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Posts posted by Gee SCREAMER !!

  1. Sibleys first 3 or 4 games in a Derby shirt were the best from any academy player since Hughes and Hendrick.  Since then he's been played out wide and tried to hard in the few games he's had as number 10 in the last 15 months.   He seems to get a lot more verbal hammering from Rooney than anyway else.  Sometimes your face just stops fitting.  With a lack of squad depth and pretty toothless attack, being dropped to U23's is a kick in the nads.  He'll probably be off in January for a cut price to a Blackburn or off to Boro as a makeweight in some piss taking payoff.  In 2 years he'll be on the move again for 8-10 million. 


  2. 1 hour ago, Crewton said:

    Good to see them back to their usual selves - shyte despite spending bucketloads of cash on transfers and loanees. 

    If they don't go up this season, the only thing that will save them from a 12 point deduction is if some desperate mug pays them £10m each for Worrall and Johnson. Everyone else they've got is shyte. 

    He's poo.  If footballers were horses, he'd be pulling a plough through a field of poo. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    Game getting really scrappy, Stoke losing any semblance of discipline, keep hounding the ref, Joe Allen given a ticking off for dissent when he probably deserves a yellow for his tantrums/so the ref can regain some authority 

    Could have been off with 2 in minute, tried an awful tackle just after losing his poo.

  4. Just now, ziggyram59 said:

    Wouldn't that be fantastic to see. We can only dream. Sky and  Premier League created a monster in 1992 and it will only get far worse. 

    Catch 22 for them . Want the salaries but not the fixtures. These top end players and managers want 100k a week in wages.  The only way to get that is more games .  Play less games but get 50 % less pay.  They won't be so tired then I imagine .  

  5. 24 minutes ago, sage said:

    I've not been to an away game all season, but really want to go to this one. 

    Buy a ticket, don't buy any food or drink, sing about Gibson, at the end of the game, have a poo and don't flush, dirty protest 

    Drop a pint glass in first to block and catch .  Old ones are the best

  6. 9 minutes ago, Sparkle said:

    First time I saw Plange, he didn’t seem to know what he was supposed to be doing so he has a lot to learn like challenging the centre half’s, knocking them off balance and basically irritating them rather than watching them easily head the ball away - watch videos of Paul Dikov and David Speedie for guidance 

    Where did Duncan go? Is he still here or has he gone the home of bewildered North West former starlets yet- Tranmere Rovers

  7. 9 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    Brainwashed by our media loving trendy footie folk, It's a good job Chopper Harris or John Magrath aren't around today they'd have been sine die after 10mins of soccer sorry football in todays world

    Lovely challenge and as our great CB Davis said...he slipped.


    Davison after 1 minute 10 tackled from behind and a sod of wet BBG turf in the tacklers face in retaliation .  Couple of reds there in todays game - lovely jubbly



  8. 12 hours ago, David said:

    The Bristol City fan coming on saying Lansdown isn't Mel Morris, he's an accountant, the guys losing almost half a million a week and has been for 10 years!

    The same one who openly admits he hasn't a Scooby on his own forum and has rather a differing opinion to that trundled out on here


    Twas always going to be so. And for the avoidance of doubt I’m not so sure I’m as glad as some are to have the Messiah. Oh **** me, here he goes again…..

    He might have deep pockets. He might have a stand named after him. He might be loved by the many.

    But he’s the reason we’re in this ******* mess. He’s the monkey at the top of the tree. He’s the Ultimate Beneficial Owner who carries the can and the one who makes the decisions.

    How can someone who’s clearly so successful elsewhere make such a **** up of our football club.

    But Steve, Mrs Steve and Steve Jnr are ok. They have ultimate control. And a fixed charge over the whole shooting match. And everything else in BS3……

    In Steve we trust?

  9. 2 hours ago, Andrew1 said:

    Came on here to see what the opinion was.

    From a football fan point of view I mean Bristol City no harm, apart from getting 6 points per season off them.  Mr. Ploppy on the other hand deserves to eat every bit of humble pie he may be served.

    For me the EFL need to be consistent and investigate thoroughly and apply appropriate sanctions if required. It is interesting however that it seems  covid can be blamed for large losses but apparently can not be used to explain us going into admin due to the owner being unable or unwilling to keep putting money in due to similar losses.

    This situation again shows the incompetence of the EFL, and the immediate requirement for an independent football regulator.  I wonder if Bristol will now be labelled cheats or face legal action from other clubs with curly hair or American chairman?

    When faced with gloating fans from other clubs, I have always said to them that they need to be careful as the EFL could be after them next.  So we have had us, Reading, and now potentially Bristol.  Is this the start of the dam bursting?

    Stoke have been allowed to write of 30 million due to covid as it stands. 

  10. 3 hours ago, Crewton said:

    That character is probably the most vehement about wanting DCFC to be liquidated and I thought his post was glib and a touch delusional. I've noted that Mr Ploppy, whilst clearly being obsessed with us, has said he doesn't want that, though he has said some pretty offensive things about MM & SP (obviously), DCFC as a club and us as a fanbase. 

    There's a substantial hardcore of them on OTIB who, I think, are using our situation as a personal distraction from yet another season of disappointment for BCFC. It's convenient. 

    He did say that mate, then retracted when it became apparent his venomous disdain had shown his true colours.  

  11. 26 minutes ago, Ramarena said:

    Hmmmmmm, they cost us 3 points in December fielding players they couldn’t afford……or should I say by cheating!!!!!

    Maybe we should sue them, seems in vogue at the moment!

    Am I doing this right? 

    Yes, could be all the difference.  Send in the bailiffs to collect goods to the value of a striker as an interim payment. 

  12. 30 minutes ago, Steve How Hard? said:

    This bombshell ain't gonna change our situation this season. At the speed that the EFL move, it will be another 4 seasons before these clubs are punished. 


    Seems were not the first of their victims, they make friends everywhere.  Don't know who this obsessed fan their referring to might be.

    Glad he has the chance to grill his own clubs accounts with his abacus

  13. 1 minute ago, AndyinLiverpool said:

    Gobshites on a forum are not representative of all fans. My mother always told me not to sink to their level. I sometimes even succeed.

    But this thread doesn't seem especially light-hearted to me. But then I have often thought what some people would call 'banter' is nothing but cheap insult.

    All I can say to that is have a glance through there thread .  Not all of it, 12 months worth will probably cause a form of narcolepsy, where as this one will be running for today only, then we'll be bored.  The difference between this one and theirs in terms of 'nasty' is night and day.

  14. 26 minutes ago, AndyinLiverpool said:

    Loads of praise for our fans yesterday. For their strength and determination.

    Yet a good many seem to have forgotten what it's like to be a supporter of a mismanaged club.


    Strangely, this piss taking never happened with Blackpool, Birmingham, Reading, Wigan, Bolton, Bury, Coventry etc.  Anyone would think this pretty light hearted thread being sent in their direction, might be a bit of reciprocation for 12 months of vitriol and bile coming our way.  A lot but by no means all from one, very sad, ringleader looking to have a day out with a meal at Pride Park in April and hoping were liquidated. 

  15. 43 minutes ago, Cam the Ram said:

    Mr Popodopolous from the Bristol City forum will be livid when he finds out another Championship team have spent beyond their means in an attempt to achieve success.


    I think there chairman converts some debt into shares he gives himself every year to write part of it off.    They must be worth tuppence by now.  Shocked that the bastions of the EFL would carry on with this kind of behaviour but you just can't trust anyone .  I vote for relegation immediately.


  16. 54 minutes ago, Sparkle said:

    So if I am understanding this correctly then someone has offered £1 million pounds more to take hold of the club 

    also the administrators are saying any claims from Middlesbrough and Wycombe are not football creditors but the the EFL are suggesting they are ? 
    it’s no wonder a deal can’t get sorted. 
    the behaviour of Middlesbrough and Wycombe is incredulous and Middlesbrough are placing themselves at the top of my do not like list replacing dirty leeds whilst irrelevant Wycombe need to give themselves a slap. 

    I thought they said it was a civil matter and washed their hands of it.  If they are saying there a football creditor the only way to settle this is in court and take them along for the ride for allowing other clubs to ignore there own cannot sue process

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