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Dean (hick) Saunders

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Posts posted by Dean (hick) Saunders

  1. 1 minute ago, The Key Club King said:

    Assuming we are in League One next year, I would make it a racing certainty that we will not get out in the first year. Players like Bird and Knight will be sold as they have value and frankly we would be holding them back through no fault of their own. Many others are out of contract and will leave for nothing or be sold in January for a tiny fee. We have many youngsters of a decent standard but statistically few of these are likely to be League One standard. That's not a criticism, but more often than not youngsters who look good in the academy and are on the verge of the first team rarely stay at Championship level. 

    Notwithstanding these issues, even if we had the same squad as either last season or this season, I would not fancy us to get out of League One. We have been one of the poorest performing teams in the country since soon after the pandemic and I would imagine we are one of the most toothless going forward. 

    If we can keep Jags & Davies (and there legs have another year left in them) then we should be reasonably tight at the back and then should mean a couple of goals per game should see us winning frequently.

    Agree that it won’t be easy to find the two goals, but hopefully we will be a reasonably attractive proposition for quality prem loans..

  2. On 02/12/2021 at 19:13, Leeds Ram said:

    when was the last time a team survived a 19 point deficit in december to stay up? Even without the 21 points deduction we'd be looking over our shoulders at the trap door as it is rather than looking at the playoffs. The fact is we need to pick up 43 points from 26 games and over the course of a season that equates to 74 points. Does anyone look at our team and think it's capable of that? Being honest even without the points deductions I think we'd be struggling to keep our heads above water. The deductions just guarantee we're dead and buried this year. Nothing from our past form to our XG indicates we're going to do it or really even come close no matter how much we try to find a rationale for hope.  

    I agree. I think the extra 9 probably won’t make any difference in the end.

  3. 24 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

    I don’t think that will be allowed.

     But New owners are not liable to Hmrc anyway if they don’t buy the club. So if they offer 25% to Hmrc that’s better than nothing.

    I don’t think starting a Phoenix club could be prevented. It would have no bearing/relation to current club at al other than it would play football in Derby. Buying PP should also be nothing to do with current DCFC either.


  4. 50 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

    I do not think that even if liquidation were to happen, it would be that close. Bolton ran into financial problems in 2015 and that rumbled on for years before they were rescued. 

    HMRC will not try and liquidate the club.. they may try and hold  out for  a full payout even if that means paying on the never never. In reality, that could put off all potential buyers, so what happens then?   

    We have enough funds to see us to end of season. So even if the sale is not completed before then I don't think we will be liquidated before then.  

    SO even in that scenario  there is then still time for something else to turn up , a mystery benefactor, or for HMRC to bite the bullet that £7m million or whatever is better than nothing.

    I don’t think we will be liquidated either to be honest. More saying that I don’t think the admins will dick around if everything stalls. There will be enough funds to get their fee, so I think they will look to start wind up proceedings.

  5. 5 minutes ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

    The signs aren't looking particularly good are they?

    My guess is HMRC have said NO to Any sort of deal.

    The term "bidders" is now "interested parties" and the timescale for announcing preffered bidder has been put back, surely because there aren't actually any bidders to choose from at this stage.



    Well the administrators won’t mess around, that’s for sure. If there is no where to go they will just wind us up.

    It won’t be a long drawn out death..

  6. I guess when we have got to the preferred bidder status with a “Max we will/can pay” figure in mind it turns into a fairly binary choice for the main creditors.

    It is quite possible that the same bidder would also fund the relaunch the phoenix club also having paid creditors jack ?. So this could be a factor in the brinkmanship also in an “Ok then liquidate it then I’m  not paying any more… see ya…I’ll play the long game then”


  7. Is it just me who partly got a bit bored with Champ and would find a season in L1 a bit exciting?

    Would not want to be stuck there like Sunderland but if the “script” of good fighting season in L1 ending in promotion at first attempt was guaranteed followed by fighting for top 6 (in Champ) the season after I would be more excited than a season of slow recovery in champ next year followed by top 6 the following (same end point as L1 pathway).

  8. 4 minutes ago, ram59 said:

    The agreement with the EFL allows us to increase the squad by 2 players, but at the moment those 2 spots are temporarily taken by Jags and Baldock to cover injuries. Releasing Marshall will free up 1 place, which will give us 3 players to be signed, number 1 on the list will be to retain Jags, Baldock is too injury prone to take a risk on, so we need to add a couple of players to our striking option, whether these are promoted from within or new free agents, I don't know. It would be unfair to Cashin, but I think that the 2 places must be given to strikers.

    I’d sell Jozwicack if anyone would pay $€ for him and try and get a cheaper (free) option that would contribute more. Failing that give his place to someone from within.

  9. 50 minutes ago, ram59 said:

    Loose change, as he's not 17 yet and hasn't signed a professional contract, ala Delap to Man City and Gordon to Liverpool.?

    Wasn’t Gordon £1m ish? At a time when fighting off liquidation, then cash today could be more important than possible cash in 4 or 5 years.

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