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Posts posted by Alph

  1. 1 hour ago, Jubbs said:

    Question for the Max haters / Lewis fanboys in here (seems to be pretty much everyone by the looks of it, no offence it just seems very anti-Verstappen in here):

    Did you all hate Mercedes 2014-2020 dominance as much as you hate this Red Bull dominance? Or is it only because it's someone you don't like?

    Hated it less because I like Lewis more than Max/Horner

    But you need two teams to tango otherwise it's even less exciting than who's gonna win the PL hype every football season. 

    Max first world title was exciting. Last year was just boring and this year is gonna be even worse. He'll win em all unless something out of his control stops him. With his talent and that car I don't think he'll even break a sweat. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, David said:

    He wasn’t unfortunately, we went during the week, think it’s Sunday to Thursday where it’s free and £15 or £18 at a weekend where you will see the likes of Paul Smith.

    Got to be careful here as you can’t say anything these days without being labelled something, this will have me labelled as sexist but here goes…..I haven’t come across a female comedian that has made me laugh…..until I went here.

    Kay Nicholson was on, by far the best we saw. Looked her up on YouTube and not much out there as she’s relatively new to the scene, the stuff out there was when she was getting started, a little raw and didn’t pop like it did when we was there. 

    Will be surprised if she doesn’t become more mainstream and seen on TV over the coming years. 

    Yeah I feel the same with female comedians. Aisling Bea is easily my favourite. But for some popular ones like Sarah Milican(?) I guess we aren't the target audience. 

    I don't get how people can watch Rosie Jones. See a lot of her but I don't find anything she says funny? 

    Have to keep an eye out for her. I follow the Hot Water club on YouTube so maybe she'll have some good stuff posted soon

  3. 1 hour ago, David said:

    If you’re in or around Liverpool, can recommend Hot Water Comedy Club.

    During the week it’s basically free to get in, you have 2 options, pay a fiver to guarantee entry, or sign up for a free ticket and they let the first 120 I think it is people in (minus any guaranteed purchases).

    We went 2 nights running for free.

    Was Paul Smith there or is he on tour still?

  4. 1 minute ago, Ewe Ram said:

    But you touch the ref in an aggressive way you know you’re going to get a red card. 
    his aggression isn’t channelled in the right way 

    Yeah he got what he deserved. Just I wonder if that was Man United would that red card have been waved about so freely? 

    I agree. He's a thug. But I quite like a thug striker. I liked Andy Carroll. As defenders have become more equipped for agile strikers I think it's funny when they all get bowled over by a big wrecking ball. 

    Thinking back, I loved Kuqi when we had him on loan. I loved Howard. 

    Don't even like hoofball but I think it's such a good option to be able to mix it up and have someone like those type that are going to give you a hold in the game 

    Shame they're rare. And Mitrovic is obviously decent player too

  5. 19 minutes ago, Ewe Ram said:

    Mitrovic is a thug. If he was in your team, how could you ever excuse that? 

    I love Mitrovic. 

    Genuinely love his aggression. He overstepped the mark I suppose. 

  6. I'm fond of Fury because I recognise flaws of my own in him. So I forgive some of his contradictions because it is possible to feel completely different day to day. 

    But sometimes he's just a massive tool and you, me and everyone else can't expect the world to make allowances for you. Sometimes there's no excuse and you need to be told you're a dick. 

    I can't stand Warren and Arum anyway. I know Hearn is slippery but he puts on good shows. Arum too puts on a good show but the guy is bitter. 

    Warren though. Absolute con artist living off the past fights. Any deal that involves him is always messy. He panders to Fury and between them they probably think they can sell any old crap and Usyk will cave in on every deal. 


  7. 1 hour ago, therealhantsram said:

    Anyone tell me if it's worth watching The Last of Us. Seen mixed reviews, and have never played the game.


    As a fanboy of the games I was disappointed. But that might be because I expected too much. 

    A lot of the stuff that hit me in the game I found missed here. But it seems plenty loved it. 

  8. 6 hours ago, Gritstone Ram said:

    It’s a firm no from me too when they phone me.

    Got to stand our ground, mate 

    If we let them take our pundits and say nothing then what will they come for next. 

  9. Aw, I might have watched if it was Alex Scott. 

    I can't believe anyone gives a toss about who does these pundit segments. Back when I used to watch it, it would be on a Sunday morning and I'd fast forward "he'll be happy with that win" insight. 

  10. 12 minutes ago, BaaLocks said:

    BBC are to talk to Gary Lineker about his tweets. What people say outside the workplace, on their own personal accounts, as long as it is not discriminatory or abusive, is completely their own business - no matter what it is that they say. Particularly if they are completely unrelated to the capacity in which they are employed (e.g. Laura Kuennsberg talking about football). And if you have a problem with media stars using social media then you put it in their contract that they are not allowed to have a personal account. But you don't selectively speak to one person just because what they say irritates people in high places.


    I agree but it's really tricky because Lineker is a massive knobber. 

    I'm not sure why the BBC think, or anyone thinks, that his opinions have any reflection on their views. 

    We know the BBC has a fine moral compass though 

  11. Looks like we might not get bored to death by RB dominance like last season. But omg McLaren are going backwards again. 

    I'm thinking all Ferrari need to do to actually put some pressure on RB is just do the opposite of whatever you think is a good idea.

    At least there's more cars to chip away at the points when Ferrari are busy sabotaging their own chances. So maybe Max will have to work hard

  12. 3 hours ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    I've been following the testing and have to say, it's not looking great lads ? Said during testing last year that the Red Bull looked like it was driving on rails and if anything, it looks even easier to drive this year. Adrian Newey is a bona fide cheat code when it comes to designing race cars. Almost everything he touches turns to gold and while Merc could compete in the hybrid era, when their straight line speed outweighed any handling deficiencies, we now appear to be in another era of RB domination.

    There's no doubt that Merc have a better car this year. Sadly, so do Red Bull and if anything, my guess is that the Man baby will have an even easier time of it than last year. Ferrari seem to have a quick car again, but they'll find a way to sabotage their own campaign, just as they always seem to these days. Hope I'm wrong, but the early signs are more than mildly ominous.

    Dude! I'm excited here! I just binged watch Horner To Survive in anticipation. 

    I don't want to imagine it is gonna be another season of his smug face 

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