have antagonised and pressured Russia. 

    It's seems Prigozhin was correct about one thing. That the way things are done in Russia are through bribes and blackmail which is why you have such  incompetence within the Russian military. 

    This invasion was definitely meant to be done and dusted within a month and Ukraine forced into terms that reject the west and NATO. 

    It's not often America do things right but I agree, they couldn't have acted any differently since the invasion. It's gone beautifully well for The West though. Perhaps Putin is the deepest cover CIA agent? 

    I imagine a couple of decades or so down the line we'll face a similar problem but replace Russia with China and Oil with tech?

  13. It really stinks of a Russian bluff.

    They're usually blatant. I'm sure we won't have to wait long to find out either way. 

    Having Belarus offer you asylum from Russia is pretty funny. 

    The popular thought seems to be Prigozhin made a lot of money yesterday and that his betrayal was protecting the interest of his mercenary company.

    He should spend that money on a bungalow if that's the case. Caterers can be ever so clumsy. 

  14. Prigozhin didn't think he would threaten Moscow and Putin would surrender, apologise and have over hand over the keys

    Russia always hide things in plain sight and make minimal effort (on purpose) to cover their lies. 

    This looks like a scripted event and it wouldn't surprise me if that's exactly what it was. Unless it's a play by Prigozhin to pressure the MoD?

    No way did he threaten Putin on a whim and change his mind 10 minutes later after Putin told him off. 

    He's going to hide in Belarus? Yeah, I'm sure he'll be safe there. 

    I very much doubt The West has recruited him. How does that make sense for either side?

  15. 1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

    Strange comment.

    If this is in reply to me, then my point is that this coverage is similar to the "foreign riff raff" trapped in the cave.

    Were people complaining about the wall-to-wall coverage of that story?. I don't remember them doing so. If not, then it appears that the complaints this time are only because the people involved are rich - which is a weird wealth envy point to be making IMO.

    At the end of the day it's a "boy down the well" story that'll stay in the news as long as there's something newsworthy to call "breaking news"


    Nah wasn't reply to you. 

    It was just half in jest after seeing the dominant coverage on the news while across the bottom you see lesser news


    Deadly explosion in Paris! 

    UN condemn Israeli expansion plan as Palestinians are killed in West Bank. 


    It's the norm. But slightly amusing what we care about

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