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  1. Haha
    Oldben reacted to Anag Ram in The Administration Thread   
    Seems that way. Good for them. I always did like the EFL.
  2. Like
    Oldben reacted to Steve How Hard? in The Administration Thread   
    Pushing us nearer to the brink but yet again dressing it up as doing all they can to help us secure a future. They have done absolutely nothing to help us what so ever and are more than culpable for the position we are in.
  3. Like
    Oldben reacted to angieram in The Administration Thread   
    So everybody saying that the EFL couldn't interfere in the sale of the club were basically wrong?
  4. Clap
    Oldben reacted to YoxallRam in Quantuma - gov.uk official complaint option   
    As per the Quantuma website, you’re allowed to officially complain about an insolvency practitioner via the gov.uk website.
  5. Clap
    Oldben reacted to Gaspode in The Administration Thread   
    Not strictly true - ideally they want a deal that matches as that makes their job simple and allows them to conclude the deal quickly (which would reduce the complaints about the way they’ve handled things) - ultimately if CK can’t do the deal he’s agreed then Q have to negotiate with the interested parties and decide what is best for the creditors even if it’s significantly less than CK was offering and doesn’t meet the EFL minimum payment to avoid a points deduction.
    I’ve said on here before that I think CK was paying over the odds given the level of value that is currently left in the club, so the remaining parties may well be reluctant to meet the currently agreed price…..
  6. Like
    Oldben got a reaction from Carnero in The Administration Thread   
  7. Like
    Oldben got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in The Administration Thread   
  8. Clap
    Oldben reacted to Yani P in The Administration Thread   
    Thing is if the funds have cleared and it's done then it wasn't really a Rollercoaster day..it was just a day where there were certain reporters pushing for a sensational story that was never there.
    This fast food media can be a total nightmare at times and has whipped elements of the fan base into a feeding frenzy..
    Hopefully we will know soon enough.
  9. Clap
    Oldben reacted to Woodypecker in The Administration Thread   
    Ed Dawes gave a summary on Radio 5 Live at half-time in the Dutch - Welsh game - and concluded by saying that he has now been advised that it's thought that CK's funds have cleared.
    That was stated by Ed 5 minutes ago live on 5 Live
    Better news, if true!
  10. Cheers
    Oldben got a reaction from Ken Tram in The Administration Thread   
    Hm ... that's new!
    So are we going with ck or are we begging ma to take us over.
  11. Clap
    Oldben got a reaction from cstand in Phil Bardsley   
    Surviving The Drop Tactics
    Spend Big?
    The riskiest strategy is to keep spending at a division higher level. Many minor league teams overspend to get a shot at the big level. To avoid spending a season in the second division, these teams typically lose their great players who do not want to go down with the ship.
    Bringing in proven talent and expertise has significant benefits. These are usually excellent players who can be sold when things don't go as planned. They can also mentor your junior squad members. Their reliability makes them the backbone of your team.
    However, their salary and transfer fees might be high. There's also no assurance a transfer will go as planned, so when every dollar counts, they are risky bets. These people may be a costly to Derby if the club fails to reclaim the championship tier.
    However its true that those teams that have spent the most are mostly in the playoffs or looking at automatic promotion.
    Spend Smart?
    Losing a division generally means wage cuts, so finding cheap replacements is crucial. It's important to be able to quickly and economically replace players. You should aim for certain players.
    1. Emerging youngsters;
    2. The out-of-contract established players;
    3. Rejects from a top club.
    Even successful transfers may fail for unexplained reasons, but strong scouting can reduce chances of that happening.
    Next free agents, a manager knows that one man's garbage is another's treasure. The listings of retired players may include some hidden gems, although old legs don’t go so far especially in the physical league one.
    Next Loan players, a disadvantage of a loan is that some players are too young to make an immediate impression. However, some can compete and even flourish at lesser levels.
    Bargain older players have drawbacks. An old player with season or two is all you'll sign on a bargain. Injured or physically declining players will be the most common ones you sign. Your scouts matter. Without a network, there will be no transactions.
    Focus On The Academy?
    Benefits Of …
    1.      It’s cheap
    2.      The fans usually love it
    3.      It’s long term planning
    1.      The academy is largely barren, many of our best talents been sold already or are likely to leave in the summer.
    2.      Youngsters often fail and are inconsistent
    3.      It’s long term planning, and its unhealthy for Derby to spend a long time in league one as there’s little financial return in league one
  12. Haha
    Oldben got a reaction from Comrade 86 in James Collins - Signed for 2 years   
    At 31, is he a bit young for a member of the coaching team.
    Is he playing as an attacking midfielder.
    Sure cardiff fans are glad to see the back of a player, who will not score at least 10 goals in a season.
    The Cardiff fans seem to think he's fairly slow for an attacker.
    "That is not to say Collins has not had his opportunities, mind you. In fact, he has had 16 shots on goal, 12 of which have been inside the penalty area."
    "whether the striker being unable to find the net is one of the many causes behind the Bluebirds' slump"
  13. Like
    Oldben got a reaction from Carnero in The Administration Thread   
    Mike Ashley offered to partner with ck, to buy the club and ck declined.
    If ck were purely money motivated, he could have accepted that offer and allowed ma to be the financial backer.
    However, he's obviously got plans for dcfc, that involve him being the complete owner of the club.
    On the argument of football knowledge, if its true that he's using Gary cook as his strategic advisor on football club matters, I don't see an issue.
    Cook has a more than decent knowledge of football.
    Even if cook's not involved, he's still got rooney. Rooney in my opinion is a very clever man when it comes to football.
    So I'm sure things will be fine, in terms of football club management and strategy.
    That doesn't negate my concerns about which players are acquired to rebuild the team or trying to do everything on a low budget.
    Rooneys on record as saying that we need to sign a lot of players this summer.
  14. Like
    Oldben got a reaction from archram in The Administration Thread   
    Mike Ashley offered to partner with ck, to buy the club and ck declined.
    If ck were purely money motivated, he could have accepted that offer and allowed ma to be the financial backer.
    However, he's obviously got plans for dcfc, that involve him being the complete owner of the club.
    On the argument of football knowledge, if its true that he's using Gary cook as his strategic advisor on football club matters, I don't see an issue.
    Cook has a more than decent knowledge of football.
    Even if cook's not involved, he's still got rooney. Rooney in my opinion is a very clever man when it comes to football.
    So I'm sure things will be fine, in terms of football club management and strategy.
    That doesn't negate my concerns about which players are acquired to rebuild the team or trying to do everything on a low budget.
    Rooneys on record as saying that we need to sign a lot of players this summer.
  15. Like
    Oldben got a reaction from David Graham Brown in The Administration Thread   
    Mike Ashley offered to partner with ck, to buy the club and ck declined.
    If ck were purely money motivated, he could have accepted that offer and allowed ma to be the financial backer.
    However, he's obviously got plans for dcfc, that involve him being the complete owner of the club.
    On the argument of football knowledge, if its true that he's using Gary cook as his strategic advisor on football club matters, I don't see an issue.
    Cook has a more than decent knowledge of football.
    Even if cook's not involved, he's still got rooney. Rooney in my opinion is a very clever man when it comes to football.
    So I'm sure things will be fine, in terms of football club management and strategy.
    That doesn't negate my concerns about which players are acquired to rebuild the team or trying to do everything on a low budget.
    Rooneys on record as saying that we need to sign a lot of players this summer.
  16. Like
    Oldben got a reaction from I know nuffin in The Administration Thread   
    Mike Ashley offered to partner with ck, to buy the club and ck declined.
    If ck were purely money motivated, he could have accepted that offer and allowed ma to be the financial backer.
    However, he's obviously got plans for dcfc, that involve him being the complete owner of the club.
    On the argument of football knowledge, if its true that he's using Gary cook as his strategic advisor on football club matters, I don't see an issue.
    Cook has a more than decent knowledge of football.
    Even if cook's not involved, he's still got rooney. Rooney in my opinion is a very clever man when it comes to football.
    So I'm sure things will be fine, in terms of football club management and strategy.
    That doesn't negate my concerns about which players are acquired to rebuild the team or trying to do everything on a low budget.
    Rooneys on record as saying that we need to sign a lot of players this summer.
  17. Like
    Oldben got a reaction from Crewton in The Administration Thread   
    Mike Ashley offered to partner with ck, to buy the club and ck declined.
    If ck were purely money motivated, he could have accepted that offer and allowed ma to be the financial backer.
    However, he's obviously got plans for dcfc, that involve him being the complete owner of the club.
    On the argument of football knowledge, if its true that he's using Gary cook as his strategic advisor on football club matters, I don't see an issue.
    Cook has a more than decent knowledge of football.
    Even if cook's not involved, he's still got rooney. Rooney in my opinion is a very clever man when it comes to football.
    So I'm sure things will be fine, in terms of football club management and strategy.
    That doesn't negate my concerns about which players are acquired to rebuild the team or trying to do everything on a low budget.
    Rooneys on record as saying that we need to sign a lot of players this summer.
  18. Like
    Oldben got a reaction from cstand in The Administration Thread   
    According to football finance expert Kieran Maguire, it costs a promoted club on average of £3 million to get out of the division. That's almost a tenth of what it costs to win promotion from the Championship.
  19. Haha
    Oldben got a reaction from ThePrisoner in The Administration Thread   
    Maguire reckons 3 million per season is the cost to get promoted from league.
    I think with derbys team needing a significant rebuild, I'd place the cost as higher than that.
    However, it seems about right for an average cost to win promotion to League One.
    I accept Maguires knowledge.
  20. Clap
    Oldben reacted to Comrade 86 in The Administration Thread   
    Did the 'shiek' (sic) provide proof of funding to first £60 million and then £100 million. Did the 'shiek' spend a month fully funding the club prior to pulling out? Did the 'shiek' pay the club's payroll in the month prior to doing so? 
    If the answer to all of these questions is 'no', then perhaps the real 'clowns' are those comparing said 'shiek' to CK. And on that note, not doing so does not make those who don't share your concerns 'CK happy-clappers', it simply indicates an aptitude for basic critical thinking that apparently you sadly lack. In any case, should CK pull out on Monday, Mike Ashley is stood by with two bob and a conker to exchange, so there's no real need to fret, is there? 
  21. Haha
    Oldben got a reaction from Ramarena in Lee Buchanan - Gone to Werder Bremen   
    Great news, happy to see him move on for 8 million plus, not a bad fee for a defender.
    Yes, it's possible they'd want to offer less, and I definitely wouldn't sell him for less.
    I'm keen to see a decent return on players, and international clubs should pay more.
    A year from now they valued him at 30 million.
  22. Haha
    Oldben got a reaction from rammieib in Lee Buchanan - Gone to Werder Bremen   
    Great news, happy to see him move on for 8 million plus, not a bad fee for a defender.
    Yes, it's possible they'd want to offer less, and I definitely wouldn't sell him for less.
    I'm keen to see a decent return on players, and international clubs should pay more.
    A year from now they valued him at 30 million.
  23. Like
    Oldben got a reaction from Premier ram in LG 1 appropriate transfer suggestions   
    If knight goes he mustn't be sold cheap, I consider his value at above 8 million.
    I'd like to get 15 to 20 million for him, but would he command that fee as a League One player.
    I don't want to see the efl demanding, either we pay creditors back sooner or pay more to creditors if we sell knight for a decent fee.
  24. Clap
    Oldben reacted to MackworthRamIsGod in The Administration Thread   
    All jokes aside.
    Anyone concerned should just look at CKs tweets.
    Gary Cook is working on the 'squad', CK is happy with progress made on that front and more details to be revealed once takeover is confirmed. His words yesterday, in black and white were "it's done".
    I had my reservations, but I am going to allow myself to get excited.
    I feel we are at the stage of the house buying process where we are awaiting the phone call from solicitors to say the keys are ready to be collected.
  25. Sad
    Oldben got a reaction from jimtastic56 in The Administration Thread   
    I'm excited to see the largest ever debt for a football club reach its conclusion.
    As someone who has been a manager in an auditing firm, I'm glad that a resolution has happened.
    I've no qualms about ck taking over.
    Just happy to see job done, and to get on with the rebuild.
    I see some challenges ahead in League one.
    I accept that with a sizeable debt, it was always unlikely that the process was going to be smooth sailing, but happy that it will behind us in 3 years, once the final payments go to the creditors.
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