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Dean (hick) Saunders

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Posts posted by Dean (hick) Saunders

  1. Best Poster

    Ghost of Clough


    Best New Poster

    Need a list of qualifiers..


    Funniest Poster

    Mr Pop (OITB)


    Best Thread

    Moodhoovers Miekle Moments (great name)


    Worst Thread

    Anything more than 10 pages that has descended into rock throwing.. (although strangely addictive viewing when the rock throwing is at its most intense)


    Funniest Post/Pun

    My joke about Santa falling of the roof in the coronavirus thread (Still waiting for Gstars laughing imoji).


    Happy Clapper of the Year.



    Wrist Slasher of the Year.


  2. 25 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    And why wouldn't it be?

    Is there anything out there to suggest that the NHS is going to b3 overhelmed again?

    From what I can see, there are roughly 7400 people in hospital with Covid.

    If previous data is anything to go on, around 25% of them will be in hospital for something else, so 1850.

    That means 5600 admitted to hospital with Covid.

    If the NHS cannot cope with that then we really are in trouble.

    Yes. But what about my Santa joke. I want a laugh imoji..

  3. 1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

    I'm double jabbed and would be extremely uncomfortable with that suggestion personally.

    I'm responsible for my own health and my own actions.

    I wouldn't want anyone's lives to be impeded to keep me safe from a virus that I am highly unlikely to have any serious illness from.

    Tend do agree with you, but I do want the NHS to be there for me if I fall off the roof in my Santa Outfit ?

  4. Should makes things easier if only one contender.

    1) He gives administrators price he is prepared to pay (take or leave). Hopefully realistic. Admins suggest he is serious proposition already.

    2) This turns into a creditor proposal of some form.

    3.1) Creditors agree . END… or

    3.2) MM agrees to makes up difference. END… or 

    3.3) Liquidoodle. Creditors have much less than 3.1 or 3.2 and MM cannot show his face in the city again.

  5. 4 hours ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

    I've got a 19 yo lad on the market. 

    Sullen, repellent personal habits, limited ambition and prospects. 

    But reasonably easy going and not a crashing bore. 

    Any use to you? 


    Sounds like an possible improvement. If he can clean cars, I’m tempted to suggest to her I’ve found an upgrade..

  6. 2 hours ago, RAM1966 said:

    Its not a strange message at all, if HMRC do a deal and write off any debt at all they will be setti g a precedence that every other business in the country will want to persue.  

    The only kind of deal we may get as a long extended period of time to pay the debt off.  

    I think the only way out of this mess is for Morris to gift the stadium as part of the deal, that way the club assets might just about outweigh the debts.

    I still cant understand why we didnt apeal the -12....  that would have been done and dusted now....  Had we of won we would of had a reasonable chance of staying up and the clubs value would if been more.  rolling over in the manner we have is quite remarkable....

    Firms go into admin all the time unfortunately. I don’t think setting a precedent is the biggest reason for the outcome.

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