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Posts posted by Alph

  1. 11 minutes ago, AndyinLiverpool said:

    Sorry, I didn't mean you.


    10 minutes ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    It has triggered incels and the right-wing communities. Ben Shapiro made a 43-minute video slamming it.

    Don't think OP was suggesting you're part of that.

    Sorry I didn't know this was a thing. I genuinely thought, like Rample, the movie followed a bit of trend that other major franchise's have faced backlash for. I didn't know that Barbie had caused a stir. I didn't take it THAT serious. I had to Google Ben Shapiro. 

  2. 2 hours ago, AndyinLiverpool said:

    I thought it was really funny. Laughed all the way through.

    And the fact that it's triggered incels is an added bonus.

    Haha, I'm not "triggered". I just thought it was pants. 

    Incels. Triggered  🤣

    Where'd you get that from? Twitter or gaming discord servers? 

  3. 56 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:


    So what we have here is a guy who has dubbed himself 'Alpha' on a forum complaining about how men are portrayed in a Barbie movie...

    What's right with this picture? 🤣😋



    Haha, the name wasn't chosen. It was a random name generator and it was AlphaSigma 

    And not just Barbie, which I wanted to see btw 🤣, just movies in general 

  4. 1 hour ago, AndyinLiverpool said:

    Race is in no way a part of Barbie. 

    No, not race. But gender. Men are stupid reminders littered across the whole movie just like pretty much everything in the last few years. I thought Barbie looked quite fun and witty from the trailers. But it wasn't. 

    Tarantino rightly described it as the worst period for Hollywood since the 1950's. Include Netflix etc in that.

    Star Wars, Disney, Rings Of Power, Wheel Of Time, The Witcher, The Last Of Us... I could go on forever. 

    It's been good seeing some of the most successful writers and directors question why there are so good stories being told and just CGI action sequences and old stories being badly rewritten to carry an agenda. 

    Like i said, Barbie looked like family fun. As @Ramplesaid, it just seemed to be actually trying to make some sort of point. But it's Barbie ffs

  5. For years fans and critics alike have pushed twitter to dream bigger, to innovate faster. 

    I would like to ask 'twitter fans' if this is true. And as a critic I don't think I've pushed twitter to do anything. Just wish it fecked off into oblivion as it's the most toxic of "socials" 

    Do fans buy merchandise?

  6. Generous score for Barbie which has followed right into the trend of all other recent failing shows and tedious movies.

    Just another movie intent on delivering a message instead of telling it's own story. I thought I would be quite funny take on society in a cynical Black Mirror way. 

    I didn't realise it would be more of the same "white man bad stupid" appeasement trend. 

    Desperate to see Oppenheimer. Just the Mrs don't fancy it

  7. 29 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    Apparently Hamilton had to spend a lot of the race managing engine temp and cooling. He'll be disappointed to not be on the podium for sure.

    I'm baffled Perez got driver of the day,he did fine but there were more impressive drives for my money, both Lando and Georgie boy did more, particularly Lando who had to eak his tyres out to the end to secure P2.

    The return of the honey badger was good, hard to say how it would've been without getting a turn 1 love tap, but enough in it to suggest he's woken up from his McLaren nightmare. I'm not going to pencil him into next year's red bull just yet, but clearly there's hope for the Danny fans.

    I'm starting to wonder if netflix are just paying Ferrari to do these things at this point (then I remember they're Ferrari,and todt/brawn/Schumacher apart, they've always been like this)

    Yeah I thought Perez getting driver of the day was a joke. 9th to 3rd in the same car that Max won by 30 seconds. It's just pretty much as expected. Some of the overtakes were nice but Lando or Russell as you say. 

    You were right saying Aston Martin would drop away. Stroll really struggling now. I thought he might get a podium this season. Not looking good

    Can't wait for Spa. Sprint weekend too so big haul for McLaren? Maybe half the gap to Ferrari? 

  8. I knew Zhou would do that. I called it to my Mrs. I said he'll be out or off or something by turn 1. 

    Alpine getting the afternoon off but doing nothing wrong. I expect Ocon to get a penalty for leaving the earth's surface. 

    How did Hamilton lose so much time? It killed his podium but I don't understand how he lost it? Sure McLaren had strong pits and were going well but he lost 9 seconds and rising! 1 more lap though and Perez might have been sweating. 

  9. 10 minutes ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

    It worked. But that was then. When we go back - as we did with Andre Wisdom - it mainly doesn't work.

    In fact I can't think of a time it DID work.

    Wisdom, shackell, even Kev the King Mark II wasn't a patch on the first time.....


    That was humiliating 

  10. Just now, Van der MoodHoover said:

    Those little reverse passes and triangles created made us a great watch.

    It's not going to be the same if he tucks one round the corner for Max who's stood on the halfway line ...

    Yeah I voted no but back then he was the focal point of the team. And TEAM was what it was. Everyone bringing out the best in others. Martin benefitted greatly from Bryson's overlaps and the pace from the wingers and fullbacks. Meant going tight on Martin wasn't a simple solution to stopping Derby. 

    Bryson had his best time by far. And that was something he couldn't have done without Martin. As proven by him never looking that good before or since 

  11. 10 hours ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    Got a link? Sure it's good for a chuckle as Max's hissy-strops are typically pretty hilarious. 

    I can't find the one from Verstappen's perspective. He hits the steering wheel or something. 

    But like i said, these guys are serious eSports racers and there's no "just a game" when they get to this level. Theirs money in it as well as chances to get in real GT cars


  12. Ok, so it's not real but Verstappen has shown his mentality in eSports again. This is the second time in a short space and rumours were he could be facing a suspension again. 

    He basically got nudged at the end of a straight and that sent him into his teammate who spun. 

    So Verstappen catches up to the guy and rams him straight off into the barrier. 

    Yeah, it's just a video game. But to Verstappen and the guys who compete they take it very very seriously. And Verstappen actually does crack under pressure here where there's guys as fast as him. 

    Just thought it was interesting that it's easy to think he's grown up while he cruises around in F1. But in eSports where he has been seriously pushing he has his meltdowns. He's spend 50 hours per week racing eSports. Like I said, it's not just a game to these guys. Some are real racers. Some become racers. 

    Possibly means nothing. Probably means he's not grown up at all. 

  13. Having them join while at war would be bizarre. How do NATO allies react to a member under attack? Surely by conducting their own special operations? If that happens then Russia are totally cornered and we're at WW3. 

    This war was always going to go 2 ways. With a big boom on Ukraine that Russia would justify as "America did it first". Or East Ukraine becomes another corner on Earth that breeds terrorists, mobs, militias etc etc. 

    Eventually news moves on, Russia and Ukraine pour less money into trying to claim territory and the area becomes a PMC playground. 

    Up and down the UK where people would say a rough area is like Beirut they begin to replace Beirut with Bakhmut. Charities spring up showing you what happens to the civilian population there. 

  14. Bit dull for what we were expecting wasn't it? 

    Good result probably masking what was about 47 laps of traffic. 

    Still keeps the season exciting though if McLaren join the fight for who gets to see Max cross the line first. 

    Tensions seem high at Ferrari. 

    Oh, we have to pretend Perez did a great recovery drive when let's be honest it was probably the minimum expected of him. 

    The wait goes on for Lando, sadly. 

  15. 4 hours ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    He's being saved by  just how piss easy this season is for Max. The fact rbr are going to wrap up both titles again without much fuss means as long as he sorts out qualifying he'll stay til the end of the season, but I strongly suspect they'll boot him before next season.


    Who do you think would get the seat if Perez got binned? 

    Surely the ship has sailed for Danny Ric

  16. Joshua v Whyte and Usyk v Dubious in August then. 

    Hearn said Wilder v AJ is locked in. So that means despite AJ being a level ahead of Whyte he's going to lose/break his hand. 

    Fury is going to announce a "not show stopping but game changing event" according to Frank. 

    So Ngannou then. Considering Tommy Fury is fighting FIFA players and Mayweather fights anybody who has a Twitter account it doesn't seem like a game changer to me. 

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