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Dean (hick) Saunders

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Posts posted by Dean (hick) Saunders

  1. Have Wycombe actually sued us? I just thought they put a “bill” in for £6m in attempt to become creditor.

    Assume the suing bit needs some formal application to court of some kind.

    Their 6M invoice has cost them nothing so far but they will be feeling real costs if it goes legal and presumably would only do this if legal advice says it has a good chance.

  2. 13 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    I think with 9 points we would have been a bit more conservative as the target would have been much more within reach.

    22 points has literally prompted shackles off and go for broke.

    I dont think we would have lost to QPR other than for the situation.

    I don’t think our approach (tic taks etc) looks like go for broke particularly, generally we have been prioritising defence still which makes sense as we are low in goal scoring capabilities.

    What I think is different (due to the deduction) is the pressure off + we will fight and show them effect which I think is similar for whatever points deduction is of the scale we have.

    It could have gone the other way with a different group of players/coaches along the lines of Forkkit Ill go through the motions until I’m out of it. We are all enjoying the fact that it did not go this way..

    Anyhow COYR ??

  3. I am more in the take each game as it comes camp, don’t really follow the history and forward projection. My thinking.

    1) Beat Reading (as its next)

    2) Beat Forest and Middlesbrough twits.

    3) Pass Barnsley.

    4) Get within 6 points of 4th bottom. At which point how many games left?

    5) Get within 3 points. (If we manage this, for once we will not need to worry about goal difference, just points match).

    6) Harum Scareum last couple of games.

    7) Either incredible success or fall short. Hopefully we will all be proud of the lads either way..


  4. 39 minutes ago, Leicester Ram said:

    Having football on Boxing Day and New Years Day is important, often a time of year that people can get to the games and it should be preserved. Football’s about the fans and they come first…

    But we should have a break after.

    Don’t ever really hear any convincing arguments against a mid-season break that aren’t “it’s tradition” and “stop moaning, you’ve got a big squad”

    You can argue it makes fixture congestion worse after the break, to which I would say get rid of Man City’s League Cup and stretch out the FA Cup over the course of the season.

    League Cup is a waste of time, it’s been won by City the past fours years in a row with them playing in six of the last eight finals. Even now City are out, the Semi-Finals this year feature Spurs, Liverpool, Chelsea and Arsenal. 

    Half those clubs don’t even want to be playing in those games!

    As far as the rest of football goes, most people skip the fixtures and say it’s a good thing when their team gets knocked out.

    Also, how many times have we seen a Derby team have a January/February slump! We’d have been promoted ducking years ago if we’d had a break.

    Have a break after the New Years Day set of games and make it so the big clubs can’t tour during that period. Trial it until the 2026 World Cup, if it’s not working then change it back.

    Could have an u23’s comp in the big stadia with cheap tickets at same time so still could see footy.

  5. We’ll see one day. What was/is he right/wrong side of things:

    What was thought of as being right in Feb 2020 almost certainly was not and similar at various points throughout the pandemic.

    At the end of the day what is/was right will depend on the individuals perspective.

    Perspective of one person that lost their job/house but was in low risk age catagory (would have preferred no lock downs) will be different to those who lost 3 family members to COVID (would prefer harsher lockdowns and mandatory vaccination).

    Both will think their respective positions are right. Are they both right? 

  6. 1 hour ago, Archied said:

    A simple nothing as far as I know would have done or are we not interested in WHATS SAID ,,, isn’t boris telling us to get boosted now , 2 min Google of boris track record of lies and rooster ups ,

    always more interested in what’s being said??‍♂️

    You have to use your brain though.

    Some of what Boris says is 100% good advice. So if you idealogically ignore absolutely everything he says just because 50% is baalocks then you would be screwing up in your decision making.

    As you say. You have to listen to what is said.

  7. 3 hours ago, Archied said:

    why are so few people able to look at both sides and find workable compromise and understanding/ empathy 

    That. ?Is modern society summed up in a nutshell. Just highlighted here in COVID context, but another day, BREXIT and another CANCELLING history because it offends current fashions.

  8. 1 minute ago, Old Spalding Ram said:

    Moral Maze time.
    My lad asked me this yesterday after the Boxing Day bubble n’ squeak fry up lunch.

    who would you rather sit next to today?

    a) someone not fully vaccinated but has tested negative within the last 48 hours.

    b) someone(me) who has a COVID pass letter dated July 2021

    c) sit on your own in the North Stand

    As long as I don’t have to French Kiss them a) or b) will be fine. We have to live our lives with this ? around.

    Caveat. If Claudia Schiffer is sitting next to me then the French Kissing would be fine also.

  9. Actually a false Boxing Day memory. In my head this was Boxing Day as it was occasion where my uncle (Chelsea fan Londoner) came up and we went which I thought would have been Christmas, instead it was about 10 days before.

    Anyway remember the game well as cracking roller coaster with wrong result. Enjoy..

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