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Dean (hick) Saunders

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Posts posted by Dean (hick) Saunders

  1. 5 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    I remember waghorn being mentioned before in all this. He can't argue it's the same as tevez, waghorn was our player not part owned by some investment company.

    Which if it came to the test I'm pretty sure we could argue waghorn was not the reason we finished above Boro so much as the reason we finished behind 5 other teams.


    It only we had not signed the bugger we would not have need for 100’s of forum pages wringing our hands…

  2. 16 minutes ago, TuffLuff said:

    Snippet from the phone-in last night because no one else seemingly picks up on these bits!

    Radio Derby say they keep asking question but the administrators aren’t talking to media at this moment (and I’m not really sure as to why they would atm), so any news about the club is either being leaked or from ‘the other side’ and therefore there’s an agenda behind it. 

    Much like the statement this morning, it’s a case if staying calm and hope steady movement is being made.

    FWIW I thought Nixon and Percy have been a little out of order these last few days with their postings and articles. They are both good journalists but Nixon’s cryptic answers and Percy’s last couple of articles that only portray one side have not been helpful or with the best journalistic integrity imo.

    I guess they are only getting their “leaks” from one side of the story. Probably don’t have an anti Derby agenda (like Daily Mail used to). They are probably messaging the administrators same as DET and RD are but getting the same result.

    Not that I think it would do any good, but probably the journalists will need to go and camp out on admins offices hoping to stick a notebook/microphone in their face if they decide they MUST have some kind of response.

    We (fans and journalists alike) all need to wait until they want to talk to us I guess.

  3. 16 minutes ago, Asanovic70 said:

    Sympathy to the gentleman & about what happened to his daughter/what she had to endure.

    On the subject on Boro & Gibson, Reading finished 7th last season & so avoided any of the controversy we are currently embroiled in, Bournemouth finishing 6th. However, it was the 3rd placed side who won promotion, in our case it was the 5th placed side, Villa. It'd be interesting to find out statistically how often the 6th placed side won promotion via the PO.

    Browsing wikepedia, which lists the play-offs from West Ham winning in 2005, the eventual winners placing was:




    6th/2x, 2005 & 2010/Blackpool

    Similarly with the runners-ups

    3rd/5x (making 13x finalists)

    4th/6x (making 9x finalists)

    5th/4x (making 8x finalists)

    6th/2x (making 4x finalists)

    So practically half of the sides who finished 3rd since 2005 have gone on to win promotion, including ourselves. If Mr Gibson thinks that we denied his Boro side promotion, he is being facetious, as they would have had to win through three games to achieve this, & face the side in the final who beat his team comprehensively 3-0 home & away, their worse defeats of the season. Factor in, no side since 2010 finishing 6th has gone on to win the play-offs & only two have reached the final since, one of them Lampard's team in 2019, the one under question. That's 13% in 17 play-offs. 13x the side finishing 3rd has go on to participate at Wembley in 17 seasons.

    I wish we would employ lawyers who would argue our case more firmly/forcefully. 


    Agree. If Gibson had purely gone for gate receipts & tv money of playoff semi final then it would be more credulous.

  4. 9 minutes ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

    Why do they bother persisting with their disastrous expectations management? 

    The continuous stream of confident but wrong predictions are just turning into relentless drivel.... ?

    Just shurrup and get it done, then tell us.... 

    guess mods could ⏸ this thread until then and we could just chat on the coronavirus handbags thread.?

  5. 1 hour ago, Archied said:

    Yes and long vaccine reaction is just pie in the sky to be dismissed but long covid ,oh no we just don’t know what it does with any and every I’ll being associated to it at any point ,, survive the vaccine three days and it’s job done all good  ,have a blood clot 12 months after covid it’s long covid ??‍♂️

    If I die of an exploded baalock in 20 years time I’ll be furious.??

  6. 9 minutes ago, StarterForTen said:

    If a club is liquidated then the player registrations revert to the League, so there will likely be no asset value for most creditors - other than the football creditors.

    If the Administrators believe a liquidation is the only route they might consider a January firesale of all players to raise as much as possible before pulling the plug - but that won't raise anything like £15m I suspect.

    Best outcome for ALL stakeholders is a sale as a going concern. But we all know that.

    EFL despite their dislike of us currently would also have to explain why they allowed a founder member to be liquidated.

    The club could run at a profit in L1 with 15000 filled stadium so I can see no sense in liquidation as a worse case scenario.

  7. Derby.


    Born in Coventry, my dad is from Kent but just supported which ever team was near where he was, mainly he liked cricket. I first started going as I got free tickets to BBG by selling Derby Evening Telegraphs at the ground fundraising for the scouts. (Probably about 87/88)

    A couple if seasons later I got a season ticket and convinced my dad to go and we went every season from that until he died about 8y ago.

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