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Posts posted by Gee SCREAMER !!

  1. 11 minutes ago, Beetroot said:

    Bold decision but we got 1 point from the last 7 games of last season so it's hardly rocking a steady ship is it?

    Is Lawrence the captain we need? Is Rooney the manager we need? Are these Americans the owners we need? Is Ravel Morrison the midfield maestro we need? Is switching from beer to red wine the solution to my drinking problem that we need?

    All we need is for a couple of those answers to turn out to be a YES and we could have a great season so gwan Wayne gwan Capt. Tom and chin chin everyone x ??


    GAME 1


    GAME 2


    GAME 3


    After Forest at home

  2. 1 minute ago, Anag Ram said:

    Anyone else watch Kevin and Perry Go Large for the umpteenth time this weekend? 

    Still makes me smile. 

    Should be the go to growing up video in schools! 


    Remember a lot of those characters in Amnesia from time past - particularly the bloke wearing a suitcase.  Also remember a bloke who was the dead ringer for Uncle Albert, who basically lived in Pasha. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, Mucker1884 said:

    2 berth, or 2 bedrooms?

    Assuming the latter, and assuming doubles, that's a mere £807.25 per person!


    See!  Who's whinging now, eh?



    You can get 6 in apparently








  4. Was thinking of a trip down to Cornwall in August - till I saw the prices.  At the minute they must be at least 3 x higher than normal. 

    A 2 bed caravan for 7 nights in Newquay can be yours for just £3229.  5 nights in a B&B £945.

  5. 10 years ago, even in there current state , someone would have bought this club in the knowledge that promotion was likely one way or the other in couple of years.  Size of club and higher levels of gate receipts, tv money, sponsorship and good old pull for a better standard of player counted.  Now Bournemouth can hang around in this division for 3 years with a 70 million wage bill for 2 years and not be arsed. West Brom got 78 milion pounds in parachute money for 2 years for example .  Bournemouth will get around 80 mill in 2 years.  Any one looking at Derby will be thinking a 60 mill outlay and a fortune just compete in the top half.  Increased and longer paid parachute money means we are stuffed. There's no incentive to buy any club without parachute payments.

  6. 13 minutes ago, Stuniverse said:

    Derbyshire Telegraph reporting we should be entitled to compensation for Archie Brown but I doubt it will be much.

    Anybody got any idea how much the compensation might be and how it’s calculated? (I think there’s a formula for working it out, but may be wrong).


    I think it's 270,000 euros fixed fee if the move is abroad.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

    The nosebleed experience that you describe is almost exactly like what happened to me - spooky in fact. It was horrible, nose just started bleeding for no reason and took ages to stop. Eventually it did but then an hour later I sneezed and it started again but this time wouldn't stop - I was swallowing loads of blood, made to hang around the A&E ward for hours with a tampon up my nose (yes really!). I had to have the blood vessels in my nose cauterised, and it took me several weeks to get over it

    It was in October 2019, over a year before I had the vaccine. Still...makes you think .It has to be linked right?

    Mine was 2011.  Just started at work for no reason. Within 30 minutes I must have gone through 2 pints . Same A&E and a battery of tests. The shock level is horrific as your brain can compute it if you've been punched or fell etc.  Had a camera down my sinuses to look in my throat about 6 months before and my inclination is they damaged something that went.  Still get the occasional issue now and it's definitely reduced my mental health and increased my anxiety level being out and about.

  8. On 11/06/2021 at 11:15, RadioactiveWaste said:

    You can stop now. This thread has been won by Loch Ness FC as they take their first steps in the now Semi-Pro North Caledonian League.


    Thats a great shirt. Might have been tempted, till I saw this bit

    Please note these are slim fit, "Kappa style" kits so we would advise going a size or two up if you don't like a tight fit.

  9. 7 hours ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

    So according to Alonso, he is trying to make out that he was involved with the American takeover somehow and that they are pressing on without him.

    Funny, I'm sure he said numerous times it was just him and his money buying the club.




  10. Just now, MackworthRamIsGod said:

    Is that true about Norton Disney? We got married not far from there and I always wondered how Norton Disney got its name.

    Every day is a school day.

    It is.  From Norton Disney, onto Ireland for a couple of hundred years, then his great grandfather headed to the states as far as can be known .?


  11. 16 minutes ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

    Genuine question, I've seen one or two people mention the word Disney with regards the takeover, is there a link to Disney and who is buying Derby, or is it just a reference to the last American takeover we had when it was falsley reported we were being purchased by Walt himself?

    Who knows.  His family are from Norton Disney in the East Midlands originally. This is The Derby County show.  Weirder craps happened.

  12. 7 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    You've answered you own question there buddy. It was basically along the lines of, LP drops hands and tries to look like Ali, FM punches him in the face, LP looks startled - duck that hurt, kinda thing - grabs FM for a 40 second cuddle while the ref desperately tries to separate them while saying 'let him go Logan, let him go' a dozen times. LP eventually lets go and gets punched in the face again. Repeat a few dozen times and there you have it, a $40 million 'fight'. The last 6 rounds LP was trying to un away when he wasn't hugging it out and in the background his idiot brother was screaming 'you're winning the 'fight'. It was the most 'surreal sporting event' I've ever seen  ? 

    Sounds like Bruno - Tyson 1996.

  13. On 04/06/2021 at 13:16, David said:

    New shirt, complete with cheap shiny material that will have more ladders than your missus tights after a night out.


    To be fair I've seen a lot worse shirts than most Forest ones over the years but that is proper horrible.  If you walked around in that for an hour in the summer the sweat would be horrendous, almost as horrendous as the sore nipples to go with it. It also looks more blood orange than red.  

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